how did she live to 93? she got angry so many times at george & frank 😳
George moving out probably helped.
She was actually two days away from her 94th birthday when she passed!
Maybe one day I'll watch
George moving out probably helped.
She was actually two days away from her 94th birthday when she passed!
hopefully she didn’t have too hard a life. she made a lot of people laugh - including me 😎
on another note, I feel kinda guilty never watching the dvd set. this was the only sit com I watch multiple times of each season.
The dvd set has a crazy amount of extras. Maybe what they should do is just put up the extras and charge you to rent them
this b-plot about elaine failing a d*** test for opium is hilarious lol. the delivery from the boss is killing me
"Merlot? I never heard of it. Did they just invent it?"
“she’s an anti-semite!”
“can you blame her?”
They don’t just overcook a hamburger!
kramer and newman put groceries in the hood of jerry’s car because they ran out of space 7 seasons in this might be the most nonsensical thing in the show so far
been waiting forever to see how george’s engagement would end prematurely
she f\*\*\*ing dies??? from licking envelopes??
RIP Liz Sheridan, who played Helen Seinfeld
been waiting forever to see how george’s engagement would end prematurely
she f\*\*\*ing dies??? from licking envelopes??
I remember being so shook the first time I saw this
I remember being so shook the first time I saw this
easily my favorite side character outside steinbrenner and the parents. they did her dirty man i just assumed george would do something s***ty and she’d back out lol