Idk if you're trolling but if a girl really cares about you, she isn't gonna care really :
i‘m not trolling bra i been thru too much
Where are my 6.5/7 on a good day folks
yeah maybe but i‘m never trying again i have some very bad experiences and also she would just be settling at that point
we need feeedback
F*** man...ITS OVER :
yeah my only option left is to stack up some bands, flying to brazil, f***ing every hooker i see until i run out of money and then blasting myself with a shotty
yeah my only option left is to stack up some bands, flying to brazil, f***ing every hooker i see until i run out of money and then blasting myself with a shotty
yeah my only option left is to stack up some bands, flying to brazil, f***ing every hooker i see until i run out of money and then blasting myself with a shotty
man s***is not that important B
yeah my only option left is to stack up some bands, flying to brazil, f***ing every hooker i see until i run out of money and then blasting myself with a shotty
loser alert.
bro one time i wanted to test a girl and i asked "is it in" even tho it was in and she said "i dont know"
loser alert.
nigga you quoted the girl in here and even she said it’s over. f*** off
it is it you’ve never had it
ive never had s***and id rather die a virgin than do what you just described
have some self respect man. its other s*** in life
it is it you’ve never had it
You're setting yourself up for disappointment if you do ever get some. I'm not gonna downplay how it feels but it's not some magical life altering thing
But really doe. No chick can tell the difference between 4.5 to 6.5 inches tbh so if you in that range you good
6 inches is average
Anything over that is considered big unless the girl has a sinkhole for a p****
stop the cap please. 6 inches cock is small
idk it’s between 4-5 last time i measured i had tears in my eyes so i could barely see
i wanna laugh but this is sad tbh
ive never had s***and id rather die a virgin than do what you just described
have some self respect man. its other s*** in life
no way that s*** not on your mind constantly
i‘m black which makes all this 1000x times worse
oh my god
how tall are you?