You're setting yourself up for disappointment if you do ever get some. I'm not gonna downplay how it feels but it's not some magical life altering thing
nah s*** must feel MAJESTIC i see what niggas do for some p****
ive never had s***and id rather die a virgin than do what you just described
have some self respect man. its other s*** in life
didnt you have a whole girlfriend? no way youre a virgin
i wanna laugh but this is sad tbh
do it. i don’t really care anymore at this point. i can’t feel any worse than this
yeah my only option left is to stack up some bands, flying to brazil, f***ing every hooker i see until i run out of money and then blasting myself with a shotty
nah s*** must feel MAJESTIC i see what niggas do for some p****
Buy a Fleshlight or something
i‘m not trolling bra i been thru too much
are you fat? this is a serious question. You could be hiding some inches under your stomach
oh my god
how tall are you?
i‘m a 6“ pretty nigga which is the worst part about it. i‘ve had plenty of p**** thrown at me but i‘m never unzipping these pants again
9.28 gang checking in
i‘m a 6“ pretty nigga which is the worst part about it. i‘ve had plenty of p**** thrown at me but i‘m never unzipping these pants again
dude honestly man, just whip it out bro. Get ur nut
i‘m a 6“ pretty nigga which is the worst part about it. i‘ve had plenty of p**** thrown at me but i‘m never unzipping these pants again
do they think you're rejecting because you're too good looking for them?
i‘m a 6“ pretty nigga which is the worst part about it. i‘ve had plenty of p**** thrown at me but i‘m never unzipping these pants again
Ok this
@gold_experience ‘s alt.
Most men and women wildly overestimate d*** size and measure the wrong way (gotta bonepress into the pubic bone and do it from the top of the shaft, not the side)
Go and calculate your cock percentile here using peer-reviewed datasets:
Stuff like 10 inches doesn't exist
5 inches is the Eastern average
5.5 is about the Western average
6 is big but still common enough
6.5 is already somewhat uncommon
7 is already rare, less than 0.1%
8 is extremely rare, barely exists even among p***stars
It's a Gaussian distribution around 5.5 inches meaning vast majority of men hover around that size, either a bit lower or bit higher. Very big p****ses are as rare as very small p****ses. Also a correlation to height doesn't seem to really exist.
Herbenick et al.: Erect penile length and circumference dimensions of 1,661 sexually active men in the United States, in: Journal of Sexual Medicine, January 2014. URL: (last accessed: 2022.06.15)
Johnson, Alan B.; Gebhard, Paul H.: The Kinsey Data. Marginal Tabulations of the 1938 - 1963 Interviews Conducted by the Institute for S***Research. URL: (last accessed: 2022.06.15)
Veale et al.: Am I normal? A systematic review and construction of nomograms for flaccid and erect p**** length and circumference in up to 15,521 men, in: British Journal of Urology, January 2015. URL: (last accessed: 2022.06.15)
Ok this
@gold_experience ‘s alt.
thats @Mechanical
bro lying for sure
dude honestly man, just whip it out bro. Get ur nut
i did once and she laughed at me. i never recovered
i did once and she laughed at me. i never recovered
youre trolling now . You def packing smh
ayyyy yoooo
bro lying for sure
i got close to that but thats a monster cock for sure
i got close to that but thats a monster cock for sure
ayyyy yoooo
do they think you're rejecting because you're too good looking for them?
idgaf what they think at this point. i‘ve heard everything from being stuck up, arrogant, gay etc
bro one time i wanted to test a girl and i asked "is it in" even tho it was in and she said "i dont know"
have some shame