@YANDHI @fourtwothree @SOLARIS @Replica @justwantyandhi @worthit @OD @big_tipper @insertcoolnamehere @Spaceyy @luk0as @Ron_James @ialexlopes
out in the e streets
can't wait to listen to this...
reviews been saying its aoty contender though
Yoooo this guy is crazy good wtf
can't wait to listen to this...
reviews been saying its aoty contender though
it is
F***ING. IN.
Right on time. Just finished recording some angry s***, definitely gotta cool down with some beautiful s***.
i had no idea this was coming
he was rolling out with about 3 singles the past 2 months.
honestly you didn't necessarily miss a lot other than the videos and you caught it the hour it dropped so you good lol
my nigga this s*** is beautiful.
Why this got my lonely straight ass feeling like some bearded ass nigga's the love of my life.
nah but like no cap, this s*** is beautiful. Fellowship makes sooooo much sense as a closer in the context of this album.
blessed is the man who gambles
blessed is the man who wears socks is with sandles
This man's writing is dope. Even the lovey s*** is beautiful.
Dawn is....bruh this nigga's vocals is just out of this world. I almost was unsure of how Sailors Superstition was gonna sound when it first came on, but this man just knows how to fit his sound into any type of production. And NAO killed her feature on this album.
I loved soil, and Deacon even tho shorter is gon' probably leave just as long an impression just off the fact it's pretty cool to hear happy serpentwithfeet.
Got Stereogum’s album of the week
still can’t believe he released this song as a loosie
!https://youtu.be/ljhL6gO8CG8yeah this was great. feel like it falls perfectly in between Soil and Deacon sound wise tho so not exactly too mad he decided to let it go once he evolved more to the vibe on this album
lmaoooo just realized someone tried to make a brand new artist thread for this
@Placebo we out here reppin already
Just listened to his latest project last night
Some beautiful songs on that f***er