he a hero to vietnamese people for sitting his ass in a bamboo cage
He had the option to go home but chose not to because his fellow countrymen were still being held captive. Then he got tortutered until he had permanent injuries. But make more jokes
because the United States invaded Vietnam
What does that have to do with mccain? Did he cause the war?
What does that have to do with mccain? Did he cause the war?
he volunteered to fight in the war
the f*** are you even saying
He had the option to go home but chose not to because his fellow countrymen were still being held captive. Then he got tortutered until he had permanent injuries. But make more jokes
I absolutely will be making more jokes about that fat f*** cracker being poked with sharp sticks in the ribs
I absolutely will be making more jokes about that fat f*** cracker being poked with sharp sticks in the ribs
rare Trump W was him denigrating that imperialist ghoul McCain in the eyes of the public
"the world would've been a better place"
for who exactly
You prefer trump winning in 2016? What do you think shoudve happend in 2016?
You prefer trump winning in 2016? What do you think shoudve happend in 2016?
I'm not indulging your political fanfiction fantasy
Obama f***ing won Indiana in 08
Do you know how wild that is? That’s how tired niggas were of republicans at the time
Makes no sense in the context of 2007-08 at all. Whoever came out as the DNC nominee was going to win the presidency. Bush and Cheney were hovering around or in single digit approval, the nation was in severe recession and stuck in 2 wars. McCain wasn't defying those odds
American politics swings back and forth often in 8 year spans. In modern times outside of of Franklin/Truman and Regan/Bush (both had VP's inherit and were at unique times in world history), a single party rarely can win 3 let alone 4 straight elections.
Shut up dumbass
Imagine living in Scotland and caping for John f***ing McCain
I absolutely will be making more jokes about that fat f*** cracker being poked with sharp sticks in the ribs
only on ktt I love this forum