  • Sep 27, 2021

    I don’t want to risking going through 60-70% of my life with f***ed up lungs, constant exhaustion or brain fog

    People say this, then smoke daily

  • math fifty

    I got it so that I can participate in society without masks and s*** but obviously thats not gonna happen

    Part of the reason why i dont care if people get it or not cause aint s*** gonna change regardless. Govt and Pharma are gonna ride this out as long as they can, most of the general public are fine with restrictions and are happy to demonize dissenters as "anti vaxxers" and "Trump supporters"

    You are literally not allowed to criticize anything about this pandemic so im done caring tbh get it or dont doesnt really matter

    few girls I know that got it having weird menstrual issues, some young people getting myocarditis seems like less rare than they said it is, you should prob get it but if you already had covid and young prob better off to skip it. All my friends are in LA and even with the restrictions no one asks for masks or vaccine passports also you can just go to Miami where everything is normal and they actually get mad if you put a mask on. Personally id tell people just chill out work on yourself till this whole s*** blows over, you can make bags online.

  • Sep 27, 2021
    1 reply
    Zach LaBeam

    Let's play out this asinine scenario. If the plan was to get everyone to get the vaccine and become infertile, the people trying to "control" everyone would run out of people to control in one generation. What kind of game would that be?
    And if you're worried about the tracking chip theory (also DUMB asl) I hope you don't use a cell phone.

    if its a conspiracy it could be that the virus starts mutating to be worse and the disobedient that dont want to get vaccinated become the ones they try to take out, but also taking the vaccine can gives some heart issues and might make people already vaccinated less able to fight.. s***s weird who knows whats gonna happen hopefully this s*** is over soon but more than likely it came from a lab and some kind of alterations to the virus were made to make it easier to spread among humans, could have still been accidental release but who knows.

  • Sep 27, 2021
    1 reply

    if its a conspiracy it could be that the virus starts mutating to be worse and the disobedient that dont want to get vaccinated become the ones they try to take out, but also taking the vaccine can gives some heart issues and might make people already vaccinated less able to fight.. s***s weird who knows whats gonna happen hopefully this s*** is over soon but more than likely it came from a lab and some kind of alterations to the virus were made to make it easier to spread among humans, could have still been accidental release but who knows.

    Literally not a single vaccine ever mass released like this has ever been shown to cause negative long term effects

  • I'm 25, got both doses 3 months ago and am as h**** as ever before the vaccine. It's no issue

  • Sep 28, 2021
    1 reply

    Talk to a doctor, not a f***ing message board

  • Tubig

    Man what

  • Sep 28, 2021
    2 replies
    Zach LaBeam

    Literally not a single vaccine ever mass released like this has ever been shown to cause negative long term effects

    yeah but we are seeing short term effects like myocarditis, mentrul and some neurological.. still not saying dont take the vax just has to be discussed.

  • Sep 28, 2021
    · edited

    yeah but we are seeing short term effects like myocarditis, mentrul and some neurological.. still not saying dont take the vax just has to be discussed.

  • Sep 28, 2021

    Vax is nothing, the real issue should be young b****es under 30 shouldn’t be able to get plastic surgery s*** is detrimental to their self image

  • Sep 28, 2021
    1 reply

    yeah but we are seeing short term effects like myocarditis, mentrul and some neurological.. still not saying dont take the vax just has to be discussed.

    As of June 11, 2021, approximately 296 million doses of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines had been administered in the United States, with 52 million administered to persons aged 12–29 years; of these, 30 million were first and 22 million were second doses. Within the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) (4), the national vaccine safety passive monitoring system, 1,226 reports of myocarditis after mRNA vaccination were received during December 29, 2020–June 11, 2021. Among persons with reported myocarditis after mRNA vaccination, the median age was 26 years (range = 12–94 years), with median symptom onset interval of 3 days after vaccination (range = 0–179). Among 1,194 reports for which patient age was known, 687 were among persons aged <30 years and 507 were among persons aged ≄30 years; of 1,212 with s***reported, 923 were male, and 289 were female.§§ Among 1,094 patients with number of vaccine doses received reported, 76% occurred after receipt of dose 2 of mRNA vaccine; cases were reported after both Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines. Informed by early reports, CDC prioritized rapid review of myocarditis in persons aged <30 years reported during May 1–June 11, 2021; the 484 patient records in this subset were evaluated by physicians at CDC, and several reports were also reviewed with Clinical Immunization Safety Assessment Project investigators,¶¶ including cardiologists. At the time of this report, 323 of these 484 cases were determined to meet criteria in CDC’s case definitions for myocarditis, pericarditis, or myopericarditis by provider interview or medical record review (Table 1). The median age of the 323 patients meeting CDC’s case definitions was 19 years (range = 12−29 years); 291 were male, and 32 were female. The median interval from vaccination to symptom onset was 2 days (range = 0−40 days); 92% of patients experienced onset of symptoms within 7 days of vaccination. Of the 323 persons meeting CDC’s case definitions, 309 (96%) were hospitalized. Acute clinical courses were generally mild; among 304 hospitalized patients with known clinical outcomes, 95% had been discharged at time of review, and NONE HAD DIED. (emphasis mine)

  • Sep 28, 2021
    1 reply

    the vaccine is NOT population control.......I mean it's not even needed, that's why cigarettes, s***ty food and alcohol exist

  • Sep 28, 2021
    1 reply

    Getting my booster this weekend because I work in education. Hopefully it's a walk in the park like the first two shots were.

  • Sep 28, 2021
    1 reply

    Getting my booster this weekend because I work in education. Hopefully it's a walk in the park like the first two shots were.

    I thought they weren't recommending the booster for younger people?

  • Sep 28, 2021
    Zach LaBeam

    I thought they weren't recommending the booster for younger people?

    If you are "in a profession that places you at a high risk of contracting covid," the age qualifications do not apply and you can get a booster after 6 months. Essentially, here in California we're back at what we once called phase 2B for the boosters.

  • Sep 28, 2021

    1st three days after getting the vax: omg im dying f*** the govt

    a month later: I feel amazing, even my pull out game stronger, I need that second one asap

    JK but it be like that lol

  • Sep 28, 2021
    1 reply

    the vaccine is NOT population control.......I mean it's not even needed, that's why cigarettes, s***ty food and alcohol exist

    Women got more reason to be worried about weird periods/ miscarriages then men

  • Sep 28, 2021

    Women got more reason to be worried about weird periods/ miscarriages then men

    I put a spell on that bish like harry potter....FETUS DELETUS

  • Sep 28, 2021

    “Population control” OP cooking

    Yeah man don’t get that s*** it’s gonna f*** up your nuts

  • Sep 28, 2021

    You don't have to be afraid OP, you get a free lollipop and Buzz Lightyear band-aid if you don't cry

    Damn they didn't give me s*** except the confirmation that I could workout that same night

  • Sep 28, 2021

    OP if you not drinking a gallon of water a day you got bigger problems

  • Sep 28, 2021


  • Sep 28, 2021
    1 reply
    Zach LaBeam

    As of June 11, 2021, approximately 296 million doses of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines had been administered in the United States, with 52 million administered to persons aged 12–29 years; of these, 30 million were first and 22 million were second doses. Within the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) (4), the national vaccine safety passive monitoring system, 1,226 reports of myocarditis after mRNA vaccination were received during December 29, 2020–June 11, 2021. Among persons with reported myocarditis after mRNA vaccination, the median age was 26 years (range = 12–94 years), with median symptom onset interval of 3 days after vaccination (range = 0–179). Among 1,194 reports for which patient age was known, 687 were among persons aged <30 years and 507 were among persons aged ≄30 years; of 1,212 with s***reported, 923 were male, and 289 were female.§§ Among 1,094 patients with number of vaccine doses received reported, 76% occurred after receipt of dose 2 of mRNA vaccine; cases were reported after both Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines. Informed by early reports, CDC prioritized rapid review of myocarditis in persons aged <30 years reported during May 1–June 11, 2021; the 484 patient records in this subset were evaluated by physicians at CDC, and several reports were also reviewed with Clinical Immunization Safety Assessment Project investigators,¶¶ including cardiologists. At the time of this report, 323 of these 484 cases were determined to meet criteria in CDC’s case definitions for myocarditis, pericarditis, or myopericarditis by provider interview or medical record review (Table 1). The median age of the 323 patients meeting CDC’s case definitions was 19 years (range = 12−29 years); 291 were male, and 32 were female. The median interval from vaccination to symptom onset was 2 days (range = 0−40 days); 92% of patients experienced onset of symptoms within 7 days of vaccination. Of the 323 persons meeting CDC’s case definitions, 309 (96%) were hospitalized. Acute clinical courses were generally mild; among 304 hospitalized patients with known clinical outcomes, 95% had been discharged at time of review, and NONE HAD DIED. (emphasis mine)

    also vaccine side effects are under reported due to how they set up the criteria, we have already seen this. Again not saying odnt get vaccinated but the real numbers are not this and in other countries they are re-considering certain aspects.

  • Sep 28, 2021
    1 reply

    also vaccine side effects are under reported due to how they set up the criteria, we have already seen this. Again not saying odnt get vaccinated but the real numbers are not this and in other countries they are re-considering certain aspects.

    In the latest study, which has yet to be peer reviewed...

    How reliable the data is and whether similar numbers could be seen in the UK if healthy 12 to 15-year-olds are vaccinated are unclear: vaccine reactions are recorded differently in the US and shots are given at longer time intervals in the UK. According to the UK medicines regulator, the rate of myocarditis after Covid vaccination is only six per million shots of Pfizer/BioNTech.

    6 (!!) per Million, no reported deaths

  • Sep 28, 2021

    Talk to a doctor, not a f***ing message board