Is 30 and younger too early age to get the vaccine???
I keep hearing that it will stop you from having children? Sorta like population control kinda like they have done in history… is it too risky to get the shot if you haven’t had children??
Man what
Honestly. op.
Just for you I would say no. Im not always that honest. But you strike me ss a smarter one. So no. Definitely dont take it. Its bad idea.
Honestly. op.
Just for you I would say no. Im not always that honest. But you strike me ss a smarter one. So no. Definitely dont take it. Its bad idea.
I think this dude being sarcastic
"I keep hearing that it will stop you from having children?"
who is telling you this @op lol
Any ladies wanna see if my vaccinated c*m still works LOL
Nah it does
Me and your mom made sure of it
@op You not getting p**** anyway dont worry bout whats in the vaccine
I was forced to for school + I am willing to bet the workforce I’m going into is going to make it a requirement, so I just submit to it that’s a uphill battle you can’t win
You don't have to be afraid OP, you get a free lollipop and Buzz Lightyear band-aid if you don't cry
You don't have to be afraid OP, you get a free lollipop and Buzz Lightyear band-aid if you don't cry
I got free m&ms after my s*** plus the pharmacist was sexy