We usually go for whats familiar to us. Gonna be steps along the way but they will undoubtedly look human
As long as that "Uncanny Valley" aspect is still prominent, robots will never truly look human.
Uncanny valley is pseudoscience, can't really compare a robot which copy humaness abstractly to one's that do it in a more straightorward manner.
the moment robots function like actual living breathing humans is the moment this planet needs to be nuked out the solar system. that AI artist thing already got me spooked tf out
They should have a barcode on their arm.
edit: actually that might be problematic they need something tho
They should look like non threatening robots
So...they should look robotic but not like the Terminator or weird like i-Robot
Great story.
Lowkey wanna replay it cus I kinda f***ed up the ending I wanted
There's no need to make robots like humans unless that's their sole purpose, to look like humans. Robots are all about efficiency, why rely on legs when you can use wheels, why rely on 2 arms when you can have 4, why use a head and eyes when you can use a hidden camera to detect distance and movement, etc etc
in service industry, robots are preferred to have a human-like appearance. it allows users to interact with them better, use them repeatedly to get more services, etc. nobody uses human-like robots for industrial purposes, its mostly about things which involve interaction with humans
am working at a humanoid robot manufacturing company
What if they put a chameleon head on a gorilla body for that strength + full 360 surveillance combo
in service industry, robots are preferred to have a human-like appearance. it allows users to interact with them better, use them repeatedly to get more services, etc. nobody uses human-like robots for industrial purposes, its mostly about things which involve interaction with humans
am working at a humanoid robot manufacturing company
Sounds like a cool job
If they look like Ava from Ex Machina then yes. Imagine big titty lifelike robots being there to service you at all times
Yes but did you watch the end of the film?
U know robo racisms gonna be a thing knowing humanity
That's been a thing since the industrial revolution, the way capitalism operates, it's inevitable.
U know robo racisms gonna be a thing knowing humanity
between the two of us -- it already is
Sounds like a cool job
its aight. nobody really needs them and I dont do any actual manufacturing, just writing
in service industry, robots are preferred to have a human-like appearance. it allows users to interact with them better, use them repeatedly to get more services, etc. nobody uses human-like robots for industrial purposes, its mostly about things which involve interaction with humans
am working at a humanoid robot manufacturing company
That makes sense, when I think about robots I mostly think about industrial robots