Should the US send troops to Haiti? or just let them solve their own problems?
"US troops previously intervened to oust a military regime from Haiti in 1994 in a mission called Operation Uphold Democracy that lasted six months - before the reigns were handed to UN peacekeepers.
And again in 2004 French and US troops also moved in amid further political unrest which led to another coup.
It saw another UN peacekeeping force installed to try and control the worst of the violence - with a general election occurring in 2006."
Haiti is a special case.
The US should not interfere, but France needs to pay up and help in any way that isn't direct militarization.
US should solve their own problems before sending troops anywhere else, completely f***ed the middle east
Last I heard yeah
Bro u dont need a whole army for this old frail man, give me a knife and sone weed and ill take care of it myself
Does haiti have oil or some s***? Dont think they do or the usawould already be there