Where’s the lie? Wolf is a great concept album meanwhile Cole’s albums are a snoozefest
cole could never do cherry bomb
Some terrible Twitter accounts in OP reaffirms why music discussion has gone downhill because every talking point is hyperbolic af
Some terrible Twitter accounts in OP reaffirms why music discussion has gone downhill because every talking point is hyperbolic af
All discussion has gone downhill. Everyone is just throwing out a hot take or a controversial question to get the most engagement.
Skip Bayless and Stephen A changed the world
All discussion has gone downhill. Everyone is just throwing out a hot take or a controversial question to get the most engagement.
Skip Bayless and Stephen A changed the world
100% smh
tyler is and has been on an incredible run but i kind of see him as his own thing and not in the same lane as those dudes
All discussion has gone downhill. Everyone is just throwing out a hot take or a controversial question to get the most engagement.
Skip Bayless and Stephen A changed the world
Would you consider me more of a Stephen A or a Shannon Sharpe
Would you consider me more of a Stephen A or a Shannon Sharpe
Skip. You’re more of a reserved type of hater. Stephen A and Shannon are more ra ra type of haters
Skip. You’re more of a reserved type of hater. Stephen A and Shannon are more ra ra type of haters
Drake is only in the top 3 cause of his numbers and not the quality of his music (which sucks)
Why cole is in the top 3 is anyones guess
Kendrick is so far ahead of the other two its hilarious
“Only because of numbers”
The quality must not be that bad if a lot of people are listening.
Dumb logic. Nobody cares about your personal opinion.
Wale was never big 3
Yes he was
Actually he was the first to be discussed as big 3. It was something XXL came up with. Seems like a lot of ppl on ktt when talking about it doesn’t know this but I remember vividly when this stuff started to take place
Later Cudi was removed then Kendrick & Cole was added which they were called “New Legends” along with Drake & Wale
And the reason Nicki and Future weren’t there was because?
Because the big 3 discussion started during the blog era & originally highlighted the non gangsta rappers who would usher in a new era
Hence why the first ones who were discussed as a big 3 were Cudi, Wale & Drake
They were called “Gangsta Killaz”
I wonder who gets it this year. So far it’s between Kendrick & Future
complex writers decided it was kendrick before the album even dropped
You put 3 of the worst Hip Hop Twitter accounts in the OP and want us to discuss
Tyler's label working overtime for "grassroots" social media discussion