In middle school i made my ringtone this is why im hot and it went off in class when it was dead silent and everyone just stared at me
When my mom didnt want to buy me John Cena's album because the barnes and nobles employee kept telling her how there was cursing in it only for me to just go home and burn it on a CD later
F*** that nigga for that
In middle school i made my ringtone this is why im hot and it went off in class when it was dead silent and everyone just stared at me
This happened to me but with Chicken Noodle soup
I was making cd compilations
I bought miss independant by ne yo on my ipod touch
My friend in 6th grade told me about this song he heard on the tv and how much he loved it. So the next time it came on, he recorded it on the VCR and wrote all the lyrics in his notebook
He proceeded to rap to me Day n Nite word for word as I read the lyrics in his notebook, it had only been out for a couple months at that time
I biked to target to buy Graduation morning of release to do my part in the sales battle
I got in trouble for lining my iPod headphones up my sleeve and pretending to lean on my hand to listen to music in class and the “agaaaaaaain” part in I Write Sins Not Tragedies was cranked so loud when the teacher called me out and I lifted my head that everyone could hear it playing
i remember sprung by t pain everywhere on the radio
Ms New Booty too lmaooo
Growing up in north stl you couldn’t escape the xxxl SpongeBob and gangster doughboy shirts. I heavily associate those shirts with ‘we fly high’ and ‘stay fly’
and so sick by neyo
That whole Ne-Yo era aged well tbh, So Sick, When You’re Mad, Sexy Love was a crazy run of singles
I also remember downloading free music off of adult swims website for when rtj was brand new and Earl, Captain Murphy and Doom had a collab song. It was my first exposure to anything OF related
Doris was the first cd I bought
I learned HTML and CSS off MySpace and charged a kid in my math class $50 to hide the player on his profile so you couldn’t pause Curtis 187 whenever you came on his page