Kanye when he arrives to the showstudio facilities to see the jacket he worked years designing/perfecting surrounded by drawings of cocks and the word “cum”
But the end's not here just yet.
The Strokes named their debut album Is This It after being there for all events related to Kanye that end in a disappointing fashion.
and it was a classic
Perey sending us codes through the live stream
Perry write your address. We will send help
Kanye when he arrives to the showstudio facilities to see the jacket he worked years designing/perfecting surrounded by drawings of cocks and the word “cum”
What time for EST?
any second now really
was sposed to start 10 minutes ago
Kanye when he arrives to the showstudio facilities to see the jacket he worked years designing/perfecting surrounded by drawings of cocks and the word “cum”
Kanye when he arrives to the showstudio facilities to see the jacket he worked years designing/perfecting surrounded by drawings of cocks and the word “cum”
man if this is it
why would there be chairs then
and why would they give a specific time
why would there be chairs then
and why would they give a specific time
yea ik
and stream still unlisted but you never know
But the end's not here just yet.