So I was gonna make a thread about how SiR is one of the most slept on artists out now and realized dude doesn't even have his own separate thread
So here is one
One of the best Tiny Desks out there
Will update later with songs bc there are so fcnk many
edit: I Ain't updating bc first page delivered <3
This the first song I ever heard from dude on soulection radio years ago
New video also crazy fire
plus I don’t think SIR has missed on any of his features. They are all fire.
is this album good?
I haven’t heard that Jill album but I know SiR helped write that song.
god i cant wait for it to be hot and sunny again so i can bump his last album s*** was PERFECT for the sweltering weather
TDE might be slow lately but then you realize they still have guys like SiR and SZA
they are really something else...
First time I've heard about SiR like that was when "Her Too" dropped
I remember I was going back from sql and It was cold outside bc it was January or smthn like that
Hearing New LA and Oh Nah Nah for the first time
I was looking forward for his releases ever since
He always delivers
November was
Haha I remember going back from my trip to Amsterdam and sitting on a plane waiting for takeoff and I play Chasing Summer with the intro having that plane announcers at the begging. Felt like I was in a movie