Long story short - My sister moved into a house for college with 2 girls who she thought she knew.
The 2 girls were friends from home.
Last Thursday my sister called my mother crying in the early hours of the morning because the 2 girls were drunk trying to kick in her door to fight her.
The 2 girls moved in boyfriends without letting my sister know, and they're splitting the bills between themselves, so my sister was having none of that.
My sister moved out, the 2 girls are now trying to get one of their sisters into the house.
The sister caused all of this -she moved out of her place, and in with the sister, the 2 girls didn't agree to that and things kicked off, then the girls boyfriend gave the sister his room and moved in with his girlfriend, and the other girl just decided to do the same thing!
We want to get back at them.
Any suggestions?
Outside of physically harming them or damaging their stuff nothing you can do. Just go there and square up with them.
i don’t think dude realize they may have to take this to the chest if she already off the lease and all that
Ok but have you considered maybe that your sister is the problem. Clearly there’s a reason why her 2 friends are against her
@op needs to f*** their dad, that’ll teach em. He’ll be their new step daddy and he’ll put them on time out 😈
@op needs to f*** their dad, that’ll teach em. He’ll be their new step daddy and he’ll put them on time out 😈
Revenge and dilf bussy. 2 for 1 combo
find their parents on social media and message their mom saying their dad is cheating on her
Outside of physically harming them or damaging their stuff nothing you can do. Just go there and square up with them.
there’s food poison option
@op needs to f*** their dad, that’ll teach em. He’ll be their new step daddy and he’ll put them on time out 😈
I'm not my sisters biggest fan but I know it's not her fault.
It's all down to my sister not wanting to share the house with their 2 boyfriends, worse still it's not going to save her anything on rent or electricity - the couples are just splitting it.
Seemingly she threatened to tell the landlord and then the abuse started that night when they were trying to get into her bedroom
Ok but have you considered maybe that your sister is the problem. Clearly there’s a reason why her 2 friends are against her
They prayin on her downfall
I'm not my sisters biggest fan but I know it's not her fault.
It's all down to my sister not wanting to share the house with their 2 boyfriends, worse still it's not going to save her anything on rent or electricity - the couples are just splitting it.
Seemingly she threatened to tell the landlord and then the abuse started that night when they were trying to get into her bedroom
Oh yup, you gotta f*** their dad now. Similar to how men have connections with their moms, daughters are the same with their dad.
Become their new step daddy 😈
clean the toilet with their toothbrushes
ngl that last paragraph mad confusing
ngl that last paragraph mad confusing
It's a cluster f***, I'll try to simplify
Girl A - has a little sister (1 year younger)
Girl B does not.
Girl A moves in her little sister - puts her on the couch.
Girl B and my sister complain about this.
Girl A's boyfriend decides that the sister can take his room and he'll just move in with his girlfriend, they'll split her rent.
Girl B see's this happening and she moves in her boyfriend too.
Now girl A is pissed because of the situation with her sister.
My sister is pissed because she's still paying rent for a 3 person house but with 5 people living there, and that means more food, more electricity, internet -everything.
S*** kicks off.
only one thing to do
Have s***with roommates, let the bf find out.
They will move out, your sisters situation is resolved, and you get some p****. Win-win
They sound ratchet nothing you can do to win against people like that sounds like moving out is a win itself