do they have cars parked outside?
Tell your sister to pour roaches, vinegar and a tub of Glock dookie ammo in the AC unit behind their house and move on with life
The solution is an orgy op, but the relatives can’t be involved of course.
Well they didn't actually touch her so I'd just let it go. If they touched my sister, It'd be up but this ain't worth it
@op realistically your sister should’ve paid less to match her proportion, then when the landlord comes mad just tell him they’re subleasing and you’re sharing w people who are paying less than you and that is stupid
Long story short - My sister moved into a house for college with 2 girls who she thought she knew.
The 2 girls were friends from home.
Last Thursday my sister called my mother crying in the early hours of the morning because the 2 girls were drunk trying to kick in her door to fight her.
The 2 girls moved in boyfriends without letting my sister know, and they're splitting the bills between themselves, so my sister was having none of that.
My sister moved out, the 2 girls are now trying to get one of their sisters into the house.
The sister caused all of this -she moved out of her place, and in with the sister, the 2 girls didn't agree to that and things kicked off, then the girls boyfriend gave the sister his room and moved in with his girlfriend, and the other girl just decided to do the same thing!
We want to get back at them.
Any suggestions?
tell your sister to go fight her own battles b. why are you dragging yourself into this stupid ass situation?
she made her bed. you the main one tripping in this situation
Not worth the bs
Just report them to the landlord of them having other people stay there and move on
It seems like everyone is on the same page except for your sister so I don’t see why yall are mad at them for not wanting to live with her lmao
Well if your sister had a boyfriend she could have moved him in and split rent too
It seems like she's mad cus she is single?
Not your problem. Not even your sisters problem anymore if she has moved out already. She needa focus on finding a new place to stay instead of getting revenge on some hoes she don’t even fw like that.
op’s sister
this def the comment I wanted to post but restrained myself.
this def the comment I wanted to post but restrained myself.
What’s the context behind this
tell your sister to go fight her own battles b. why are you dragging yourself into this stupid ass situation?
she made her bed. you the main one tripping in this situation
because its his sibling and siblings go to each other for advice especially something so major like this
This the most Irish story I've ever heard
get the girls that were mean to her pregnant then abandon them