  • Trash Star

    i think it was just announced super early when they very little done. development started in 2020 but was likely either completely halted or moved very slowly cause of covid and trying to figure out the wfh system. so lets say they lost about a year of progress they'd normally make, it's really only had a ~3 year dev time which isn't terribly long imo. a ton of the games that came out last year were also a product of covid delays. plus being a f2p live service means it's a totally different product with different goals than the previous games. i'd expect at least a release date this year if not a full release, but if we don't get one of those then it's time to worry

    I believe they’ve said more playtests are underway later this year, this time for console players, which makes me think the game’s not dropping in 2024 at all

  • Mar 30
    AKA SB

    Why is this s*** taking so long

    when they announced I think they didnt even have a fully functioning studio

    they announced extra early to encourage people to apply to work there and games take longer than ever to make now so 4 years with a fresh studio is about right really I think it just feels even longer because of the wait from skate 3

  • game will probably launch with a good amount of customization but then anything new or hype will be extra $$$

    as i said before, microtransactions in a game like Skate. make sense as long as the base game content is solid and the microtransactions are all cosmetics extras

    i would also pay for "mission packs" or "skate stories" featuring mo-capped pro skaters doing the voice acting

    i would never pay for new areas or to unlock game modes