the first two seconds of the song sound sooooo much like mirrors by jt it confuses me more than it should
anyone see her story post on IG tagging capitol records?
lol she was confused
I'm sure she hasn't had the same experience with Capitol that Halsey is getting & is mad confused
sky about to scrap the album once again
I really don't agree with this criticism, particularly considering that the author likes NTMT.
Skimming the surface of her rock-tinged roots, the track leans into trendy ’80s-revival production and Tumblr-cliche lyricism about “sick dreams” and being a “real bad girl.”
This is exactly what her music has always been like.
“Don’t Forget” is a little too reminiscent of Ferreira’s now nine-year-old debut Night Time, My Time
It was likely made around the same time, so what did she expect? This seems like the author's fault for significantly increasing her expectations for the album based on the amount of time it has taken (this is fair to a certain extent, but it's clear that this is the same album that was started shortly after NTMT). On top of that, if you like NTMT, shouldn't you like this song? I can understand how an artist's sound can grow stale if they release similar albums over and over again. Sky has only released one album so far though, so she's far from being in this situation.
However, they are thwarted in this task by vague lyrics that shut the door on the honest, breathless fury that made Ferreira’s debut such a magnetic listen.
Really? Most of the lyrics on NTMT sound like they could have been written by any number of people. It's not a unique album lyrically imo. There are only two truly personal songs on it, Nobody Asked Me and I Blame Myself; both of which need context outside of the lyrics to be fully understood.
these three being the new generation is off af
this cover was like 10 years ago
this cover was like 10 years ago
I see now, it's from 2012. I wonder why ol dude posted that screen cap
I see now, it's from 2012. I wonder why ol dude posted that screen cap
She posted "A New Generation Is Coming" when she was considered new gen 10 years ago