anyway been lying in bed about 45 minutes despite it not even being 9pm yet because i gotta get up way early tomorrow
1. the line “it’s been hell on this earth since i fell on this earth” hits deep personally
2. hearing eminem rap about being christian is super weird, so then i started thinking about how eminem’s music has aged for me personally
i enjoyed sslp through (some of) encore as a kid(i think everything after that is dogshit and always have), but even those “prime” em albums have aged pretty bad to me. the eminem show and mmlp are the only two i’ll revisit and even then i’m skipping like half the tracks, tracks i used to like
BUT the s*** off slim shady EP and infinite i liked haven’t aged badly at all, and i don’t know why, but i also do at the same time. it’s why the christianity line from the song i posted sounds weird, because he isn’t being edgy in regard to it
so basically i think the reason his commercially successful music has aged badly and will continue to is because the “fuck the world” attitude he had, while always relevant, will also be attached to the time and place in which the artist had the attitude towards, thus making it age poorly
but it just had me wondering what his career would have been like if he hadn’t taken that approach. there’s 3 eminem songs i listen to regularly, and they’re the 3 off the 8-mile soundtrack. we’ve all heard lose yourself, but rabbit run and 8-mile really strike a cord in me. when he wrote from a different perspective when he was in his prime(meaning not that of a psychopath), he could make a good song. it’s just a shame he chose to do so so rarely
also why the f*** did we have to spend a few weeks learning s***ed in grade school and about 0 seconds learning how to process negative emotions and deal with major stress and s***
you know how much of what i learned in s***ed factored into the first time i got p**** dog that s*** did not f***ing matter at all just tell the boys “use a condom if you don’t love her” and tell the girls “make him use a condom if he’s broke” that’s literally everything you need to know
@Grif you heard the new c***town? the “who let the dogs out” part at the very start has my crine
@Grif you heard the new c***town? the “who let the dogs out” part at the very start has my crine
nah I'm saving for later but I'll @ you when I do
I swear they just can't fall off, I was dying a few weeks ago when Nick kept remixing the Gran Torino song and s***
@Grif you heard the new c***town? the “who let the dogs out” part at the very start has my crine
Yeah that was dumb as s*** but still funny lol
so i devised a method for getting sober where i drew 240 boxes on a piece of paper in rows of 12, and i'd check off a box every hour and once the paper is complete badda boom badda bock ring that's 10 days sober
this worked btw
oh also shoutout to my one ex from england for turning me into a jaded ass with commitment issues for every relationship i’ve been in the last 3 years
also a major blame-shifter, can’t forget that. yeah f*** her for single-handedly causing every problem i’ve had since i met her and also since birth
collect the dragon balls and wish for a new urus.
what’s your thoughts on donda? compared to the rest of his discog
what’s your thoughts on donda? compared to the rest of his discog
i haven't listened to a kanye album since yeezus and i don't think that'll change anytime soon 3bh.