i’m straight loko, to hell with you and your broke hoe; you ain’t a big dog, you more like toto, you got no dough
@Killa_K welcome to my life's work
you look so superficial, you probably judge things by their physical appearance
are you so dumb you even answer rhetorical questions?
idk do you?
i've been laughing the last 5 minutes because i had the thought "i wonder if gay guys ever try to catch it in their mouth when they jerk off" then my next thought was "don't get high off your own supply"
playing cards with family and getting royally f***ed by the s***tiest hands i’ve ever seen and slowly just getting more irritated(at myself, not them) and then hating myself for letting f***ing phase 10 get me in a poor mood, then it just makes me more mad
when someone says nice job and i respond with “don’t patronize me” because i’m so far removed from competing with anyone they thought i was joking and laughed but i was dead serious, i just got a deadpan delivery so you can never tell
christmas eve going to bed feeling like the scum of the earth
@Grif i haven’t seen you post in a while so i might be speaking into a void but the cumtown ep from two weeks ago with ian was hilarious. him playing the curb theme for brick jokes and singing about how he blew a guy at the book fair in 7th grade over “girls just wanna have fun”, maybe my favorite episode to date
@Grif i haven’t seen you post in a while so i might be speaking into a void but the cumtown ep from two weeks ago with ian was hilarious. him playing the curb theme for brick jokes and singing about how he blew a guy at the book fair in 7th grade over “girls just wanna have fun”, maybe my favorite episode to date
Hey man, yeah I haven’t really been on ktt recently. What episode was that? It sounds hilarious
Hey man, yeah I haven’t really been on ktt recently. What episode was that? It sounds hilarious
i think it’s called “they do exist”
f*** i got the worst migraine of my life rn
i woke up an hour ago nauseous as s***, put nothing in me but a banana and some coconut water and it feels way worse