  • Jun 30, 2020
    2 replies

    In the states it’s a lot going on with black people being killed by the police. Whole movements and situations that have greatly impacted the community. Why in the f*** are you trying to make light of a sensitive subject to a nigga you know might snitch for a potential giggle or two

    I don't get why you are telling me this? You don't think i'm up to date with all the s*** happening right now? You think i'm on f***ing kanyetothe for 8 years not knowing anything about black culture and the horrible way black people have been treated in the states? dont play with me like that bro

  • Jun 30, 2020
    2 replies

    I don't get why you are telling me this? You don't think i'm up to date with all the s*** happening right now? You think i'm on f***ing kanyetothe for 8 years not knowing anything about black culture and the horrible way black people have been treated in the states? dont play with me like that bro

    Nigga you just said you don’t get why he would be offended

    Must not have learned much if I’m having to explain why someone might feel a type of way about a law enforcement joke in this climate

  • Jun 30, 2020

    I don't get why you are telling me this? You don't think i'm up to date with all the s*** happening right now? You think i'm on f***ing kanyetothe for 8 years not knowing anything about black culture and the horrible way black people have been treated in the states? dont play with me like that bro

    My b I thought Americans were the sensitive ones

  • Jun 30, 2020
    1 reply

    ??? It will develop into more tomorrow

    my post had nothing to do with you and you’re somehow just replying to me with stuff that has nothing to do with my posts

  • Jun 30, 2020
    1 reply

    You mean the post by shad?

    I mean how do you know dude hasn't sold weed or anything like that and ran off from the cops sometime?

    Im all for white devils getting exposed, but from what op has said it doesn't seem like he deserved it

    And how do you know it wasn’t one those racist “amiright!?” moments that happen all the time?

  • Jun 30, 2020
    www quakerboy us

    my post had nothing to do with you and you’re somehow just replying to me with stuff that has nothing to do with my posts


  • Jun 30, 2020
    1 reply

    Nigga you just said you don’t get why he would be offended

    Must not have learned much if I’m having to explain why someone might feel a type of way about a law enforcement joke in this climate

    Nah sounds like you just picking sides based off your emotions. Which i honestly understand. And i still feel like this is not something to get in trouble over. So we're gonna be able to make jokes about the law enforcement anymore? Like it doesn't happen a lot already on IG by the black community? Or is that he's a white man making the joke (while mind you, reffering to himself, not to the black dude)

    This has nothing to do with BLM in my eyes, i'm completely on your side. This has to do with someone getting in trouble and being labeled as a potential ''racist'' for a joke that he should've kept to himself. But is not harmful in my eyes and like OP said himself it didn't seem like it had a racist undertone either

  • Jun 30, 2020
    1 reply

    Nah sounds like you just picking sides based off your emotions. Which i honestly understand. And i still feel like this is not something to get in trouble over. So we're gonna be able to make jokes about the law enforcement anymore? Like it doesn't happen a lot already on IG by the black community? Or is that he's a white man making the joke (while mind you, reffering to himself, not to the black dude)

    This has nothing to do with BLM in my eyes, i'm completely on your side. This has to do with someone getting in trouble and being labeled as a potential ''racist'' for a joke that he should've kept to himself. But is not harmful in my eyes and like OP said himself it didn't seem like it had a racist undertone either

    Im not even being emotional bro at some point niggas gotta grow up and realize you can’t say certain s*** to everybody. Hell certain s*** in the workplace. You know buddy a drama queen...why are you even trying it? I’m not finna joke with certain co-workers I know would be on some hoe s***. White man got caught slipping and now he gotta deal with it. Life.

  • Jun 30, 2020

    And how do you know it wasn’t one those racist “amiright!?” moments that happen all the time?

    Nah i'm not saying i'm 100% certain about that bro. But given the information by OP (the only one who was actually present) it doesn't seem like that now does it? He did say the dude complaining was a big drama queen. Now i would be mad as s*** if somebody was tryna get me fired for every thing.

    There has been a trainer from my country who was recently fired from a MLS club for singing along with a rap song in the dressing room and dropping the N word. While i don't believe he was a racist knowing him, and just being stupid af and hella naive, i actually think THAT was a fair instance of crossing the line even though his intentions weren't racist. like i said just very very very stupid

    But in the case of the story in OP i just don't think him getting in trouble is justified, giving the information we have

  • Jun 30, 2020

    Depends why he said it

  • Jun 30, 2020

    Im not even being emotional bro at some point niggas gotta grow up and realize you can’t say certain s*** to everybody. Hell certain s*** in the workplace. You know buddy a drama queen...why are you even trying it? I’m not finna joke with certain co-workers I know would be on some hoe s***. White man got caught slipping and now he gotta deal with it. Life.

    I mean we don't know the full scope of the situation. And i don't know either of them so at the end of the day it's not like i care that much that i wanna start discussing it with you or anybody else for that matter.

    I think we both are right. I think him getting in trouble is too much, but i also understand that it CAN happen and that he just should've kept his mouth shut anyway

  • Jun 30, 2020
    1 reply

    Nigga you just said you don’t get why he would be offended

    Must not have learned much if I’m having to explain why someone might feel a type of way about a law enforcement joke in this climate

    need a feature on here letting ppl know what country youre from

    not about to explain how this could be potentially offensive to a black american to a mf that hasn’t experienced the subtleties and undertones of this racist s***

    we not going for the sly remarks anymore either all of it is a wrap

  • Jun 30, 2020
    1 reply

    these are emotionally charged times more then ever.

    couldn’t give you a defense or offense for either parties point of view over a joke that i don’t understand the full context of.

    maybe he didn’t strike the right tone of voice, maybe he interjected in a conversation where it wasn’t the time & place, possibly both.

    He’s just gotta take the L.
    That’s why i don’t joke with anybody i don’t know anymore, about anything, period.
    Because you never know at this point.

  • Jun 30, 2020

    Being offended is a CHOICE and you’re a B**** if you get offended


  • Jun 30, 2020

    We live in a society

  • Jun 30, 2020

    need a feature on here letting ppl know what country youre from

    not about to explain how this could be potentially offensive to a black american to a mf that hasn’t experienced the subtleties and undertones of this racist s***

    we not going for the sly remarks anymore either all of it is a wrap

    big facts lol the more you let slide with wypipo the more disrespectful and insensitive they get

  • Jun 30, 2020
    1 reply

    Guys? Is it racist to run?

  • Jun 30, 2020

    How is that racist in anyway?

  • Jun 30, 2020

    Burn him alive

  • Jun 30, 2020

    Guys? Is it racist to run?

    No but you just used the english language which is inherently racist... bigot

    F***, me too!

    Theres no escaping

  • Jun 30, 2020
    1 reply

    Lmao so you're tryna argue what i just said? The situation in OP is so typical. Happens way too often. Besides that i think the States is a beautiful country with a lot of diversity. But stop acting so self indulgent like y'all are the creme of the crop without any flaws

    If you don’t actually live here how do you know that occurs too often?

  • Jun 30, 2020

    What was the context of the convo he butted into?

  • That’s f***ing mental. It’s not like he said it about him bc he’s black, he said it about HIMSELF a white man. Dude who complained should be fired for not being able to function and coexist with other ppl

  • Jun 30, 2020
    Emery Atreides

    these are emotionally charged times more then ever.

    couldn’t give you a defense or offense for either parties point of view over a joke that i don’t understand the full context of.

    maybe he didn’t strike the right tone of voice, maybe he interjected in a conversation where it wasn’t the time & place, possibly both.

    He’s just gotta take the L.
    That’s why i don’t joke with anybody i don’t know anymore, about anything, period.
    Because you never know at this point.

    that’s just sad thats how life is now

    i mean i get not being tone deaf and not saying offensive s***

    but dude in the op really didn’t do anything to warrant getting in trouble at work