  • Jun 30, 2020
    hot pancakes

    “I run” as in the the white man referring to himself running from the cops?

    If so, I don’t see how that’s racist, unless I’m misinterpreting what hes saying lol

  • Jun 30, 2020

    If you don’t actually live here how do you know that occurs too often?

    Because i follow a lot of US news and have friends who live there...

  • Jun 30, 2020
    1 reply

    He shoulda kept that wack ass joke to himself then

    But he didn’t and didn’t take into account how who he was talking to would react and now...

    By your metric nobody should joke with anybody since you can't know before hand how they're going to react to it.
    have fun in totalitarian utopia my guy :jordanlaff

  • Jun 30, 2020
    1 reply

    By your metric nobody should joke with anybody since you can't know before hand how they're going to react to it.
    have fun in totalitarian utopia my guy :jordanlaff

    Y’all keep actin dense like y’all don’t know how to filter who and who not to say s*** too

    Maybe y’all niggas really just socially awkward af

  • Jun 30, 2020

    Type of mfers to curse around they grandma and s***

  • Jun 30, 2020

    In the states it’s a lot going on with black people being killed by the police. Whole movements and situations that have greatly impacted the community. Why in the f*** are you trying to make light of a sensitive subject to a nigga you know might snitch for a potential giggle or two

    It's a lot going so we can't laugh or attempt to make others laugh

  • Jun 30, 2020
    1 reply

    I feel you but at the same time it sounds like he was trying to hard to be relatable to a black person....
    Like my nigga why are you talking about running from the police as a joke

    I know hella white dudes who should be running when they see police

  • Jun 30, 2020
    1 reply

    I know hella white dudes who should be running when they see police

    White people get Burger King brought to them by the police dude stop it

  • Jun 30, 2020

    Y’all keep actin dense like y’all don’t know how to filter who and who not to say s*** too

    Maybe y’all niggas really just socially awkward af

    You're basing this off of the person being white talking to a black person, you reduce two personalities to their skin color then force your own narrative on them
    The white person should have known not to make this joke to black person in these times
    As if we knew their dynamic, individual personalities, sensibilities etc
    But I'm socially awkward
    I'd rather be socially awkward then treat people differently due to their skincolor.
    denying black people's right to be offended or laugh at a joke because it's not the right time isn't the way to go imo. We're not children, we don't need to be protected from jokes when they don't have malicious intent (in this case we don't know but it's unlikely it did)

  • Jun 30, 2020

    White people get Burger King brought to them by the police dude stop it

    Absolutely but that doesnt change what i said

  • Jun 30, 2020

    White rednecks with a f*** ton of tattoos absolutely running from the cops

  • Jul 1, 2020
    1 reply

    Fr.... yall Americans sensitive af. I mean i get why when it comes to certain topics but sometimes yall take this s*** too far.. like there was nothing wrong in the thing he said and he still got in trouble. You hear that s*** wayyyyy too much from American people who lose their job over some petty s*** like this just cus all the people tryna be overly PC

    why you acting like you not from here? lmao only us Southerners use y'all like that

  • Jul 1, 2020

    Niggas love bein on Americans d***

    Notice how he used the word yall

    A word only used in America, especially here in the South 👀

  • Jul 1, 2020

    throw that man in prison

  • Well need more information to make a correct judgment

  • Idk I can’t tell. I’d have to hear the tone and what led up to it. If it was random, he knew exactly what he was doing.

  • Jul 1, 2020

    Nah man that’s not offensive. The f***. Just say “hell yea” and keep it moving

  • Jul 1, 2020

    He meant he was running to the Blue Light Special at Kmart, simple misunderstanding

  • Jul 1, 2020

    I’m offended tbh

  • Jul 1, 2020

    its not racist but its bad optics

  • Jul 1, 2020

    why you acting like you not from here? lmao only us Southerners use y'all like that

    Because i learned speaking english mainly through american music and film as a youngin

  • maybe just correct him or tell him how you feel about it instead of going and f***ing getting him fired? lmao holy s***