  • my guy really out here trying to cancel aristotle

  • Yuzzy

    If we are to make moral judgements, they must be based on the culture at that time. The opinions are abhorrent but not in that context

  • Fetti Gibbs

    By today’s standards 90% of people back then were racist homophobic etc etc

  • Jan 19, 2021

    Meh, its really not fair to judge figures from history on this basis

    it is

  • Jan 19, 2021
    1 reply

    If we are to make moral judgements, they must be based on the culture at that time. The opinions are abhorrent but not in that context


  • Jan 19, 2021

    Literally everyone was racist back then because that was the norm so I’m not sure what the point is here

    and yet there were people who fought for the lives of others

    you s***heads always wanna make some wayward point

  • Jan 19, 2021

    that’s why i don’t respect most white people from the past

  • Jan 19, 2021
    1 reply

    I thought the post would be about how philosophy is basically thoughts of some other man.

    And imagine thnking about what other men thinks

  • Jan 19, 2021

    Ayoo in the premonition of Meditations which I read it sounded like it was somethin that definitely happened.
    Didn't know about the uncertainty of this

    yes its even more curious, because stoic philosophy and the christian belief share many viewpoints.

    A good read about this tbh

  • Jan 19, 2021

    I thought the post would be about how philosophy is basically thoughts of some other man.

    And imagine thnking about what other men thinks

    Now that you mention it

  • Jan 19, 2021
    Mr Motion

    Philosophy is inherently a white supremacy - particularly white male - occupation. Very few non white people are deemed philosophers, let alone women in general.

    Thats so untrue my guy.

  • Nessy 🦎
    Jan 19, 2021
    Mr Motion

    Philosophy is inherently a white supremacy - particularly white male - occupation. Very few non white people are deemed philosophers, let alone women in general.

    Ironically this post is what white supremacy sounds like

  • Jan 19, 2021
    Mr Motion

    Philosophy is inherently a white supremacy - particularly white male - occupation. Very few non white people are deemed philosophers, let alone women in general.

    It’s more complicated than that. The colour scheme that we go by today did not exist when, for example, the Greeks were writing. In fact, it’s a product of US history and it’s quite anachronistic to universalise it throughout history.

    Even by your standards, the Greeks weren’t all white. Athens was a city like London or New York today. People from everywhere were part of that philosophical heritage. And medieval philosophers were mostly Muslims.

    The idea is that the Europeans during renaissance and the enlightenment appropriated philosophy and made it the white man’s obsession. Now to flat out reject it is to submit to the white man and his appropriation, but we are out here and have our own place in philosophy.

  • Jan 19, 2021


    You wanna explain why?

  • Super Mario

    first time i heard this, but greeks at this were built different so who knows

    built v different

  • Jan 19, 2021
    1 reply

    Well yeah, philosophy isnt spirituality. It explains theories of the world on a intellectual level but does nothing for character building or ethics

  • Aug 4, 2021

    Marx was half dumb dumb.
    Einstein was cray cray lookin at rocks

  • philosophy some b****es

  • Aug 4, 2021

    Yeh but at least they contributed to the world unlike you

  • Aug 4, 2021
    Super Mario

    Shakespeare criticized slavery and colonialism in The Tempest a hundred years before Kant was playing with his little pink toes.

    You literally copied this word for word from a reddit comment

  • Aug 4, 2021
    Super Mario

    Shakespeare criticized slavery and colonialism in The Tempest a hundred years before Kant was playing with his little pink toes.

    “Oh look! I found an alibi for my non existent argument!”

  • Aug 4, 2021

    Well yeah, philosophy isnt spirituality. It explains theories of the world on a intellectual level but does nothing for character building or ethics

    Well said. a lot of philosophy buffs think it makes them wise

  • Aug 4, 2021
    1 reply
    Mr Motion

    Philosophy is inherently a white supremacy - particularly white male - occupation. Very few non white people are deemed philosophers, let alone women in general.

    nah that is cap. We just live in white societies that’s why you’ll hear about C***philosophers before you hear about African or middle eastern ones.

    They have existed everywhere

  • Aug 4, 2021
    Sincerely him

    You guys are so f***ing annoying.

    Most people who did crazy inventive or big things during their times turned out to be pieces of s***. That's how it usually is, very few people are just all around saints. Most do f***ed up s***.

    The fact that you cant separate the works they did from the people themselves just shows how smooth brained you are.

    Especially cuz the people who do the hatin might also be Terrible people and are for sure not perfect either

  • Aug 4, 2021

    yes sis cancel them
