  • Feb 21, 2021

    30 days in

    So now we're starting to get an idea of what Biden-Harris style government will be like compared to Trump

    • Was entirely hands off on the Trump impeachment, leaving the decision up to Congress

    • Has so far devoted majority of the time, effort and resources to the handling of the pandemic

    • Has secured 600 million vaccine doses, says enough to vaccinate every American by end of July

    • Has now signed over 50 executive actions in 30 days. Topics have ranged from the coronavirus to the environment to immigration.

    • A major one reverses a Trump policy that allowed for separating migrant families, and also creates a task force that will oversee the finding and reuniting of separated families

    There are a handful of Trump executive orders that Biden is NOT reversing, instead choosing to continue, reinstate, or add-on to. They've generally had to do with manufacturing and tarriffs.

    One closes some loopholes on a Trump order that gave American companies priority over foreign ones when bidding on contracts for the federal government. Another renews Trump tarrifs on Aluminum imports.

    Being tough on China, cracking down on foreign companies that outcompete US businesses, promoting Buy American policies 👈 These are things Biden and Trump agree on.

    The President also definitively stated they will NOT remove Trump sanctions on Iran until they abandon any and all nuclear programs they've started since the nuclear deal was scrapped. Says the US will do whatever is necessary to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuke... 👀

    Stimulus bill status: PENDING ⌛️

    House Budget Committee put together the final bill on Monday. The House will vote on the $1.9 trillion dollar relief plan this week

    Immigration bill status: PENDING ⌛️

    The state of Texas has been hit with a severe once-in-a-decade winter storm. Millions of people have lost electricity and heat. Many have been without running water. Pipes have burst, collapsing ceilings. Some people have frozen to death due to lack of power.


    • One of President Biden's aides was suspended for making inappropriate comments to a woman reporter. There have been questions of whether a minor suspension is too light, given that the President had promised "no tolerance" for disrespectful staff

    • On the 4th anniversary of the Parkland mass shooting, the President called for stronger gun laws which has sparked some backlash as gun sales have steadily been on the rise

    Cabinet update

    The Biden admin is being filled out with a number of climate advisors and advocates.

    There's also a new position of Climate Envoy, an adviser wholly dedicated to the issue of climate change, to be included on the National Security Council with other top advisers and will be tasked with making climate change “an essential element of U.S. foreign policy and national security.”

  • Feb 21, 2021
    monza sp1 x

    it is crazy how people will go against their own self interest because of marketing and propaganda

    Bootlicking for a group of individuals that would literally sell their loved ones if they could get away w it and make a profit

    Couldn’t be me

  • Feb 21, 2021
    1 reply
    Bo Ceephus

    didnt think they'd be this slow about it

    lol it’s congress. they will always move at a snails pace.

  • Feb 21, 2021

    "stimulus" pending

    wheres the checks joe

  • Feb 21, 2021
    1 reply

    lol it’s congress. they will always move at a snails pace.

    Yeah. But you think when they say we want to do it now. That doesnt mean 1-2 months later.

  • Feb 21, 2021
    2 replies
    Bo Ceephus

    Yeah. But you think when they say we want to do it now. That doesnt mean 1-2 months later.

    I mean synop is right, they lie for votes about how quickly they will do something. Joe knew that the senate would be 50/50 with a Georgia win and that it would go slowly.

  • Feb 21, 2021
    1 reply

    I mean synop is right, they lie for votes about how quickly they will do something. Joe knew that the senate would be 50/50 with a Georgia win and that it would go slowly.

    And still lied

    He’s a politician 🤷🏾‍♂️

    The issue now becomes time and who qualifies for the money...

  • Feb 21, 2021
    1 reply

    And still lied

    He’s a politician 🤷🏾‍♂️

    The issue now becomes time and who qualifies for the money...

    Sure as hell beats Purdue and Loeffler winning, the 1400 would never pass. Dems need viable opposition to be held accountable.

  • Feb 21, 2021

    Sure as hell beats Purdue and Loeffler winning, the 1400 would never pass. Dems need viable opposition to be held accountable.

    I hear you.

    I’m interested to see how Biden “wheels & deals”

    He’s a career politician so I fully expect him to get this done, it’s just how he goes about it..

    What does the amount look like
    Who will get it

  • Feb 21, 2021

    has anyone ever been polled for anything political I have yet to meet anyone ever polled 😭😭

  • Feb 22, 2021
    1 reply
  • Feb 22, 2021

    Ashley stclair

  • Feb 22, 2021
    1 reply

    15 buck minimum wage aint making it through with the stim bill just 0% chance

  • Feb 22, 2021

    March 14

    immediately - 2 months

    gotta love USA

  • Feb 22, 2021

    15 buck minimum wage aint making it through with the stim bill just 0% chance

    I think the only senator against is manchin so it depends what backroom deals Schumer can make to get his vote to a yes

  • Feb 22, 2021
    1 reply

    lmao checks aint coming. come end of March they're gonna start shoo-ing people out of houses and that its time to go back to work and spend money. Coronavirus is over.

  • Feb 22, 2021

    lmao checks aint coming. come end of March they're gonna start shoo-ing people out of houses and that its time to go back to work and spend money. Coronavirus is over.

    it literally is making progress everyday. Got out of committee in the house td

  • Feb 23, 2021

    I mean synop is right, they lie for votes about how quickly they will do something. Joe knew that the senate would be 50/50 with a Georgia win and that it would go slowly.

    perfectly fair and reasonable criticism to make

  • Feb 23, 2021

    House Budget Committee put together the final bill today. The House will vote on the $1.9 trillion dollar relief plan this week

    • $1,400 stimulus checks
    • $75,000 salary cap
    • $400 / week unemployment up from $300/wk
    • $15 minimum wage
  • Feb 23, 2021

    The $15 min wage appears to be the most vulnerable part of the bill, and there is some chatter of whether or not it can make it out of the Senate (it is expected to pass the house)

    The democrats are preparing to pass the whole bill using budget reconciliation, which comes with its own set of rules and constraints. The big obstacle is a "Byrd Rule" that keeps "extraneous" measures out of the budget.

    Bernie Sanders, Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, and the committee's legal team have been meeting with the Senate parliamentarian this week to argue in favor of the minimum wage increase

    Sanders told CNN, "We have a room full of lawyers working as hard as we can to make the case for the parliamentarian that, in fact, raising the minimum wage will have significant budget implications, and in fact should be consistent with reconciliation rules,"

    “The Congressional Budget Office has found that the $15 minimum wage has a much greater impact on the federal budget than opening up the Arctic national wildlife refuge to oil drilling and repealing the ACA individual mandate penalties,” he said, “two provisions that the parliamentarian advised did not violate the Byrd rule when Republicans controlled the Senate.”

    "I'm confident that the parliamentarian will advise next week that we can raise the minimum wage through the reconciliation process," he told CNN on Saturday.

    According to the Congressional Budget Office, raising the minimum wage to $15 by 2025:

    • Would lift 900,000 people out of poverty
    • Would increase the pay of about 27 million workers
    • Would generate over $100 billion in higher wages

    "We will never get 10 votes from Senate Republicans to pass a $15 an hour minimum wage," Sanders tweeted. "The ONLY way we can do it now with 51 votes is through the reconciliation process."

  • Feb 23, 2021
    1 reply

    Wheres the checks

  • Feb 23, 2021
    1 reply


  • Feb 23, 2021
    2 replies

    So lets get this straight

    2000$ checks will go out the door immediately actually means 2 months later and nearly 3 months after the 600 dollar check. Not only that, but this whole idea that they are finishing the job of getting us 2000 by making this one 400 looks even more ridiculous. the 600 is long gone! Liberals are not serious people.

  • Feb 23, 2021
    1 reply

    So lets get this straight

    2000$ checks will go out the door immediately actually means 2 months later and nearly 3 months after the 600 dollar check. Not only that, but this whole idea that they are finishing the job of getting us 2000 by making this one 400 looks even more ridiculous. the 600 is long gone! Liberals are not serious people.

    could have been a lot quicker if someone didn't try to overthrow the government in between the election and the inauguration

  • Feb 23, 2021
    monza sp1 x

    could have been a lot quicker if someone didn't try to overthrow the government in between the election and the inauguration

    oh please lmfao. the impeachment was a sham.
