  • Updated Jan 20

    And democrats will have the next congress starting friday

    I want to put together a pretty thorough thread of what Biden and the dems campaigned on, have said they support/don’t support, and what they’re currently working on and what’s most likely to get accomplished over their current term

    All of this stuff is publicly available, but I’ve noticed there still seems to be a lot of misinformation going around about what’s happening, so I think its better to have everything here in one place

    They won, now it’s time to hold them accountable

    At the same time, it’s important to have the facts out there cause there’s a lot of people throwing out misinformation and screaming up and down that nothing will change and both sides are the same

    Thread will be updated over time as more info comes out

  • Jan 20, 2021
    1 reply


    3 days in 👉 Page 8

    30 days in 👉 Page 20

    Important info about migrants 👉 Page 22

    $1.9 trillion stimulus bill passed 👉 Page 31

    100 million COVID-19 vaccines administered 👉 Page 39

    100 days in 👉 Page 53

    $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill passed 👉 Page 68

    1 year later 👉 Page 70

    $369 billion climate bill passed 👉 Page 73

    $10,000 student loan forgiveness authorized 👉 Page 74

    Edit: Struck down by Supreme Court 👉

    Midterms 👉 Page 78

    Steps down from re-election campaign, endorses VP Kamala Harris 👉 Page 81

    4 years later 👉 Page 83

  • Jan 20, 2021

    Part 1: Biden/Harris Agenda

    The new president with 15 executive orders ready to sign on the first day in office

    What they support

    • $15 minimum wage

    • $10,000 federal student loan forgiveness

    • Expanding tuition-free college

    • $30 billion federal investment in minority owned businesses

    • Abolishing private prison 👀 at the federal level and incentivizing states to follow

    • Eliminating death penalty at the federal level and incentivizing states to follow

    • Decriminalizing cannabis, expunging prior convictions for cannabis, leaving legalization up to states

    • Eliminating mandatory minimums for incarceration

    Heavily criticized for his support of the 1994 Crime Bill that put a lot of black people in prison, Biden has put together a plan for addressing systemic racism including prison reform and support for black business

    • $300 billion investment in US-made materials, services, research and technology

    • $400 billion pledge to use federal dollars to buy American goods, alongside a wider commitment to enforce "Buy American" laws for new transport projects

    Another pain point during the Biden campaign was his support of NAFTA, which took a lot of US jobs overseas. As President, Biden promises to invest billions in US business, research and development. Particularly in green tech, a field Biden believes will be important to the future economy and one that the US could become a leader in

    • Expanding Obamacare and promising health insurance coverage for 97% of Americans

    • A public option for Obamacare:

      Biden promises to give all Americans the option to enroll in a public health insurance option similar to Medicare, which provides medical benefits to the elderly and to lower the age of eligibility for Medicare itself from 65 to 60 years old. The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, a non-partisan group, estimates that the total Biden plan would cost $2.25tn over 10 years.

    The absolute most important thing Biden will probably do as president is his climate plan

    First day

    Like Obama in 2009, Biden is inheriting another crisis and will spend the beginning of his term attempting to stabilize the country and reversing course from the previous admin

    COVID-19 response:

    • $1.9 trillion stimulus bill including $1,400 checks
    • Pause student loan payments
    • Restricting evictions + foreclosures
    • Mandate wearing a mask on federal property
    • Rejoin Paris Climate Agreement
    • Rejoin World Health Organization
    • Undo Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban from 2017
    • Major immigration reform, overhauling Trump’s entire policy

    First 100 days

    • Administer 100 million COVID-19 vaccines

    • Begin reopening schools and businesses

    • Introduce economic recovery plan

    • Repeal Trumps 2017 tax cut (the one that gave $500 billion to the richest Americans and would raise taxes on the middle class )

    • Send Congress a bill to provide a path to citizenship for 11 million undocumented people.

    • Send a bill to Congress to make DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) permanent. The Obama-era policy allowed eligible unauthorized childhood arrivals to receive renewable two-year protection from removal and work authorizations, the bipartisan Congressional Research Service notes.

    • Issue an executive order to create a federal task force to reunite children separated from parents at the border.

  • Jan 20, 2021
    1 reply

    Part 2: What Got Done


    American Rescue Plan (March 2021)

    • Provided $1,400 direct payments, expanded child tax credits, and included measures to support small businesses and state/local governments.
    • Impact:
      • Reduced poverty by 30% in 2021 (CBPP).
      • Poverty rate dropped from 11.8% in 2020 to 9.1% in 2021 (Census Bureau).

    Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (November 2021)

    • $1.2 trillion total, $550 billion in new spending.
    • $110 billion for roads, bridges, and major projects.
    • $39 billion for public transit.
    • $65 billion for broadband internet expansion.
    • $55 billion for water systems, including lead pipe replacement.
    • Estimated 2 million jobs created over the next decade (White House).

    Inflation Reduction Act (August 2022)

    • $750 billion total.
    • $370 billion for clean energy investments.
    • Prescription d*** reforms: Medicare can negotiate prices for some d****, cap insulin costs at $35/month.
    • Corporate tax reform: 15% minimum tax on corporations making over $1 billion.
    • Impact:
      • Expected 40% emissions reduction by 2030 (EPA).
      • Medicare savings of $288 billion over 10 years (CBO).

    Expanded Child Tax Credit (2021)

    • Expanded Child Tax Credit for 2021 to $3,600 for children under 6, $3,000 for older children.
    • Direct monthly payments to families (up to $300/month per child).
    • Impact: Reduced child poverty by 30% (CBPP), lifting 4.3 million children out of poverty.

    Labor & Workers' Rights

    • $15/hour minimum wage for federal contractors (2021 Executive Order).

    • Executive orders strengthening union labor for federal projects (2021–2023).

    • Passed a $36 billion bailout to save the pensions of some 350,000 Teamster members under the American Rescue Plan's Special Financial Assistance Program.

    • Advocated for union rights at Amazon and Starbucks.

    • Became the first sitting U.S. President to walk a union picket line, joining striking auto workers in Detroit (September 2023).

    Climate & Environment

    • Rejoined Paris Climate Agreement (January 2021)

    Inflation Reduction Act (Climate Provisions)

    • $370 billion investment in clean energy, electric vehicles, and renewable energy infrastructure.
    • Impact:
      • Estimated 40% reduction in U.S. carbon emissions by 2030 (EPA).
      • 100,000 jobs created in the clean energy sector.

    Climate and Environmental Justice Initiatives

    • $3 billion for climate resilience in underserved communities (EPA).
    • Investments in clean energy for disadvantaged areas.


    COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout

    • 200 million vaccine doses administered within the first 100 days of Biden's presidency.
    • Impact:
      • Over 70% of adults had received at least one dose by December 2021. - Contributed to the decline of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations.

    ACA Expansion (American Rescue Plan)

    • Enhanced subsidies on ACA health plans.
    • New premium assistance for families making between 100% and 400% of the federal poverty level.
    • Impact:
      • 3 million more insured Americans (HHS).
      • Premium reduction of $50–$100/month for most families (HHS).

    Prescription D*** Reforms (Inflation Reduction Act)

    • $35/month cap on insulin for Medicare recipients.
    • Medicare can negotiate for high-cost d****.
    • Impact:
      • 13 million seniors to benefit from d*** price reductions (White House).

    PACT Act (August 2022)

    • Expanded healthcare and benefits for veterans exposed to toxic substances during service.

    Criminal Justice & Policing

    • Pardoned all prior federal offenses of simple marijuana possession, signaling a shift in federal d*** policy.

    Police Reform Executive Order (2022)

    • Established a national database for police misconduct.
    • Banned chokeholds by federal officers and restricted no-knock warrants.
    • Impact: Improved accountability and oversight of federal law enforcement agencies.

    First Step Act Implementation

    • Expanded prison reform programs (vocational training, early release for non-violent offenses).
    • Focused on reducing recidivism.
    • Impact:
      • 1,800 inmates released from federal prison due to reforms (DOJ).
      • $200 million saved in reduced incarceration costs (Bureau of Prisons).

    Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (June 2022)

    • First major federal gun safety legislation in nearly 30 years.
    • Enhanced background checks for younger buyers and supported red-flag laws.

    Civil Rights & Social Justice

    • Issued an executive order to advance racial equity and support for underserved communities across the federal government. (January 2021)

    • Respect for Marriage Act (December 2022)

      • Codified federal recognition of same-sex and interracial marriages.
    • The first majority non-white Cabinet in U.S. history, with most women, including the first female Treasury Secretary and the first LGBTQ+ and Native American Cabinet officials.

    • Kamala Harris became the first woman, first Black woman, and first South Asian woman to serve as Vice President (2020).

    • Ketanji Brown Jackson was nominated and confirmed in 2022 as the first Black woman to serve on the Supreme Court.

    • Issued an executive order to phase out the federal criminal system’s use of for-profit prisons by the federal Bureau of Prisons. (January 2021)

    This was an important step toward stemming the flow of federal money to corporations that lock people up for profit. The executive order covered both the Federal Bureau of Prisons, which holds people convicted of crimes, and the U.S. Marshals Service, which holds people while they await trial or await transfer to a federal prison after sentencing. However, it left out the federal government’s heavy use of for-profit immigration detention facilities, which are rife with abuse, unsanitary conditions, and overcrowding.


    The Bureau of Prisons followed the executive order and has closed all of its for-profit prisons. The Marshals Service has not. An ACLU a***ysis of documents produced in response to a Freedom of Information Act request shows that, despite the executive order, the Marshals Service continues to hold nearly a third of its entire detention population in for-profit facilities, totaling 20,000 people. It does this by exploiting two loopholes it has created that undermine the purpose of the executive order


    • American Rescue Plan – Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP)
    • Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act – White House Fact Sheet
    • Inflation Reduction Act – Congressional Budget Office (CBO)
    • Biden Vaccine Rollout – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
    • Child Tax Credit Impact – Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP)
    • Police Reform Executive Order – The White House Fact Sheet
    • Paris Agreement – U.S. State Department
    • Clean Energy Investments – Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
  • Jan 20, 2021
    2 replies

    Gonna be a long thread

  • Jan 20, 2021
    2 replies

    the next 4 years

  • Jan 20, 2021

    Gonna be a long thread


  • Jan 20, 2021

    Gonna be a long thread

  • Jan 20, 2021
    2 replies

    you can start by doing the 2k checks and how theyve already changed that to 1400 lol

  • Jan 20, 2021

    "nothing will fundamentally change"

  • Jan 20, 2021
    1 reply


  • Synopsis

    you can start by doing the 2k checks and how theyve already changed that to 1400 lol

    Whats 1400 plus the 600 that got passed

  • Jan 20, 2021

    aint nobody finna hold them accountable b

  • Jan 20, 2021
    2 replies

    Bidens another puppet

    "Democracy" is back tho

  • Jan 20, 2021
    1 reply

    his foreign policy is going to be horrible

  • Jan 20, 2021

    his foreign policy is going to be horrible

    p sure already seen he's recognizing guiado as president of venezuela lol

  • Jan 20, 2021


  • Jan 20, 2021
    1 reply

    Bidens another puppet

    "Democracy" is back tho

    When people said ”democracy is back“ it had nothing to do with corporate interests and everything to do with the fact that he isn’t the guy that literally tried to cheat the election process

  • Jan 20, 2021

    Monthly reparation checks for black people

  • Buckleys Angel
    · edited

    When people said ”democracy is back“ it had nothing to do with corporate interests and everything to do with the fact that he isn’t the guy that literally tried to cheat the election process

    It's easier to live in fantasy land

  • Jan 20, 2021
    1 reply

    I hope he gets a lot done, dont know how well it will go but theres a strong chance.

  • Jan 20, 2021

    I hope he gets a lot done, dont know how well it will go but theres a strong chance.

    basically all i want this thread to do

  • Jan 20, 2021


  • Jan 20, 2021

    In for a bunch of promises that won't be kept

  • Jan 20, 2021
    4 replies

    you can start by doing the 2k checks and how theyve already changed that to 1400 lol
