wonder if the quarter reflects people changing their mind of leaving afghanistan or people still want to leave but disapprove how it happened
wonder if the quarter reflects people changing their mind of leaving afghanistan or people still want to leave but disapprove how it happened
indicative of the people whose opinion of the government is solely formed by whichever news channel they watch
Mickey Mouse President getting exposed.
If Biden was not running against Trump he would not have won period. The people that voted for him didn’t actually like him they just wanted Trump gone me included in that.
indicative of the people whose opinion of the government is solely formed by whichever news channel they watch
yeah i’m pretty sure this is all because the media has bashed how the departure in Afghanistan has been handled.
Mickey Mouse President getting exposed.
If Biden was not running against Trump he would not have won period. The people that voted for him didn’t actually like him they just wanted Trump gone me included in that.
this is mostly do to the media imo. the people they poll are mostly old voters who actually did like Biden. It should actually be extremely easy for Biden to do well after trump and the covid crisis. It’s a complete failure if he somehow botches this.
Withdrawing from Afghanistan is the most commendable thing a president has done in my lifetime. Certainly the best thing he’s done in his lifetime
the whole situation with sidney powell will go down as one of the stupidest moments in US history, thank god she's been mostly forgotten about even by Qers
How quick to you think the press would move on from this s*** if it happened under Trump?
How quick to you think the press would move on from this s*** if it happened under Trump?
it would be worse
How quick to you think the press would move on from this s*** if it happened under Trump?
Trump would be called to resign daily by Pelosi if this had happened under him
S*** is so f***ing blatant.
So this f***er isnt forgiving any of my loans ?
you’re mentally disabled so you should be covered
the afghanistan move was the right move, it was never going to be pretty, 10 years ago or 10 years in the future. would we rather have people come home an end the bullshit or keep them there another 20 just for a higher death tally. it’s no ones fault not trump not biden or anything. finger pointing is so annoying and everyone is guilty of it, just anything to cut down the opposition. anytime to pull out was the right time to pull out