She's not a b**** she's a queen with WOAT opinions
''queen'' f*** that crack w**** my g
i can believe that honestly. drake started to feel himself too much after the meek beef, pusha had to show him that hes not as good as a battle rapper as he claim.drake couldve ended kanye, kinda wish he just went at him and not pusha. would be interesting to see how things played out then.
i dont know if he couldve ended kanye, cause not even ye himself could do that, but if it came out that ye and kim had an open relationship or sth that wouldve sucked for his family for sure.
i still think drake had the more “listenable” diss track. hes good at making diss tracks that become hits. back to back was played on radios for months. psychological warfare.
drakes mistake was having skeletons in the closet. push and ye having some only makes them stronger cause theyre the antiheroes in this story
@Adrian @yeSAC
Adonis shaming thread please ban op along with everyone who baby shames
Wait, he got a p*** star pregnant?
She only ever danced on camera bucket naked so I guess if that counts
ill kill that b**** proudly for you
Disrespecting women too ?
I hope you get banned for being a misogynist as well
So crazy how I can go on p*** and look INTO the mother of drakes child’s a****** right now
Get help
Listen to some Daytona to get your mind off the negative. It helps believe me
Listen to some Daytona to get your mind off the negative. It helps believe me
Ok dis fax
@Adrian @yeSAC
Adonis shaming thread please ban op along with everyone who baby shames
How is this an Adonis shaming thread? LMFAO grow tf up