  • Jan 19
    1 reply

    He gonna drop something more commercial this summer and take over like the DAMN era.

    DAMN. was great but all the commercial songs on MM&TBS were garbage and so was that Hillbillies song. Unless he's doing something left-field and commercial at the same time like a dance album he can keep that

  • Heard he’s working with some female artists

  • Bump this thread in 5 years when we get new Kendrick

  • i don’t buy much, i buy land bro

  • Need a mixtape with just him snapping on some workout s***

  • Whatever or whenever it is I can be patient

  • Jan 19
    1 reply
    Zack From The Six

    I predict there will go some time before he comes back. He knows he has to drop something special after the lukewarm reception and commercial performance of Big Steppers, so he's probably not too confident right now

    I mean he also got the biggest tour of his whole career named after the album and performing many songs off the album.

    KTT =/= the world. MMTBS is nowhere near as panned as people here claim it is. Many people including myself even prefer it over DAMN.

    That said, I do think he might move in a more commercial or light- hearted direction on his next album.

  • Jan 19
    1 reply

    I mean he also got the biggest tour of his whole career named after the album and performing many songs off the album.

    KTT =/= the world. MMTBS is nowhere near as panned as people here claim it is. Many people including myself even prefer it over DAMN.

    That said, I do think he might move in a more commercial or light- hearted direction on his next album.

    My brother, half the songs on tour where from his other albums. That's what people want to see him perform. Just look at GKMC selling more than Mr Morale and DAMN not that far behind it when those are from YEARS ago...

    Every album Kendrick dropped is timeless except for Mr Morale and I wouldn't be surprised if the more time passes we will see it fall further behind. It's the black sheep album because it wasn't his biggest album commercially and wasn't really a critical hit like TPAB

  • And I actually think Kendrick has the perfect opportunity to drop a follow up album rn because we're still hungry for new music and Mr Morale was the closest he'll have to a "flop" if that's what yall want to call it so anything he drops after will be seen as a step up. The downside is that Mr Morale might end up being forgotten or completely looked over as time goes on unless he somehow drops something even worse

  • Jan 19
    We Didnt Like That

    My brother, half the songs on tour where from his other albums. That's what people want to see him perform. Just look at GKMC selling more than Mr Morale and DAMN not that far behind it when those are from YEARS ago...

    Every album Kendrick dropped is timeless except for Mr Morale and I wouldn't be surprised if the more time passes we will see it fall further behind. It's the black sheep album because it wasn't his biggest album commercially and wasn't really a critical hit like TPAB

    It was still one of the most acclaimed rap albums of 2022 and went Platinum.

    That said, it was a heavier listen than his other projects so that's going to be reflected in it not being as commercially successful.

  • Pinhead

    back to the drawing board after that last effort

  • Dance album

  • Jan 19
    1 reply

    PG Lang project or Keem collabo most likely

  • Yall always ruin kendrick threads damn

  • Jan 19
    2 replies

    PG Lang project or Keem collabo most likely

    Keep Keem


    Keep Keem

    I feel you tbh

  • Pinhead

    back to the drawing board after that last effort

    ktt2 loves hating on Mr. Morale but hyping up their favorite rappers s*** that sound just like their last

  • IG mood boarding

  • Jan 19
    3 replies

    doing whatever tf he wants he has nothing to prove

    he debuted in 2011 not 2001 or so man. he should be releasing a project every 3 or so years and not be fiona apple.

  • Jan 19
    1 reply

    he debuted in 2011 not 2001 or so man. he should be releasing a project every 3 or so years and not be fiona apple.

    I mean he was heavily active from 2004-2019, any person with other real life s*** going on would need a break too after that long

  • Jan 19
    1 reply
    Zack From The Six

    I predict there will go some time before he comes back. He knows he has to drop something special after the lukewarm reception and commercial performance of Big Steppers, so he's probably not too confident right now

    If he’s smart he released them joints to get out of his contract, and saved the heat for his next Album

  • Jan 19
    1 reply

    If he’s smart he released them joints to get out of his contract, and saved the heat for his next Album

    I don’t think he released Mr. Morale just to get out of his contract especially since he’s still in business with TDE. A roundabout way of saying you didn’t like the album lol

  • Jan 19
    1 reply

    he debuted in 2011 not 2001 or so man. he should be releasing a project every 3 or so years and not be fiona apple.

    why are only rappers held to this standard? nobody has a problem with d’angelo dropping every 20 years. kendrick took 5 years off but still dropped the black panther soundtrack in 2018 and you could lowkey take off 2 years for covid but niggas acting like he took a Frank break

  • Jan 19
    1 reply

    Hopefully new solo music, more features and focusing on his label. Hopefully putting on some new LA talent.

    Kendrick’s so good I wish he dropped more music

  • splice

    why are only rappers held to this standard? nobody has a problem with d’angelo dropping every 20 years. kendrick took 5 years off but still dropped the black panther soundtrack in 2018 and you could lowkey take off 2 years for covid but niggas acting like he took a Frank break

    The top mainstream rappers that came the generation were a lot more active. On 50 Cent and Wayne runs for examples if you include the mixtape work they might average more than a project a year

    Kendrick seems to even want to be mysterious with how visible he is on features.