  • May 27, 2021
    1 reply

    Just did that as an example bro

    I saw someone making fun of Demi Lovato earlier.

    Were you a fan of Robot Chicken back in the day David

  • May 27, 2021
    Buckleys Angel

    Because people joke about everything and there is humor to be found in any situation

    That's not true at all

  • May 27, 2021
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    You know what’s crazy? Folks be smoking weed everyday, can’t do anything without smoking it, can’t even do things like eat without smoking but will joke about people with d*** addiction. They need to look in the mirror cause they’re d*** addicts themselves they just don’t want to come to terms with it so they say bullshit like weed isn’t addictive. The way most of these weed heads move about it, it’s clearly addictive.


    People don't realize that weed is mentally addictive. They're are people who can't function at all without smoking a bowl. Their normal state is "being high". When they are sober all they want is weed.

  • Kengi 💭
    May 27, 2021

    People always wanna think they are better than others. Making fun of d*** addicts is an easy outlet for that

  • May 27, 2021
    1 reply



  • May 27, 2021


    Same, but I'm not addicted. I could stop anytime. But it would detrimentally hurt my mental state and physical state.

  • May 27, 2021

    Because it's cool to do d**** idk

  • May 27, 2021

    Take a high amount shrooms to kick addiction. Worked for me. Stopped drinking and smking two years ago.
    I partake in the sacred mushroom every blue moon

  • May 27, 2021
    1 reply
    babylon sherm

    Were you a fan of Robot Chicken back in the day David

    Of course I was.

    I'm not trying to be overly sensitive about this topic, but as someone who struggled a lil bit with substance abuse here and there in the past. I don't find this stuff funny anymore. We have lost KTT members who were amazing people because of d****. I don't find stuff funny like Freddie Gibbs posting "crackhead energy" videos on his twitter.

  • May 27, 2021
    1 reply


    Some of us can't function without them, you can't judge that because it's not like you get "high" off of them.

    It's like using a cast on a broken arm. It's like a bandaid.

  • May 27, 2021
    1 reply

    Just did that as an example bro

    I saw someone making fun of Demi Lovato earlier.

    Also Demi is a great current example WRT the idea that things can be funny and too tragic to touch simultaneously, which I was speaking to earlier -

    I don't think anyone is going to find it funny that someone was raped during a d*** overdose, but I do think its very funny to try and get a cupcake shop cancelled for having sugar-free options while you have such a massive amount of work to do on yourself personally because you're still smoking crack and are perpetuating what is imo a really dangerous concept of "california sober"

    just like you have to equally consider your own personal responsibility as an addict and the circumstances beyond your control that pushed you there, I think the same conversely applies to an audience evaluating whether it's okay or not okay to joke about addiction

  • May 27, 2021
    1 reply

    Of course I was.

    I'm not trying to be overly sensitive about this topic, but as someone who struggled a lil bit with substance abuse here and there in the past. I don't find this stuff funny anymore. We have lost KTT members who were amazing people because of d****. I don't find stuff funny like Freddie Gibbs posting "crackhead energy" videos on his twitter.

    I just think he did good work on the show, you know as a fellow addict trying to get straight that I am a support network in any time of need you find yourself in

  • May 27, 2021
    babylon sherm

    Also Demi is a great current example WRT the idea that things can be funny and too tragic to touch simultaneously, which I was speaking to earlier -

    I don't think anyone is going to find it funny that someone was raped during a d*** overdose, but I do think its very funny to try and get a cupcake shop cancelled for having sugar-free options while you have such a massive amount of work to do on yourself personally because you're still smoking crack and are perpetuating what is imo a really dangerous concept of "california sober"

    just like you have to equally consider your own personal responsibility as an addict and the circumstances beyond your control that pushed you there, I think the same conversely applies to an audience evaluating whether it's okay or not okay to joke about addiction

    I get what you're saying. People clowning her about ridiculous ramblings and what not?

    Yeah I mean I see how people find the humor in it. Personally I don't find it funny, but I can't dictate what people laugh at.

    I'm not mad about that stuff though, I was more so just a bit pissed off about how people think addiction comments/jokes are funny. I disagree with it though.

  • May 27, 2021
    babylon sherm

    I just think he did good work on the show, you know as a fellow addict trying to get straight that I am a support network in any time of need you find yourself in

    That show WAS good sherm!

  • May 27, 2021
    1 reply

    Some of us can't function without them, you can't judge that because it's not like you get "high" off of them.

    It's like using a cast on a broken arm. It's like a bandaid.

    I know I'm just fooling around

  • May 27, 2021
    1 reply

    I know I'm just fooling around

    Oh sorry man, lol no offense I wasn't trying to "seem like a d***" when I said that either.

  • May 27, 2021

    Oh sorry man, lol no offense I wasn't trying to "seem like a d***" when I said that either.

    All jokes aside I lost a friend to addiction a few years ago. We had a falling out because of some stupid religious differences, but I didn't know he was dealing with addiction. Which explained his radical/nonsensical beliefs.
    Died a few days after our fallout.

    Hope whoever is dealing with addiction on here pulls through and heals from that s***. I understand it's not easy

  • May 27, 2021
    Cant pick

    davidp for president

    The p is for president

  • Hi-C 🦌
    May 27, 2021

    Exactly. Why the f*** is that s*** being overlooked?

    Dave, you older than me but you know how that s*** works. Most people are so sorry for the situation that they’re in, they have to turn to the next person to make themselves feel better about their lives.

    “I might hate my job, my life, and my family, but at least I’m not addicted to heroin!!” type s*** for real. It’s really weird and always makes me uncomfortable when people demean others for things they cannot help. It’s a mental illness and people brush it off like it’s a choice.

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    May 27, 2021

    2 types of people and it’s really weird. People who have never actually been around addiction to see how devastating it is and people who have been around it and it’s hardened them to the point they ridicule it because of how it effected them. D**** have ruined the lives of most of the men who were supposed to guide me in life as a child. But empathize rather than criticize. Addiction is a hard battle. Especially when you recognize addiction can apply to anything. With d**** it’s just so much worse.

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    May 27, 2021

    I think this was going at rap and not actual addicts though to be fair, he explained this at one point

    Rappers are addicts it’s not difference. The addicts are the ones glorifying it so by going at rap he’s still attacking addicts

  • May 27, 2021
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    You know what’s crazy? Folks be smoking weed everyday, can’t do anything without smoking it, can’t even do things like eat without smoking but will joke about people with d*** addiction. They need to look in the mirror cause they’re d*** addicts themselves they just don’t want to come to terms with it so they say bullshit like weed isn’t addictive. The way most of these weed heads move about it, it’s clearly addictive.

    You can smoke weed every day and still be successful. For me it’s an anti depressant and energy boost to get my day going, rather hit my bong once before I leave for the day than pop some pills to control my thoughts or rely on caffeine for the energy to work. Mfs who revolve their entire lives around they next blunt are bums tho

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    May 27, 2021
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    You know what’s crazy? Folks be smoking weed everyday, can’t do anything without smoking it, can’t even do things like eat without smoking but will joke about people with d*** addiction. They need to look in the mirror cause they’re d*** addicts themselves they just don’t want to come to terms with it so they say bullshit like weed isn’t addictive. The way most of these weed heads move about it, it’s clearly addictive.

    I mean for what it’s worth people who can’t eat without weed usually suffer with eating disorders prior to weed and it stimulates their appetite. They could get on a various amount of medications that aren’t addictive that would give them an appetite and not have to use weed.

    Your point is still valid though. I’ll admit I have a dependency. Won’t say addiction because I’m not out here selling my s*** for a half. But at the same time I function significantly worse without it. I’m currently on a drought raw dogging s*** with just my regular meds and it’s hell.