  • Jan 5, 2023
    3 replies
    Not Like Josuke

    Niggas talkin bout they quit social media itt but KTT the same thing low key

    Don’t quote me

    forums are drastically different from major social media platforms and you and i both know this

  • Jan 5, 2023
    1 reply

    forums are drastically different from major social media platforms and you and i both know this

    I disagree. I think it’s the same. Especially the time invested.

  • Jan 5, 2023
    2 replies

    forums are drastically different from major social media platforms and you and i both know this

    bro hop on osrs im on rn

  • Jan 5, 2023

    bro hop on osrs im on rn

    sorry breh

  • Jan 5, 2023

    forums are drastically different from major social media platforms and you and i both know this

    Biggest difference is sense of community, media that can be included in a post, and unlimited character count
    But if you're a very casual poster then yeah its more similar

  • Jan 5, 2023

    This ain’t that hard

    Just delete it.

  • plants 🌻
    Jan 5, 2023
    FKA Tadow

    But what about all the memes I'd miss

    i'll mail u the highlights b

  • Jan 5, 2023

    Doing the same this year

    I did it before in 2021 and nothing much changed besides my social media friends thinking I died or something lol

    As for the homies they can just text me we really just send stuff to each other on social media we don’t really have convos anymore lol

  • Jan 5, 2023
    2 replies
    Assadot Dhakur

    I disagree. I think it’s the same. Especially the time invested.

    Social media platforms tend to have a major backing and all-encompassing environment to them, and they're usually based around a very specific niche format - Facebook has posts, Twitter has tweets, Instagram has pictures, Snapchat has (short term) pictures, so on and so forth

    They also have advertising built into them most times and are created for profit, whereas most forums tend to be niche, but aren't as advertising intensive, don't have the software engineers and designers planning a way to make the user stay connected to it, and aren't as data intensive

    To me, a forum like KTT isn't really social media, unless you just encompass any environment on the internet where people talk as social media, then I guess half of the internet is a social media platform

  • plants 🌻
    Jan 5, 2023

    Social media platforms tend to have a major backing and all-encompassing environment to them, and they're usually based around a very specific niche format - Facebook has posts, Twitter has tweets, Instagram has pictures, Snapchat has (short term) pictures, so on and so forth

    They also have advertising built into them most times and are created for profit, whereas most forums tend to be niche, but aren't as advertising intensive, don't have the software engineers and designers planning a way to make the user stay connected to it, and aren't as data intensive

    To me, a forum like KTT isn't really social media, unless you just encompass any environment on the internet where people talk as social media, then I guess half of the internet is a social media platform

    ktt2 just built different

  • Jan 5, 2023
    1 reply

    bro hop on osrs im on rn

  • Jan 5, 2023
    1 reply

    Social media platforms tend to have a major backing and all-encompassing environment to them, and they're usually based around a very specific niche format - Facebook has posts, Twitter has tweets, Instagram has pictures, Snapchat has (short term) pictures, so on and so forth

    They also have advertising built into them most times and are created for profit, whereas most forums tend to be niche, but aren't as advertising intensive, don't have the software engineers and designers planning a way to make the user stay connected to it, and aren't as data intensive

    To me, a forum like KTT isn't really social media, unless you just encompass any environment on the internet where people talk as social media, then I guess half of the internet is a social media platform

    KTT is no different than twitter from a user aspect. Anonymous users that post random stuff that you engage with.
    It has a news section, music section, life section, politics etc. it’s literally update by the minute. You can like posts. You can post memes and gifs. You can get banned lol. It’s literally the same thing IMO

    And to me the biggest thing is the time investment if youre engage on ktt for multiple hours a day, it’s def the same effect.

  • Jan 5, 2023
    1 reply
    Assadot Dhakur

    KTT is no different than twitter from a user aspect. Anonymous users that post random stuff that you engage with.
    It has a news section, music section, life section, politics etc. it’s literally update by the minute. You can like posts. You can post memes and gifs. You can get banned lol. It’s literally the same thing IMO

    And to me the biggest thing is the time investment if youre engage on ktt for multiple hours a day, it’s def the same effect.

    Twitter's hashtag and trending page function are different. Their method of advertising to major companies makes them extremely different from a smaller forum like KTT2. Data collection from Twitter is different. Yes, you can post pictures and things here, but they tend to be from other websites. You're just referencing it here, instead of it being hosted here and it being a primary function of KTT2.

    KTT2 doesn't have the function to share your posts to other websites like most social media websites. It doesn't allow you to host/livestream/upload/download directly from the site. You're not really adding people or private messaging them (there is a function apparently, but I'm still not sure on how that works?). There are periods of registration verification to prohibit mass user sign-up/bots.

    KTT to me lacks the function of social media websites, the personalization of a user (beyond an avatar and name), and the intimacy of social media platforms. Sure, you can tell us who you are in your posts, but for the most part, it's not really social outside of the topics we engage in that tend to be niche

    to me, by what ur saying, anything on the internet where people can post/talk is social media

  • shane

    Twitter's hashtag and trending page function are different. Their method of advertising to major companies makes them extremely different from a smaller forum like KTT2. Data collection from Twitter is different. Yes, you can post pictures and things here, but they tend to be from other websites. You're just referencing it here, instead of it being hosted here and it being a primary function of KTT2.

    KTT2 doesn't have the function to share your posts to other websites like most social media websites. It doesn't allow you to host/livestream/upload/download directly from the site. You're not really adding people or private messaging them (there is a function apparently, but I'm still not sure on how that works?). There are periods of registration verification to prohibit mass user sign-up/bots.

    KTT to me lacks the function of social media websites, the personalization of a user (beyond an avatar and name), and the intimacy of social media platforms. Sure, you can tell us who you are in your posts, but for the most part, it's not really social outside of the topics we engage in that tend to be niche

    to me, by what ur saying, anything on the internet where people can post/talk is social media

    The point of op referring to it as a social media break is to disconnect bro. Deleting all social media and keeping KTT doesn’t accomplish that. and the biggest component is the time invested. If you’re spending 8 hours on ktt versus twitter you’re not on a break from social media, you just switched the platform.

    That’s like your Doctor telling you to limit work because of an injury and you take off of your fencing job. Only to go home to fix your own fence. That’s still not a break.

    It’s performs the same function from that standpoint.

  • Jan 5, 2023
    1 reply
    Not Like Josuke

    tell me you play king


    tell me you play king

    Come to Edgeville bank world 10 look for Gertjuh

  • Jan 6, 2023
    1 reply
    Jerry Seinfeld

    I quit all social media six years ago and never looked back. I do waste more time here than I probably would if I still had it though lol.

    what made you jump ship?

    i been off it for a while now too

  • Jan 6, 2023

    I want to get a dumb phone that can only install essential apps like telegram, whatsapp, Maps etc. Does this exist?

    Light phone

  • Jan 6, 2023
    1 reply

    what made you jump ship?

    i been off it for a while now too

    It was around the 2016 election in the US, and everyone on my feed was getting increasingly political, and I realized I never posted anymore and was tired of it, figured I’d come back but just never did.

  • Jan 6, 2023
    1 reply
    Jerry Seinfeld

    It was around the 2016 election in the US, and everyone on my feed was getting increasingly political, and I realized I never posted anymore and was tired of it, figured I’d come back but just never did.

    what do you do in your spare time?

    and did you lose relationships?

    i realized i had superficial relationships with all of the people i interacted with on there

  • Jan 6, 2023
    1 reply

    what do you do in your spare time?

    and did you lose relationships?

    i realized i had superficial relationships with all of the people i interacted with on there

    I got more into music so that led me to KTT1 and here. I started playing more games, watching more shows that I never paid attention to, read more books. I have been looking for a new creative outlet tbh.

    And I did lose some, but the friends I wanted to stay in contact with just switched to texting me and the rest, good riddance.

  • Jerry Seinfeld

    I got more into music so that led me to KTT1 and here. I started playing more games, watching more shows that I never paid attention to, read more books. I have been looking for a new creative outlet tbh.

    And I did lose some, but the friends I wanted to stay in contact with just switched to texting me and the rest, good riddance.

    love that


  • Went on break for 3 days after this thread while on vacation. Felt really relaxed. Won't be back on Instagram till I'm back home

  • Not Like Josuke

    Niggas talkin bout they quit social media itt but KTT the same thing low key

    Don’t quote me

    Yeah, but you're talking to people one on one in a meaningful matter more often than on social media.

  • Jan 8, 2023

    dumb asf