likes f***ed up the world
The year of this is important too though we were talking about 90s
Pretty sure those numbers are applicable to any point in which anorexia existed
"loser"/Red Pill/Alpha Male ideologies spreading to the younger people has taken its toll. Truly putrid stuff.
other direction bud; the false expectations that violently shift between two binary s***demographics is what causes this, on both sides
Edit: why do you cap so hard for women, instead of equal responsibility?
yep been noticing this too
a couple girls i know been getting this thing where it makes them do the equivalent of 20,000 squats in 30 mins while they lay in a chair
same girl is basically a model / aspiring actress whos naturally attractive and got fillers and botox and a nose job. shes like 21
just sad
I don’t remember that many attractive women back in the day.
Now days they’re are everywhere
Idk if it’s make up or women just glowed up and switched up
But social media definitely played big part in that.
666 squats per minute
I don’t remember that many attractive women back in the day.
Now days they’re are everywhere
Idk if it’s make up or women just glowed up and switched up
But social media definitely played big part in that.
It’s make up bro lol
I’m honestly sick of the unnaturally perfect, squared eyebrow look on girls tbh.
yeah but that second chart is misleading too; you have to recognize relative changes at the time - and the dramatic shifts you see that spike it over the first peak past 2016
do kids/teens these days even have blunder years? like my childhood pics... oof.
but compared to this new generation, they are more self aware of their appearance and presentation more than I was at like 10 years old.
Social media
The internet
Majority have some type of device
We had this as kids but not as much as they have it now. Everything wasn’t this accessible
I live in Virginia so no fakes around here. Just washed up mofos with beer belly's and women with love handles.
Yep unless you in Norfolk/rva
Yup any woman will you tell there are times when they think they’re not “woman enough” because they don’t look like human barbies made of silicon
I've been seeing this alot lately where alot of the Under 40 crowd seem to be getting plastic surgery/vaneers/nosejobs/ hell even CALVE implants are now popular with men.
It's troubling to see that teenagers are falling into body dysmorphia and getting surgeries this young. Like I can understand being an adult and always having a bad looking nose or bad teeth and needing to get it fixed (especially if it impairs how your body functions) but I mean.... getting chin implants at 17? are you kidding?
Is social media destroying an actual standard of normal looking people? Kind of worrying to be honest. I sometimes look at myself and feel like I'm not a very attractive guy. Even though I already married at a young age, I sometimes feel like I'm "still gonna be competing" with other men, despite my marriage going well.
Anyone else feel this way?
I feel like this is too big of a conclusion to jump to, I would agree that social media has an influence on beauty standards, but I don't think that it's what creates the beauty standards we have today.
I would argue that advertising has a much greater impact on beauty standards than social media does.
I'm worried for the younger generation. They are going to feel too much pressure to meet up to a certain standard
Was their even a "standard" to begin with?
I think it's just society pushing what their own "standard" is just to profit off the masses
how about you SOCIALize and MEDIAte some b****es 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Facts chase a bag U will not save a whole generation of people
Ehh were never into that type of women
this. lmfao people really talk about women like its shopping at the mall.
yeah during other decades enamored with hyper consumerism people weren't hellbent on seeking self validation through materialism.
some people get plastic surgery, others become a doctor or lawyer because their parents to and live a life of utter despair and self-hatred