Communism Thread

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  • Dec 15, 2022

  • Dec 15, 2022

  • Dec 15, 2022
    1 reply

    Forest Gump is the most right-wing movie ever made.

  • Dec 15, 2022

    Forest Gump is the most right-wing movie ever made.

    propaganda film made to reinforce the fake idea that nixon was guilty


  • Dec 15, 2022
    2 replies

    Baby wake up new "cop dies from touching fent" news story just dropped

  • Dec 15, 2022

    Still less turnover than Amazon

  • Dec 15, 2022

  • Dec 15, 2022
    1 reply
  • Dec 15, 2022

    Judeo-Asiatic lmao

  • Dec 16, 2022

    Baby wake up new "cop dies from touching fent" news story just dropped

    that whole thing is some different s***...

  • Dec 16, 2022

    Baby wake up new "cop dies from touching fent" news story just dropped

    RX Papi line about touching fent with no gloves

  • Dec 16, 2022
    1 reply


  • Dec 16, 2022
    1 reply



    Kendrick Lamar does cashapp ad with bourgeois ideologue Ray Dalio
    Music · 230 replies · by Scratchin Mamba

  • Dec 16, 2022
    Scratchin Mamba

    Kendrick Lamar does cashapp ad with bourgeois ideologue Ray Dalio
    Music · 230 replies · by Scratchin Mamba

  • Dec 16, 2022
    1 reply

    Exclusive: FIFA rebuffs Zelensky’s request to share message of peace at World Cup final

  • Dec 16, 2022

    Exclusive: FIFA rebuffs Zelensky’s request to share message of peace at World Cup final


  • Dec 16, 2022
    1 reply

    Zhou En Lai’s criticism on C.P.I. (M.L) to Souren Bose (prominent Naxalite/Maoist leader)

    @Womanpuncher69 thought you'd like this if u havent read before

    1. The Chinese party grew and developed by fighting alien trends-both left adventurism and right deviation.

    2. The Chinese Revolution became successful with 3 magic weapons a. The Party b. People’s Army c. the United Front.

    3. To call a chairman of one party as the chairman of another party is wrong and it will would the national sentiment of the working class of a country.

    4. Your idea of united front is wrong stating that it will come into being only after the formation of base areas. The United front comes into being at every stage of struggle, again it breaks down.

    The worker-peasant unity is its main basis. The characterization of the entire bourgeoisie as comprador is wrong. Some exploiter sections have to be united.

    5. It is wrong to reject open trade Union, open mass organizations and mass movements and to solely uphold secret assassination. Formally we misunderstood what you meant as annihilation. ‘We used to think that the idea is taken from Chairman’s war of annihilation’. But from 1970 issue of liberation we came to understand that this assassination meant secret assassination.

    6. You have wrongly and mechanically applied Chairman Lin Biao’s theory of people’s war. It was only a military affair having no relation to political and organizational questions. During the anti-Japan war resistance we had an army of 10 lakhs, at that time some army comrades raised the slogan that positional and mobile warfare were the only means to mobilize people.

    7. The formulation that a revolutionary does not make his hand red with the blood of class enemies then he is not a communist.

    With this yard stick a Communist party would not remain a communist party.

    8. No emphasis on agrarian revolution and slogan in connection with seizure of State power. No agrarian programme and state power is counter-posed to land problem.

    9. Without mass struggle and mass organization the peasant’s armed struggle cannot be sustained. The CPC supported Naxalbari struggle not merely as a struggle of seizure of state power.

    Red article in ‘Spring Thunder’ published in China to support Naxalbari.

    10. The authority and prestige of a leader cannot be created but has to be developed.

    11. The general orientation of C.P.I. (M.L.) is correct but it’s policy is wrong.

  • Dec 16, 2022

    Watching this white British professor with dreadlocks talk about Football and capitalism and he said tiger woods is the Barack Obama of golf

  • Dec 16, 2022
    1 reply

    Zhou En Lai’s criticism on C.P.I. (M.L) to Souren Bose (prominent Naxalite/Maoist leader)

    @Womanpuncher69 thought you'd like this if u havent read before

    1. The Chinese party grew and developed by fighting alien trends-both left adventurism and right deviation.

    2. The Chinese Revolution became successful with 3 magic weapons a. The Party b. People’s Army c. the United Front.

    3. To call a chairman of one party as the chairman of another party is wrong and it will would the national sentiment of the working class of a country.

    4. Your idea of united front is wrong stating that it will come into being only after the formation of base areas. The United front comes into being at every stage of struggle, again it breaks down.

    The worker-peasant unity is its main basis. The characterization of the entire bourgeoisie as comprador is wrong. Some exploiter sections have to be united.

    5. It is wrong to reject open trade Union, open mass organizations and mass movements and to solely uphold secret assassination. Formally we misunderstood what you meant as annihilation. ‘We used to think that the idea is taken from Chairman’s war of annihilation’. But from 1970 issue of liberation we came to understand that this assassination meant secret assassination.

    6. You have wrongly and mechanically applied Chairman Lin Biao’s theory of people’s war. It was only a military affair having no relation to political and organizational questions. During the anti-Japan war resistance we had an army of 10 lakhs, at that time some army comrades raised the slogan that positional and mobile warfare were the only means to mobilize people.

    7. The formulation that a revolutionary does not make his hand red with the blood of class enemies then he is not a communist.

    With this yard stick a Communist party would not remain a communist party.

    8. No emphasis on agrarian revolution and slogan in connection with seizure of State power. No agrarian programme and state power is counter-posed to land problem.

    9. Without mass struggle and mass organization the peasant’s armed struggle cannot be sustained. The CPC supported Naxalbari struggle not merely as a struggle of seizure of state power.

    Red article in ‘Spring Thunder’ published in China to support Naxalbari.

    10. The authority and prestige of a leader cannot be created but has to be developed.

    11. The general orientation of C.P.I. (M.L.) is correct but it’s policy is wrong.

    i really need to read on the history of the naxals plan on doing that after winter break when im done the three books i’m studying on my own rn (Anti-Duhring, Prison Notebooks, Capital)

    saw a quite a few books on the history at my uni library

    i also haven’t talked to a women in so long man

  • Dec 16, 2022

    i really need to read on the history of the naxals plan on doing that after winter break when im done the three books i’m studying on my own rn (Anti-Duhring, Prison Notebooks, Capital)

    saw a quite a few books on the history at my uni library

    i also haven’t talked to a women in so long man

    I haven’t read this in it’s entirety but this is a good one from CPI (MLM) themselves

    Also enjoy Anti Duhring bro it is so underrated and truly one of the master pieces of Marxism

  • Dec 17, 2022

    Man Shot Dead During Heated Argument About Who Communists Should Support In The FIFA 2022 World Cup Finals

  • Dec 17, 2022
    2 replies

    damn man rip

  • Dec 17, 2022


  • Dec 17, 2022