Communism Thread

Page 5 of 1323
  • Oct 26, 2019

  • Oct 26, 2019

    that was my last response to garden stan or whatever the f***, obvious troll, nobod can be this dense for real

  • Versetti

    You have absolutely no argument. The western values you d***riding literally did ethnic cleansing all over the world. Since y'all love comparing s***, compare that. But somehow you don't contribute that to capitalism, do you?

    What would be your ideal social system and economic system? Break down your plan to me on how you will keep 300million Americans motivated, engaged, and morally enticed to be good citizens in their society. Not being a d*** I'm genuinely CURIOUS. Coz it's always "overthrow the govt" like OK then what? So please I'm INTRIGUED

  • Calling someone dense coz you operate in candy land where muh feelings! are number one priority. Show me ONE country where socialism was implemented and millions didn't needlessly die and the ruling govt didn't oppress it's people via military force. ONE

  • Niggas go to school and read 1984 and don't get how dumb they look with this socialism s*** lmfao f***ing clowns

  • Oct 26, 2019
    2 replies

    Nigga said "garden Stan or whatever" like a hurt b**** lmfao you know my name Lil hoe stop cappin

  • Oct 26, 2019
    1 reply


  • Oct 26, 2019

  • Versetti


    You can't pull ONE example of successful socialism out your ass? Not ONE? ONE????

  • Oct 26, 2019
    1 reply
    The Garden Stan

    Nigga said "garden Stan or whatever" like a hurt b**** lmfao you know my name Lil hoe stop cappin

    r u doing ok buddy

  • hermit

    r u doing ok buddy

    I'm fine I just love watching socialist dumb dumbs recognize their cognitive dissonance. It's beautiful

  • Oct 26, 2019
    1 reply

    Oh I forgot it's the Internet in 2019 where if u type more than a 5 words trying to have an actual discussion you're mad lmfao so much for the spread of ideas and information

  • Oct 26, 2019
    1 reply
    The Garden Stan

    Oh I forgot it's the Internet in 2019 where if u type more than a 5 words trying to have an actual discussion you're mad lmfao so much for the spread of ideas and information

    it's not how much you type its how lmao

  • Oct 26, 2019
    1 reply

    it's not how much you type its how lmao

    Let me add commas and a bibliography and a thesis statement lmfao it's a Kanye forum bro who cares

  • I'm typing on a phone inbetween red dead cutscenes and men a***yzing my typing patterns lmfao it really ain't that deep

  • Yet to receive one example of socialism working. Guess it doesn't exist

  • Oct 26, 2019
    1 reply
    The Garden Stan

    Let me add commas and a bibliography and a thesis statement lmfao it's a Kanye forum bro who cares

    no u don't get it you had more words attacking him than actually arguing

  • Oct 26, 2019
    2 replies
    Scratchin Mamba

    Wait a minute, why do you have an Angela Davis avi if you hate "tankies" lmfaooo

    Never said I dislike Leninist. I hate those that glorify Stalin and Mao. I like Angela for what she’s done for black feminism. Also, she’s been quite critical of Stalin herself lmaooo

  • Oct 26, 2019
    1 reply

    no u don't get it you had more words attacking him than actually arguing

    No I really didn't. Typed a whole paragraph asking him for his plan. How I the attacking him

  • Oct 26, 2019

    I’m not really an anarchist either lol more of a Luxemburgist

  • Oct 26, 2019
    1 reply
    The Garden Stan

    No I really didn't. Typed a whole paragraph asking him for his plan. How I the attacking him

    'like a hurt b**** lmfao you know my name Lil hoe stop cappin like a hurt b**** lmfao Niggas go to school and read 1984 and don't get how dumb they look with this socialism s*** lmfao f***ing clowns'

  • Oct 26, 2019
    2 replies

    no anti tankie discourse allowed this is a LEFT UNITY thread

    — blout monocle

    Left unity if we’re all acting in good faith and not being oblivious to human rights violations from the past.

  • Oct 26, 2019
    2 replies

    'like a hurt b**** lmfao you know my name Lil hoe stop cappin like a hurt b**** lmfao Niggas go to school and read 1984 and don't get how dumb they look with this socialism s*** lmfao f***ing clowns'

    1984 is a pretty f***ing GREAT anti-socialism argument lmao

    And we gonna pretend like that wasn't hoe behavior? Like when you ask a nigga "Yo you know so and so" and they roll they eyes knowing damn well they know that is but be like "yes I mean I think so" lmfao that's hating ass female behavior straight up

  • Oct 26, 2019
    1 reply

    Left unity if we’re all acting in good faith and not being oblivious to human rights violations from the past.

    you gotta treat human rights violations in their place though. no country ever in history achieved modernization/great progress/democratization without blood and suffering. so when western people wanna hold places like China to some idealized standard, it's funny, because they're obvlivious to the centuries of suffering their own countries went through to grow and democratize.

    you can't have a level headed argument about this, if you focus on the PRC's cons and ignoring the pros, meanwhile you focus on the pros of western history and ignore the cons. not saying you're doing that, but most people do and the media do.

  • Oct 26, 2019
    1 reply
    The Garden Stan

    1984 is a pretty f***ing GREAT anti-socialism argument lmao

    And we gonna pretend like that wasn't hoe behavior? Like when you ask a nigga "Yo you know so and so" and they roll they eyes knowing damn well they know that is but be like "yes I mean I think so" lmfao that's hating ass female behavior straight up

    hating ass female behavior
