  • Updated Jun 8, 2021

    On April 15th at 3:46am, 99.95% of votes had been counted by electoral authorities. Pedro Castillo outperformed the exit poll, having received 19.1% of votes. In second place, is far-right candidate Keiko Fujimori with 13.3%. The two will face off in the second round, which must be held 30 days after the completion of the first round vote count.

    Bermejo said that while the country pumps out cocaine to the world, the major media networks have worked with the country’s political class to ignore the issue:

    “Peru is the second producer of cocaine in the world, Mavila. That issue is never seen on television channels, no one talks about it, and the question is why? In Peru are there not d*** cartels?”

    “In Peru, production has gone from 250 tons of cocaine to 750 tons of cocaine in less than six years, and we only seize, on average, 3% annually. Tell me, do we not have cartels? Who is permitting those small planes to pass?”

    “Have the media at any point looked over the results of the fight against d*** trafficking in this country? Why is this not a campaign issue if we are the second producer of cocaine in the world, if here they haven’t captured not one small plane, not one in more than 20 years.”

    When asked by host Mavila Huertas what a Castillo government would do “to improve the efficiency of the armed forces and the police,” Bermejo replied saying U.S. cooperation is the underlying problem.

    “First, remove foreign intervention from Peru. The Congress, all of them, since the dictatorship until now, allow the entry of hundreds of U.S. soldiers and U.S. military advisers annually who walk through all the barracks of the country. Showing them techniques, in theory, of repression against the population. And that’s agreed to by the President and it’s been all of the Presidents, without exception (..) all of them have asked that people who represent the most bloodthirsty and cruel army in the history of humanity come to Peru, after they massacre more than seven million people in the Middle East. We attend them, we let them enter our home and we put them in our barracks.”

    “Would you expel the DEA?” asked Huertas.

    “Of course. The DEA is the main d*** cartel in the world and any serious a***yst on d*** trafficking will tell you” responded Bermejo.

    He continued, “The high command of police and army have been discredited here. I only ask that the issue of d*** trafficking not be ignored. I challenge television networks to begin to dig into that matter because if they aren’t seizing one single aircraft in Peru, and there aren’t cartels like in Colombia and Mexico, then who is moving d**** in this country? Who has the ability to allow the entry of planes, load them, pay the money, and take the coca..”

  • Apr 22, 2021
    1 reply

    He’s got my vote!

  • Apr 22, 2021
    1 reply

    He’s got my vote!

    Definitely. I'm becoming more and more interested in Latin American politics.

  • Apr 22, 2021

    CIA covert action incoming

    jk but not really

  • Apr 22, 2021

    He sounds real af tho wish the best for him

  • Apr 22, 2021
    1 reply

    Definitely. I'm becoming more and more interested in Latin American politics.

    what would you recommend to watch so I can stay updated?

  • Apr 23, 2021
    1 reply
    JT is Electric

    what would you recommend to watch so I can stay updated?

    Watch? IDK

    kawsachun news is really good imo, i follow their twitter
    read "open veins of latin america" to get started

    personally im trying to learn spanish & get in through primary source documents, my grandma knew it but never taught my dad (im american) . thats just my strategy though

  • Apr 23, 2021
    1 reply

    wonder what the PCP thinks of him

  • Apr 23, 2021
    2 replies

    wonder what the PCP thinks of him

    Bunch of rumors that he is in PCP but I think thats all it is. Probably just redbaiting

  • Apr 23, 2021

    Bunch of rumors that he is in PCP but I think thats all it is. Probably just redbaiting

    I heard he was also against them, when they were super active but those were rumours as well.

  • Apr 23, 2021

    Watch? IDK

    kawsachun news is really good imo, i follow their twitter
    read "open veins of latin america" to get started

    personally im trying to learn spanish & get in through primary source documents, my grandma knew it but never taught my dad (im american) . thats just my strategy though

    saame my dad didn’t remember the spanish he learned from his mom and gma.

    This video was very informative of how horrible the US media’s bias on Venezuela is

  • Apr 23, 2021

    CIA already trying to find ideas on how how they can overthrow him

  • Apr 23, 2021
    2 replies

    Bunch of rumors that he is in PCP but I think thats all it is. Probably just redbaiting

    PCP would never support elections in capitalist countries, it's one of their most firm beliefs of modern Maoism

  • Apr 23, 2021
    2 replies

    PCP would never support elections in capitalist countries, it's one of their most firm beliefs of modern Maoism

    What does PCP stand for?

  • Apr 23, 2021

    PCP would never support elections in capitalist countries, it's one of their most firm beliefs of modern Maoism

    Yep thats why its silly
    i think they're insinuating he's was in the civillian branch or something; not that the cpp has his support

  • Apr 23, 2021

    What does PCP stand for?

    Partido Comunista del Perú!

    ¡Viva la Guerra Popular!
    ¡Guerra Popular hasta el comunismo!
    ¡Larga Vida Chairman Gonzalo!

  • Apr 23, 2021

  • Gojira 🦖
    Apr 23, 2021

    Go DEA on the DEA

  • Apr 23, 2021

    Really excited to see the development here with Peru and if Castillo can decisively defeat Fujimori's hell spawn (daughter) then all the better.

    I expect some years (if not decades) of hardship (especially with all the f***ery that went on in Bolivia after Morales was couped) - but hopefully with the good relations between Castillo and Morales, Peru and Bolivia can begin paving an alternative for S. American development and lifting millions out of poverty.

    Also, just throwing this out there, but the Grayzone and Telesur have been two sources I have followed in order to keep up to date with some of the developments in Latin America.

    EDIT: OP just wanted to say a quick thanks for the recommendation you threw up earlier in the thread with Kawsachun News, checked out earlier

  • Apr 23, 2021

    What does PCP stand for?

    What space cadet said, it's the party led by Chairman Gonzalo that almost overthrew the Peruvian government in the late 80s, early 90s.

    It's still involved in an active armed struggle with the government of Peru

  • Jun 7, 2021

  • Jun 7, 2021

    Gonna find out who wins very shortly..

  • Jun 7, 2021
    1 reply
  • Jun 7, 2021

  • Gojira 🦖
    Jun 7, 2021

    That history of Fujimorism is wild