The elites want societal collapse, that’s why they push the things they do. But there is a growing pro human movement that is trying to fight it
Why would the elites want societal collapse? They're not super villains that want to destroy the world. They're greedy scumbags that want all the power. They know that societal collapse is inevitable to they are preparing by building underground bunkers
No they want complete dominion and power over the people. How can you be the richest and most powerful man if there are no more people on the planet? What world is there if you can't rule over others? But they know that collapse is inevitable so they are preparing to save themselves
I think this one?
! think it was this same guy but a different lecture, i remember it being more well lit in like a academic setting, i’ll scope out this one tho
Wild people still wanting to have kids.
one of my brothers is havin a kid
i think hes crazy for it but i aint gone say that to him. we already had talks about this stuff lol so he prolly knows anyway but i aint gone say nothin
nothin but love anyways, ive always lowkey wanted to be an uncle haha
more or less encapsulates my feelings on this
what you're saying is undeniable but they're grabbing the last seconds of power before all the lights go out
imo anyway. god i would love to be wrong haha
decarbonisation is a grift that places the burden of (invisible) climate change on the common man whilst "They" continue to punish the (visible) environment
decarbonisation and rising/maintaining living standards are not compatible - this is the main point that needs to be made.
one way or another the world will have it's population brought down to a level that is sustainable. systems are self-regulating.
Literally don’t care
cared enough to comment nerd
nerds never met a happy doomer before
camus walked so i could run sweetie
I miss you bb
No they want complete dominion and power over the people. How can you be the richest and most powerful man if there are no more people on the planet? What world is there if you can't rule over others? But they know that collapse is inevitable so they are preparing to save themselves
robots, dumbass. and they plan ahead, so they are sowing the seeds of conditioning for your grandchildren
wish an alien hybrid b**** would fall in love with me and we would escape in her ufo
robots, dumbass. and they plan ahead, so they are sowing the seeds of conditioning for your grandchildren
What are you even talking about 🤣? I don’t think you read my post
What are you even talking about 🤣? I don’t think you read my post
you gotta watch gundam. the next frontier is space n they gonna be on colonize mode again. we're gonna be genetically engineered to handle space
earth will be automated. thats how they will rule without people
you gotta watch gundam. the next frontier is space n they gonna be on colonize mode again. we're gonna be genetically engineered to handle space
earth will be automated. thats how they will rule without people
We’re referencing animes now? 💀 my point was that their intention isn’t for the world to get wiped out. It’s inevitable so they are planning for the inevitable. That’s all I’m saying.
We’re referencing animes now? 💀 my point was that their intention isn’t for the world to get wiped out. It’s inevitable so they are planning for the inevitable. That’s all I’m saying.
its not the inevitable. its engineered. they create the problem, they swoop in as heroes with a solution, with a string attatched
listen to the posters itt talking about decarbonization. they will tell you the earth is dying and you are a sinful polluter, for breathing air. here is your air tax. while they continue to shoot their missles
its not the inevitable. its engineered. they create the problem, they swoop in as heroes with a solution, with a string attatched
listen to the posters itt talking about decarbonization. they will tell you the earth is dying and you are a sinful polluter, for breathing air. here is your air tax. while they continue to shoot their missles
I have a feeling there’s some inevitable extinction event coming and the rich just want to cash out and have fun till it’s time to dip. I don’t see any point in them intentionally killing the world