  • Oct 5, 2022
    2 replies

    you just described covid btw

    covid was created in a lab..
    you guys are talking like these guys stumble into the finesse. its way more devious
    just wait till they bring out designer babies. lets see what they do when they can wire your child's brain in the womb

  • Oct 5, 2022

    covid was created in a lab..
    you guys are talking like these guys stumble into the finesse. its way more devious
    just wait till they bring out designer babies. lets see what they do when they can wire your child's brain in the womb


  • Oct 5, 2022
    1 reply

    yall with this again?

    Imagine being a 10 year old in 2030+ and your teacher’s telling you humanity is in an extinction phase with no technology currently in existence to curb or stop it.

    You think the Gen Z’s are some sociopaths? What hope do tomorrow’s babies have?

  • Oct 5, 2022

    contain them to a single thread very smart move this will make the sxn more enjoyable

    thank you S!

  • Oct 5, 2022

    Please let this be true. Need this life to end already

  • Oct 5, 2022

    Imagine being a 10 year old in 2030+ and your teacher’s telling you humanity is in an extinction phase with no technology currently in existence to curb or stop it.

    You think the Gen Z’s are some sociopaths? What hope do tomorrow’s babies have?

    no teacher will ever tell a young student that. f*** you think theyre gonna study on twitter or something

    if you dont wanna reproduce because youre scared of population control and whatnot then good job: you just fed into their plans as directly as you can. I had that convo not too long ago here; not even leftists would consider child-free in the face of global catastrophe, f*** that. any marginalized community will get you out of here with that white woe is me defeatist s***

  • Oct 5, 2022
    1 reply

    bros are scared of 'you'll own nothing and you'll be happy' but dont wanna have kids get those vasecs boys amirite

  • Oct 5, 2022
    1 reply

    bros are scared of 'you'll own nothing and you'll be happy' but dont wanna have kids get those vasecs boys amirite

    What's the correlation

  • Oct 5, 2022
    2 replies

    What's the correlation

    making people not have kids is the ultimate 'depossession' and assault on ones humanity

  • Oct 5, 2022

    making people not have kids is the ultimate 'depossession' and assault on ones humanity

    You don't own your kids

  • Oct 5, 2022
    2 replies

    You could very much argue having kids is the ultimate depossession because your life isn't yours anymore

  • Oct 5, 2022
    1 reply

    You could very much argue having kids is the ultimate depossession because your life isn't yours anymore

    i just want to raise kids with the love of my life

  • stanciu 🔆
    Oct 5, 2022

    glad its back

  • Oct 5, 2022

    i just want to raise kids with the love of my life

    Nothing wrong with that

  • Oct 5, 2022
    2 replies

    You could very much argue having kids is the ultimate depossession because your life isn't yours anymore

    nothing greater than submitting urself to someone else or a goal

  • Oct 5, 2022
    1 reply

    nothing greater than submitting urself to someone else or a goal

    Depends on who or what it is imo

  • Oct 5, 2022
    1 reply

    Depends on who or what it is imo

    of course it gotta be something worthwhile

  • Oct 5, 2022

    of course it gotta be something worthwhile

    Thinking about it I don't see how that could be someone else

  • plants

    there's so many possible climate tipping points and those with their finger on the pulse suggest we're mighty close to a few big ones

    i got one - we are too confident on our food supply but everything is by a thread 🧵

    when you start looking at our waterways

    and you start seeing direct evidence of the choke points of emergency

    what direction is it not coming? you thought covid lockdown was something. wait until food lockdown happens

  • someone asked itt “ what do we do?” in the thread -

    we ramp down on consumption

    if europe had a energy conservation. plan instead of relying on a pipeline for oil & gas (like us) a lot of european citizens wouldn’t die this winter. it isn’t i told you so and it isn’t doomerism to plan. the wealthiest people in the globe have multiple escape routes when s*** goes sideways in america & europe.

    the question should be - why is the 99% SCOLDED to have a PLAN? start with that question

    the answer is - learned behaviour to keep us fighting with each other. break that enslaved response & we have a new starting point.


  • Oct 5, 2022
    1 reply

    Realistically speaking, I don't see it incoming. Not any time soon, any how. There have been multiple times through out history where humanity thought it was living in its end-times. It hasn't happened and will not any time soon.

    We are a highly adaptive species, cockroaches on a larger scale, and we will adapt to climate change, societal disruption, etc. There will be casualties, sure - but we will move forward after a while, like we always do.

    The war in Ukraine will end like all wars end, it will be long and bloody, but it will end in some way one day. There won't be a nuclear armageddon, despite the nuclear sabre-rattling which is all for show, as it always is.

    Every generation thinks it's special in history, we think ours will be the last one and boohoo-woe-is-us, but it won't be.
    It's like Occam's razor, basically. We see multiple ways some things are going wrong or will go wrong, but the truth is always the simplest - this "boring" life and existence will go on, all in it's mundanity.

    When it comes to it - humanity will not end with a spectacular bang, but with a boring whimper. That's just how it goes and there's no reason to believe otherwise.

    Before anyone replies - this doesn't mean we should just let everything go and not do s***. On the contrary, I find life to be beautiful and worth fighting for - in all its mundanity. I just want to help ease someone's anxious mind, that's all. We will prevail, as we always do.

  • Oct 5, 2022
    1 reply

    Realistically speaking, I don't see it incoming. Not any time soon, any how. There have been multiple times through out history where humanity thought it was living in its end-times. It hasn't happened and will not any time soon.

    We are a highly adaptive species, cockroaches on a larger scale, and we will adapt to climate change, societal disruption, etc. There will be casualties, sure - but we will move forward after a while, like we always do.

    The war in Ukraine will end like all wars end, it will be long and bloody, but it will end in some way one day. There won't be a nuclear armageddon, despite the nuclear sabre-rattling which is all for show, as it always is.

    Every generation thinks it's special in history, we think ours will be the last one and boohoo-woe-is-us, but it won't be.
    It's like Occam's razor, basically. We see multiple ways some things are going wrong or will go wrong, but the truth is always the simplest - this "boring" life and existence will go on, all in it's mundanity.

    When it comes to it - humanity will not end with a spectacular bang, but with a boring whimper. That's just how it goes and there's no reason to believe otherwise.

    Before anyone replies - this doesn't mean we should just let everything go and not do s***. On the contrary, I find life to be beautiful and worth fighting for - in all its mundanity. I just want to help ease someone's anxious mind, that's all. We will prevail, as we always do.

    Agreed. Things will regulate themselves. How it’s done and how long it takes we don’t know. What we do know is it’s looking terrible for us specifically.

  • plants 🌻
    Oct 5, 2022
    2 replies

    Agreed. Things will regulate themselves. How it’s done and how long it takes we don’t know. What we do know is it’s looking terrible for us specifically.

    the regulation that will occur in response to the emission/pollution bomb that's been exploding since the industrial revolution will be...dramatic

    but like @MattM was saying we are like cockroaches. we will f***ing persist as long as possible.

    but that same hubris of our tenacity will also be our downfall. it could happen in the coming decades, it could take as long as centuries, but unless some structures fundamentally change or we attain some galactic leap in terms of energy and emissions...shit look grim

    and I say "it could happen" like it's some precise moment, it's not. it's already happening in places, for some people it's already all come crashing down

    we saw how delicately balanced all our various global supply lines are. we know we're running into the upper limits of oil and gas. we know we don't have enough raw resources for a transition to electric energy en masse.

    I know that people have been saying the end is nigh for f***ing millennia but you can't deny that we as a species know more about the world than ever before, and we can observe these changes, and we are tracking lock step with some of the worst predictions from 5, 10, 20 years ago. it's a mathematical fallacy to say that because it hasnt happened yet it's never going to.

  • Oct 5, 2022

    the regulation that will occur in response to the emission/pollution bomb that's been exploding since the industrial revolution will be...dramatic

    but like @MattM was saying we are like cockroaches. we will f***ing persist as long as possible.

    but that same hubris of our tenacity will also be our downfall. it could happen in the coming decades, it could take as long as centuries, but unless some structures fundamentally change or we attain some galactic leap in terms of energy and emissions...shit look grim

    and I say "it could happen" like it's some precise moment, it's not. it's already happening in places, for some people it's already all come crashing down

    we saw how delicately balanced all our various global supply lines are. we know we're running into the upper limits of oil and gas. we know we don't have enough raw resources for a transition to electric energy en masse.

    I know that people have been saying the end is nigh for f***ing millennia but you can't deny that we as a species know more about the world than ever before, and we can observe these changes, and we are tracking lock step with some of the worst predictions from 5, 10, 20 years ago. it's a mathematical fallacy to say that because it hasnt happened yet it's never going to.

    I agree with you on all fronts. For our and coming generations, I pray a miracle innovation will bail us out. Otherwise there’s not much to look forward to.

    Oct 5, 2022

    nothing greater than submitting urself to someone else or a goal

    ok Kylo
