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  • Hi-C 🦌
    May 7, 2020
    Durag Jesus

    It is what it is man

    We gotta work on investing in our own circle

    Problem is when we actually made process, Reagan created the war on d**** and locked up a f*** ton of “criminals.” No one cares though

  • May 7, 2020
    1 reply

    Africans love black americans pleeease stop perpetuating that s***.

    A few niggas love running with that narrative

  • yungcartier

    The problem is tho, that the black people that are/gain power are either part of the agenda to destroy the black community or get killed/get their power taken away if they try to help the community.

    I see what you’re saying but the problem lies in very few black people holding those positions in the first place.

    If more brothers had those positions you would see more solid niggas in there making a difference

  • Hi-C 🦌
    May 7, 2020
    CNA Lov3ly

    Not too long ago they were saying we werent good enough or smart enough to play sports

    But now we dominate in so many different lanes


    I'm proud to see my ppl climbing up

    Yeah but the problem is, those areas in life are 1 in a million type of stories. You don’t hear the stories about the kid who focused on school and lifted themselces from poverty to the middle class. Those are more realistic ways for social mobility.

    While I’m glad that black people have found a success in athletics and whatnot, the narrative that it’s a meritocracy further pushes those who are being oppressed down because it not only sells them on a false dream, it tells everyone else that that’s the acceptable and proper way to lift yourself from poverty, not tackling the systemic issues that surround black people in this country.

  • Hi-C 🦌
    May 7, 2020
    CNA Lov3ly

    Bruh as the whole world treats African Americans funny when they move over here. They smile in our face and talk s*** about us behind our backs. They claim we're lazy and unintelligent.

    And you dismissing it is part of the problem. You claim we're just making up rhetoric and that we need to get over it. That's what everyone says about it. Goofy asses.

    You know how many times I've been called "one of the good ones"? Smh

    Too many times have I had to sit around foreigners and smile and nod while they tell me their opinions of African Americans.

    For real bro. I’m light skin and the amount of f***ing times I’ve heard “you’re really white for a black persons” or “you’re one of the good ones” or a similar notion is awful. Completely ignores the issue and dehumanizes black people all together. S*** is f***ed up

  • Been known

  • If that was true there would be no outrage for all of the injustices against black people. Obviously that’s not the case.

    Society cares. The institutions do not.

  • Enpax

    Actually, black people are proportionately represented among law enforcement. What we see is a classic example of black police showing out for the white cop

    It depends on where you stay at.

    In Baltimore cops/black people always got along because a majority of cops were black and understood how to communicate and police the community.

    The only time I remember any f***ed up s*** happening was the Freddie grey situation, and I lived there when it happened and those were white cops who killed him

    I know Atlanta, DC, and Charlotte have majority black police forces and you don’t hear much about brutality there either unless it’s a white cop doing it.

  • May 7, 2020
    1 reply
    Scratchin Mamba

    You've just had bad personal experiences with Africans and are now generalizing that to all Africans.

    Bruh there's definitely a general opinion of African Americans from other races. I have friends who are Africans. In fact Im literally at work with a small community of Africans. They like me. We get along great. But I've been told too many times not to be "like the other black ppl".

    Hold up. For the record this isn't aimed at Africans. Y'all just tried to single that point out in one of my posts. This is a general thing. Every foreign nationality has a general view of African Americans. It's not that we have a rhetoric of them. There's a general universal rhetoric of us.

    And I get it. As humans we do naturally harbor some ideas of other races. But I think I can speak for most when I say that as African Americans our rhetoric of other races is defensive.

    How do I feel about Asians? I feel they look down on African Americans.

    How do I feel about whites? I feel they look down on African Americans.

    How do I feel about Russians? I feel like they look down on African Americans.

    I genuinely feel like I can say that same statement about almost every nationality.

    Other races treat us as a whole like we come from a people that are liars thieves rapists and murderers.

    Which is ironic cause they hold white ppl to a gold standard when they literally do come from a people that lied stole raped and murdered my ppl.

    They treated us like cattle. They beat and bred us like livestock.

    Yet the world treats them like they're something to look up to.

    That's the world African Americans live in smh

  • May 7, 2020
    3 replies

    Can’t blame some wypipo for turning a blind eye when stuff like this happens since a lot of yall are on some literal “fuck all white people / we don’t need their help anyway” s*** all the time

    And I don’t blame yall for being that way either, I guess I’m trying to say that you can never truly intimidate people into agreeing with you. Doing that on both sides just builds up even more resentment.

  • May 7, 2020
    1 reply
    Mr Motion

    A few niggas love running with that narrative

    and i dont know why

  • May 7, 2020

    preach op preach

  • May 7, 2020

    Alas ‘get out’

  • May 7, 2020
    1 reply

    Africans love black americans pleeease stop perpetuating that s***.

    Foreigners always talking down on African Americans especially Africans.

  • May 7, 2020

    Yes that’s true

  • May 7, 2020
    1 reply
    Enlighten Brother

    Foreigners always talking down on African Americans especially Africans.

    lol ok bruh

  • May 7, 2020
    1 reply
    CNA Lov3ly

    Bruh there's definitely a general opinion of African Americans from other races. I have friends who are Africans. In fact Im literally at work with a small community of Africans. They like me. We get along great. But I've been told too many times not to be "like the other black ppl".

    Hold up. For the record this isn't aimed at Africans. Y'all just tried to single that point out in one of my posts. This is a general thing. Every foreign nationality has a general view of African Americans. It's not that we have a rhetoric of them. There's a general universal rhetoric of us.

    And I get it. As humans we do naturally harbor some ideas of other races. But I think I can speak for most when I say that as African Americans our rhetoric of other races is defensive.

    How do I feel about Asians? I feel they look down on African Americans.

    How do I feel about whites? I feel they look down on African Americans.

    How do I feel about Russians? I feel like they look down on African Americans.

    I genuinely feel like I can say that same statement about almost every nationality.

    Other races treat us as a whole like we come from a people that are liars thieves rapists and murderers.

    Which is ironic cause they hold white ppl to a gold standard when they literally do come from a people that lied stole raped and murdered my ppl.

    They treated us like cattle. They beat and bred us like livestock.

    Yet the world treats them like they're something to look up to.

    That's the world African Americans live in smh

    I hope you don’t feel that way about Hispanics. I feel African Americans can be just as harsh to us as well. But not saying this to try and start a race war. Mean it in a uniting sense

  • May 7, 2020
    1 reply

    Can’t blame some wypipo for turning a blind eye when stuff like this happens since a lot of yall are on some literal “fuck all white people / we don’t need their help anyway” s*** all the time

    And I don’t blame yall for being that way either, I guess I’m trying to say that you can never truly intimidate people into agreeing with you. Doing that on both sides just builds up even more resentment.

    Who is trying to intimate people to agree with them? And Someone dosent have to like you for you to want them to have equality or basic rights

  • May 7, 2020
    1 reply

    Can’t blame some wypipo for turning a blind eye when stuff like this happens since a lot of yall are on some literal “fuck all white people / we don’t need their help anyway” s*** all the time

    And I don’t blame yall for being that way either, I guess I’m trying to say that you can never truly intimidate people into agreeing with you. Doing that on both sides just builds up even more resentment.

    The people who become more resentful of black people or can't recognize what leads black people towards that thinking werent any true "allies" in the first place then

  • May 7, 2020
    1 reply

    Who is trying to intimate people to agree with them? And Someone dosent have to like you for you to want them to have equality or basic rights

    People on the internet and on social media like twitter who be saying f*** white people type stuff

    And I don’t disagree with anything yall are saying itt, I’m just trying to let you know where that disconnect comes from for old white boomers who don’t recognize the privileged lives they lead

  • May 7, 2020
    1 reply

    The people who become more resentful of black people or can't recognize what leads black people towards that thinking werent any true "allies" in the first place then

    What happened to the people talking about “POC solidarity is a myth.”

  • May 7, 2020
    1 reply

    lol ok bruh

    Are you denying it?

  • May 7, 2020
    1 reply
    Enlighten Brother

    Are you denying it?

    what is the solution you propose?

  • May 7, 2020

    People on the internet and on social media like twitter who be saying f*** white people type stuff

    And I don’t disagree with anything yall are saying itt, I’m just trying to let you know where that disconnect comes from for old white boomers who don’t recognize the privileged lives they lead

    That's their problem to fix. And apparently they need to hear it from other white people

  • May 7, 2020
    2 replies

    and i dont know why

    Its absolutely true, just that they paint it in a way that it's ONLY Africans that look down on African Americans. Both groups do it to each other.

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