spoilers i guess
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rew-UA-ch-Qnew footage from the demo this s*** looks god damn cool
Yeah this is looking good. Man I cant believe this and god of war my 2 most anticipated games of this year are coming out the same day, 9r a day apart. I'm happy as f*** definitely gonna dive into god of war first for sure but this is gonna be a fun winter
i’m so glad this s*** is looking good
that boost highway stage was looking vast as hell
dis s*** looks way too good to be true like whenever new info dumps like the 1 we got today come out i'm just like Nah they still have even MORE ideas???
it just feels like there's a real level of passion/interest from the devs on this 1. ya reusing level designs is gonna be taken poorly be some but the way iizuka explained makes enough sense to me. cyberspace is a distortion of sonic's memories n he sez we're gonna see both that n just brand new s***, which tbh i'm predicting is gonna be like where the memories gettin 2 fragmented/misplaced n s*** just goes full on fever dream n the new s*** we gon see is just gonna be craziness.
combat aint flawless in its polish but there's hella variety n it's fast enough that it doesn't feel like a complete gameplay change whenev u do fight. all the bosses, legit all the bosses so far are fresh
im actually hype as hell
Not real open world
They've said from the beginning that this is what they call open zone, and not actual fully open world.
My problem with this game is it just seems to empty to me
My problem with this game is it just seems to empty to me
I agree to a degree but it's a sonic game not gta.
the sonic map objects and rails look goofy as f*** because they are the only sonic elements in this basic ass
I agree to a degree but it's a sonic game not gta.
I’m not expecting it to be overly populated but I mean like. I just played through SA1 and SA 2 in the last 30 days and they just feel so lively with enemies and such where this just feels like you’re running around with barely any obstacle in your way from the gameplay I’ve seen. I’m probably just being overly pessimistic but it’s because I know how the rodeo goes when it comes to Sonic
I’m not expecting it to be overly populated but I mean like. I just played through SA1 and SA 2 in the last 30 days and they just feel so lively with enemies and such where this just feels like you’re running around with barely any obstacle in your way from the gameplay I’ve seen. I’m probably just being overly pessimistic but it’s because I know how the rodeo goes when it comes to Sonic
Idk from most of the footage I've seen hes been fighting tons of enemies and such. Guess we'll just have to wait until it drops to find out. I'm just hoping and praying they didnt rush this for the holidays and that it doesnt launch as a buggy broken mess. Fingers crossed. Game is absolutely done at this point if its coming early November. I hope they are using these last few weeks to polish this. And maybe in the final game it may feel a bit more populated but I'm not counting on it
I’m not expecting it to be overly populated but I mean like. I just played through SA1 and SA 2 in the last 30 days and they just feel so lively with enemies and such where this just feels like you’re running around with barely any obstacle in your way from the gameplay I’ve seen. I’m probably just being overly pessimistic but it’s because I know how the rodeo goes when it comes to Sonic
One point that i've seen made from some who've played it is that Sonic zips through this map super fast. And it'll be especially ridiculous once you max out his speed to level 50.
He moves significantly faster than the MCs of 99% of open world games(even while they're on horse or in a vehicle). So there's likely a lot of open space between landmarks to account for how quickly you'll be moving around as Sonic