https://twitter.com/nibellion/status/1562010814093180929I posted this already a few posts above
Think this game will be alright. I'm not expecting to be blown away, but I do think that this will be a step in the right direction for the series. All the trailers I've seen so far does look like a game that I would enjoy playing, even with some of the visual hiccups I've seen. It is on track to being a pretty alright game so that's a good base.
trailer gives me 2000's vibes in a good way Also really interested in the fact that beating giant enemies includes platforming
Story Trailer fire
!https://youtu.be/kCaAos6FeV0it's silly but roger's single voice line in this trailer really hammered in just how one-note sonic's characterization has been for the last...many games very glad that all of this is actually going in a new direction
it's silly but roger's single voice line in this trailer really hammered in just how one-note sonic's characterization has been for the last...many games very glad that all of this is actually going in a new direction
Yeah.... I was shocked when he started talking and I audibly said "is that Roger?? 🤨"
Glad that it's finally a new direction though. Roger is a great voice actor; he just hasn't had much to work with. This game actually has a good writer on it, so i hope we get his best performance out of this
Story Trailer fire
!https://youtu.be/kCaAos6FeV0Crying at sonic legit trying to throw hands at a child
Say what you want but the new trailer definitely confirms for me that this looks to be the most ambitious Sonic game yet. I love that the cutscenes have that 3d movie quality to them. Characters look very expressive. Level design looks great too and of course it's a sonic game so I'm not expecting a last of us level narrative but it looks to he fairly intriguing. Plus its coming sooner than I thought. Isnt the release date like a day before God of war or something?
Say what you want but the new trailer definitely confirms for me that this looks to be the most ambitious Sonic game yet. I love that the cutscenes have that 3d movie quality to them. Characters look very expressive. Level design looks great too and of course it's a sonic game so I'm not expecting a last of us level narrative but it looks to he fairly intriguing. Plus its coming sooner than I thought. Isnt the release date like a day before God of war or something?
no offense, but the fact it was an open world game with seemingly high graphics wasnt enough to tell you that?
@VISIONGOD @hayabusa
did this game get any better visually cus i remember the initial gameplay video not looking too great
no offense, but the fact it was an open world game with seemingly high graphics wasnt enough to tell you that?
I'm talking about for the many ppl who have been saying the game doesnt look good. I've been thought this since the beginning and this new trailer really just solidifies what I already thought
did this game get any better visually cus i remember the initial gameplay video not looking too great
Yes if you've watched the first footage they showed, and then watched this latest trailer its night and day imo
i'm not buying this s*** waiting til my friends cop & i can watch gameplay live cuz i'm so scared 2 buy another sonic game
I'm talking about for the many ppl who have been saying the game doesnt look good. I've been thought this since the beginning and this new trailer really just solidifies what I already thought
yeah i get that, but im just sayin the open world setting already made it the most ambitious sonic game
aite so demo footage comin out
this 1 really interested me
this is either lazy because well the obvious or it's genius cus cyberspace levels are intermixing sonic's memories. if this is the case for all the cyberspace levels then it's prolly lazy but if it's only used a couple times i think it'll be a really cool detail
regardless tho i won't deny that it sure is convenient for developers lmao
that bein said it is just the tutorial stage (in both games)
aite so demo footage comin out
this 1 really interested me
this is either lazy because well the obvious or it's genius cus cyberspace levels are intermixing sonic's memories. if this is the case for all the cyberspace levels then it's prolly lazy but if it's only used a couple times i think it'll be a really cool detail
This is just in the same vein as game land from Sonic Colors level design-wise. I'm sure these stages are supposed to replicate progression like shrines from botw so they aren't very long as well