  • Jun 1, 2022
    1 reply

    What is the point of this game? Where are the enemies and objectives?

  • Jun 2, 2022
    1 reply

    This is about to be another classic like Sonic 06

  • oat milk

    the rails floating in the sky lol

    Probably just the speed going by so fast you couldn't see what they were attached to. I can tell this game us going for that final fantasy xv philosophy of a "fantasy world based on reality" or whatever it was called.

  • Jun 2, 2022
    6 replies

    What is the point of this game? Where are the enemies and objectives?

    There a bunch of leaks that a boarder line confirmed at this point(I've been following this game heavy since before it was announced).

    The basic structure of the game is

    • they referred to the game as a "Open Zone" game. Not Open World. The "Open World" is most likely just a glorified Hub World, like what we see in Sonic Adventure, and Sonic 06. Just more stuff to do

    • there's a part in the gameplay showcase where we see the player get to the top of a tower. And he avoids stepping on the middle of the triangle at the top of the tower.

    • Stepping on the Triangle takes you to a traditional Sonic level. They'll be a mix of 3D Boost levels like we see in Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Color, Sonic Generations, and So ic Forces; and 2D levels like the Sonic Rush games.

    • Each "Open Zone" will have 7 Acts. Completing each Act will grant you a Chaos Emerald.

    • After collecting all 7 Emeralds a boss will appear on the map(most likely that big arena you see him run past).

    • The Bosses will be the giant titans we see in the Game Show Awards Trailer. You will go Super Sonic, and after beating the boss, Sonic losses the chaos emeralds.

    • you then move on to the next "Open Zone" aka Hub World, where you do the same thing over again. Transverse the hub, find the traditional Sonic levels, and then beat the boss as Super Sonic, then move on to the next world

    • Rumor is there are 4 worlds, + Chao Garden(the person that created the Chao Garden is the lead producer of the game, which is the 1st time she had said role). And supposedly the Final boss Sonic will get a new Super form. Rumored to be knockoff Ultra Instinct, the same way Super Sonic is a knockoff Super Saiyan

    • Other less likely rumors(which I personally think the chances are low on these) is that Tails, Knuckles and Amy will be playable, but only in certain sections of the hub world. Not the traditional levels. And New Game Plus is the same game but you play as a Sonic reskinned as Shadow.

    Take with a grain off salt, but pretty much everything listed here is 90% confirmed unless Sega changed things. The ppl that leaked all of this provided images, descriptions, titles, and perfectly described each and every trailer of the game, right down to todays showcase; all well before the game was announced. They leaked what exactly what enemies looked, exactly what the puzzles looked like, the rails, etc. all before the game was even officially seen. Sooooo
    Aside from the last bullet point, that's the overall structure of the game.
    In reality, it's just another Sonic Boost game, similar to Unleash, Colors, Generation and Forces. You just have a"Open World" that sandwiches the levels together

    There's also a new human companion in the story. If you look hard enough, Sega actually has been stealth dripfeeding images of her in some obscure places, like Tail's Vtubing channel, and the official Sonic Podcast.

    EDIT: Also, we get a combat trailer on Friday with the enemies. We get a story trailer next week. And most likely will see the actual traditional levels later this month

  • Jun 2, 2022

    Nah this fr looks mid tho

  • Jun 2, 2022
    1 reply
    oat milk

    the rails floating in the sky lol

    dis has been a thing in like every sonic game that's featured rails...

  • Jun 2, 2022

    They fumbled

  • Jun 2, 2022
    2 replies

    i feel like sega just wanted to show off how open the game is so they just gave ign a very early test demo of the game

    which would be fine for like an article where the gameplay doesn’t get released

    but to proudly show it to millions of people

    obviously the full game will be more polished and professional looking just not a great start and hopefully not a sign of what’s to come

  • Jun 2, 2022
    Steady Mobbing

    This is about to be another classic like Sonic 06

  • Jun 2, 2022

    i feel like sega just wanted to show off how open the game is so they just gave ign a very early test demo of the game

    which would be fine for like an article where the gameplay doesn’t get released

    but to proudly show it to millions of people

    obviously the full game will be more polished and professional looking just not a great start and hopefully not a sign of what’s to come

    I'm mixed. Somebody who talked about playing the Tech demo back in January 2021(said he played it August 2020) described this video to a T. This looks word for word like the tech Demo testers player. Right down to there being no newly recorded voice lines and just old Roger grunts. And there being no UI in the vid(Ring counter, map, etc.)

    But at the same time it doesn't make much sense for Sega to send that same tech demo so far away from when testers played it.

    My guess is that most of the effort in the game was placed into the traditional Sonic levels; but the "open world" had not much work put into it since that testers playing, since literally nobody working on the game has any experience in making open world games. So they just put most focus into what they're use to

    That's just speculation on my part

  • Jun 2, 2022
    1 reply

    There a bunch of leaks that a boarder line confirmed at this point(I've been following this game heavy since before it was announced).

    The basic structure of the game is

    • they referred to the game as a "Open Zone" game. Not Open World. The "Open World" is most likely just a glorified Hub World, like what we see in Sonic Adventure, and Sonic 06. Just more stuff to do

    • there's a part in the gameplay showcase where we see the player get to the top of a tower. And he avoids stepping on the middle of the triangle at the top of the tower.

    • Stepping on the Triangle takes you to a traditional Sonic level. They'll be a mix of 3D Boost levels like we see in Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Color, Sonic Generations, and So ic Forces; and 2D levels like the Sonic Rush games.

    • Each "Open Zone" will have 7 Acts. Completing each Act will grant you a Chaos Emerald.

    • After collecting all 7 Emeralds a boss will appear on the map(most likely that big arena you see him run past).

    • The Bosses will be the giant titans we see in the Game Show Awards Trailer. You will go Super Sonic, and after beating the boss, Sonic losses the chaos emeralds.

    • you then move on to the next "Open Zone" aka Hub World, where you do the same thing over again. Transverse the hub, find the traditional Sonic levels, and then beat the boss as Super Sonic, then move on to the next world

    • Rumor is there are 4 worlds, + Chao Garden(the person that created the Chao Garden is the lead producer of the game, which is the 1st time she had said role). And supposedly the Final boss Sonic will get a new Super form. Rumored to be knockoff Ultra Instinct, the same way Super Sonic is a knockoff Super Saiyan

    • Other less likely rumors(which I personally think the chances are low on these) is that Tails, Knuckles and Amy will be playable, but only in certain sections of the hub world. Not the traditional levels. And New Game Plus is the same game but you play as a Sonic reskinned as Shadow.

    Take with a grain off salt, but pretty much everything listed here is 90% confirmed unless Sega changed things. The ppl that leaked all of this provided images, descriptions, titles, and perfectly described each and every trailer of the game, right down to todays showcase; all well before the game was announced. They leaked what exactly what enemies looked, exactly what the puzzles looked like, the rails, etc. all before the game was even officially seen. Sooooo
    Aside from the last bullet point, that's the overall structure of the game.
    In reality, it's just another Sonic Boost game, similar to Unleash, Colors, Generation and Forces. You just have a"Open World" that sandwiches the levels together

    There's also a new human companion in the story. If you look hard enough, Sega actually has been stealth dripfeeding images of her in some obscure places, like Tail's Vtubing channel, and the official Sonic Podcast.

    EDIT: Also, we get a combat trailer on Friday with the enemies. We get a story trailer next week. And most likely will see the actual traditional levels later this month

    Damn all this info you have rightfully earned op of this thread.

    In all seriousness if most of this is true, if it's all polished well enough, I think it will be an enjoyable game and the best sonic game in ages IF like i said its polished and has a next gen sheen to not just the visuals but the gameplay as well

  • frenchpress

    dis has been a thing in like every sonic game that's featured rails...

    I guess now ppl are complaining about it finally because this world is trying to be more realistic

  • 6geW

    i feel like sega just wanted to show off how open the game is so they just gave ign a very early test demo of the game

    which would be fine for like an article where the gameplay doesn’t get released

    but to proudly show it to millions of people

    obviously the full game will be more polished and professional looking just not a great start and hopefully not a sign of what’s to come

    Yup not really off to a good start showcasing the game. Not sure if you care to have been following the new Saints Row game coming out, but they made the same mistakes essentially with their first showcase of that game being a mediocre cg trailer that sold the game short. Then subsequent footage of the game looked better, more entertaining and polished. Hopefully this follows a similar pattern

  • Jun 2, 2022
    1 reply

    God damn not everything needs to be breath of the wild

  • Jun 2, 2022
    Handsome Bachelor

    Damn all this info you have rightfully earned op of this thread.

    In all seriousness if most of this is true, if it's all polished well enough, I think it will be an enjoyable game and the best sonic game in ages IF like i said its polished and has a next gen sheen to not just the visuals but the gameplay as well

    I will say the "traditional levels" will make or break the game, cause they need way better level design than Forces.

    And while I personally liked what I saw of the gameplay for the most part; even if the traditional levels are amazing, they going to really need to justify these open area being so huge. And I wish they went with the aesthetic of the fan game Sonic Utopia, instead of just "realistic world with Sonic stuff in it" to make tranversing look more fun.
    Otherwise it's just large gaps between what ppl consider the "good parts". If they don't do this, then I think they'll fall in the same issue as Unleashed where the general consensus is "the Sonic levels are amazing. But the werehog levels are awful"

  • Jun 2, 2022
    1 reply

    There a bunch of leaks that a boarder line confirmed at this point(I've been following this game heavy since before it was announced).

    The basic structure of the game is

    • they referred to the game as a "Open Zone" game. Not Open World. The "Open World" is most likely just a glorified Hub World, like what we see in Sonic Adventure, and Sonic 06. Just more stuff to do

    • there's a part in the gameplay showcase where we see the player get to the top of a tower. And he avoids stepping on the middle of the triangle at the top of the tower.

    • Stepping on the Triangle takes you to a traditional Sonic level. They'll be a mix of 3D Boost levels like we see in Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Color, Sonic Generations, and So ic Forces; and 2D levels like the Sonic Rush games.

    • Each "Open Zone" will have 7 Acts. Completing each Act will grant you a Chaos Emerald.

    • After collecting all 7 Emeralds a boss will appear on the map(most likely that big arena you see him run past).

    • The Bosses will be the giant titans we see in the Game Show Awards Trailer. You will go Super Sonic, and after beating the boss, Sonic losses the chaos emeralds.

    • you then move on to the next "Open Zone" aka Hub World, where you do the same thing over again. Transverse the hub, find the traditional Sonic levels, and then beat the boss as Super Sonic, then move on to the next world

    • Rumor is there are 4 worlds, + Chao Garden(the person that created the Chao Garden is the lead producer of the game, which is the 1st time she had said role). And supposedly the Final boss Sonic will get a new Super form. Rumored to be knockoff Ultra Instinct, the same way Super Sonic is a knockoff Super Saiyan

    • Other less likely rumors(which I personally think the chances are low on these) is that Tails, Knuckles and Amy will be playable, but only in certain sections of the hub world. Not the traditional levels. And New Game Plus is the same game but you play as a Sonic reskinned as Shadow.

    Take with a grain off salt, but pretty much everything listed here is 90% confirmed unless Sega changed things. The ppl that leaked all of this provided images, descriptions, titles, and perfectly described each and every trailer of the game, right down to todays showcase; all well before the game was announced. They leaked what exactly what enemies looked, exactly what the puzzles looked like, the rails, etc. all before the game was even officially seen. Sooooo
    Aside from the last bullet point, that's the overall structure of the game.
    In reality, it's just another Sonic Boost game, similar to Unleash, Colors, Generation and Forces. You just have a"Open World" that sandwiches the levels together

    There's also a new human companion in the story. If you look hard enough, Sega actually has been stealth dripfeeding images of her in some obscure places, like Tail's Vtubing channel, and the official Sonic Podcast.

    EDIT: Also, we get a combat trailer on Friday with the enemies. We get a story trailer next week. And most likely will see the actual traditional levels later this month

    Sounds pretty dope

    Knew better than to overreact off of a five minute gameplay video like these other nerds

  • Mfers were really crying about some "Why are there rails floating everywhere!?"

    Like are you f***ing kidding me

  • Jun 2, 2022
    1 reply
    Smacked Voodoo

    Sounds pretty dope

    Knew better than to overreact off of a five minute gameplay video like these other nerds

    I mean I would still say that the "traditional levels" will still make or break the game.
    They just need really good stage design.

    But the one thing that always worries me is daddy Iizuka(guy in charge at Sonic Team) mindset of "Children today don't like challenging games and prefer things that are easy; and that's why we're aiming to make the games easier".
    Which is something he actually said, just like the guy in charge at Pokémon.

    Just fingers crossed that the traditional levels are good.

  • Jun 2, 2022

    God damn not everything needs to be breath of the wild

    We gotta stop acting like botw invented this formula

    Also botw was Zelda changing it’s formula so why can’t sonic change it’s formula too?

    not saying this will be good lol but I’m gonna reserve my judgments for when it’s out and I can play it first

  • AshTheRobot

    I mean I would still say that the "traditional levels" will still make or break the game.
    They just need really good stage design.

    But the one thing that always worries me is daddy Iizuka(guy in charge at Sonic Team) mindset of "Children today don't like challenging games and prefer things that are easy; and that's why we're aiming to make the games easier".
    Which is something he actually said, just like the guy in charge at Pokémon.

    Just fingers crossed that the traditional levels are good.

    The game will most likely be easy af which is what will bum me out, but if the game still has interesting levels, and the other hub worlds look cool, I can look the other way a bit. I don't have an issue with super easy games, my problem is with games that are so easy that they are boring IE: Pokemon post-gen 5

  • Jun 2, 2022
    1 reply

    There a bunch of leaks that a boarder line confirmed at this point(I've been following this game heavy since before it was announced).

    The basic structure of the game is

    • they referred to the game as a "Open Zone" game. Not Open World. The "Open World" is most likely just a glorified Hub World, like what we see in Sonic Adventure, and Sonic 06. Just more stuff to do

    • there's a part in the gameplay showcase where we see the player get to the top of a tower. And he avoids stepping on the middle of the triangle at the top of the tower.

    • Stepping on the Triangle takes you to a traditional Sonic level. They'll be a mix of 3D Boost levels like we see in Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Color, Sonic Generations, and So ic Forces; and 2D levels like the Sonic Rush games.

    • Each "Open Zone" will have 7 Acts. Completing each Act will grant you a Chaos Emerald.

    • After collecting all 7 Emeralds a boss will appear on the map(most likely that big arena you see him run past).

    • The Bosses will be the giant titans we see in the Game Show Awards Trailer. You will go Super Sonic, and after beating the boss, Sonic losses the chaos emeralds.

    • you then move on to the next "Open Zone" aka Hub World, where you do the same thing over again. Transverse the hub, find the traditional Sonic levels, and then beat the boss as Super Sonic, then move on to the next world

    • Rumor is there are 4 worlds, + Chao Garden(the person that created the Chao Garden is the lead producer of the game, which is the 1st time she had said role). And supposedly the Final boss Sonic will get a new Super form. Rumored to be knockoff Ultra Instinct, the same way Super Sonic is a knockoff Super Saiyan

    • Other less likely rumors(which I personally think the chances are low on these) is that Tails, Knuckles and Amy will be playable, but only in certain sections of the hub world. Not the traditional levels. And New Game Plus is the same game but you play as a Sonic reskinned as Shadow.

    Take with a grain off salt, but pretty much everything listed here is 90% confirmed unless Sega changed things. The ppl that leaked all of this provided images, descriptions, titles, and perfectly described each and every trailer of the game, right down to todays showcase; all well before the game was announced. They leaked what exactly what enemies looked, exactly what the puzzles looked like, the rails, etc. all before the game was even officially seen. Sooooo
    Aside from the last bullet point, that's the overall structure of the game.
    In reality, it's just another Sonic Boost game, similar to Unleash, Colors, Generation and Forces. You just have a"Open World" that sandwiches the levels together

    There's also a new human companion in the story. If you look hard enough, Sega actually has been stealth dripfeeding images of her in some obscure places, like Tail's Vtubing channel, and the official Sonic Podcast.

    EDIT: Also, we get a combat trailer on Friday with the enemies. We get a story trailer next week. And most likely will see the actual traditional levels later this month

    All you had to say was Chao Garden, take my money SEGA!

  • Jun 2, 2022
    1 reply

    All you had to say was Chao Garden, take my money SEGA!

    Want to reiterate that Chao Garden is one of the things on that list that is kinda 50/50. Nobody has actually SEEN the Chao Garden.
    The only reason anybody thinks it's in the game is because the creator and designer of the Chao and Chao Garden has a huge role in the game. So it's looking like the best chance we've ever had in seeing it again.
    But for all we know, she might be doing something else.

    Her role in the game isn't a leak btw. Her role as lead producer has been officially confirmed.

    My 2nd to last Bullet point in that list is just educated, and likely guesses the Fanbase has, based on the info we definitely know is true. But none of that is set in stone.

    And the last bullet points are leaks that have been consistently floating around. But imo there's nothing that would suggest them to be concrete. Since some of the ppl that leaked those things tend to be credible; I acknowledge it. But I personally think those are are like at 15% chance

  • Jun 2, 2022
    · edited

    Want to reiterate that Chao Garden is one of the things on that list that is kinda 50/50. Nobody has actually SEEN the Chao Garden.
    The only reason anybody thinks it's in the game is because the creator and designer of the Chao and Chao Garden has a huge role in the game. So it's looking like the best chance we've ever had in seeing it again.
    But for all we know, she might be doing something else.

    Her role in the game isn't a leak btw. Her role as lead producer has been officially confirmed.

    My 2nd to last Bullet point in that list is just educated, and likely guesses the Fanbase has, based on the info we definitely know is true. But none of that is set in stone.

    And the last bullet points are leaks that have been consistently floating around. But imo there's nothing that would suggest them to be concrete. Since some of the ppl that leaked those things tend to be credible; I acknowledge it. But I personally think those are are like at 15% chance

    Thank you, but I want to reiterate, SEGA, take my money.

  • Jun 2, 2022
    1 reply

    There a bunch of leaks that a boarder line confirmed at this point(I've been following this game heavy since before it was announced).

    The basic structure of the game is

    • they referred to the game as a "Open Zone" game. Not Open World. The "Open World" is most likely just a glorified Hub World, like what we see in Sonic Adventure, and Sonic 06. Just more stuff to do

    • there's a part in the gameplay showcase where we see the player get to the top of a tower. And he avoids stepping on the middle of the triangle at the top of the tower.

    • Stepping on the Triangle takes you to a traditional Sonic level. They'll be a mix of 3D Boost levels like we see in Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Color, Sonic Generations, and So ic Forces; and 2D levels like the Sonic Rush games.

    • Each "Open Zone" will have 7 Acts. Completing each Act will grant you a Chaos Emerald.

    • After collecting all 7 Emeralds a boss will appear on the map(most likely that big arena you see him run past).

    • The Bosses will be the giant titans we see in the Game Show Awards Trailer. You will go Super Sonic, and after beating the boss, Sonic losses the chaos emeralds.

    • you then move on to the next "Open Zone" aka Hub World, where you do the same thing over again. Transverse the hub, find the traditional Sonic levels, and then beat the boss as Super Sonic, then move on to the next world

    • Rumor is there are 4 worlds, + Chao Garden(the person that created the Chao Garden is the lead producer of the game, which is the 1st time she had said role). And supposedly the Final boss Sonic will get a new Super form. Rumored to be knockoff Ultra Instinct, the same way Super Sonic is a knockoff Super Saiyan

    • Other less likely rumors(which I personally think the chances are low on these) is that Tails, Knuckles and Amy will be playable, but only in certain sections of the hub world. Not the traditional levels. And New Game Plus is the same game but you play as a Sonic reskinned as Shadow.

    Take with a grain off salt, but pretty much everything listed here is 90% confirmed unless Sega changed things. The ppl that leaked all of this provided images, descriptions, titles, and perfectly described each and every trailer of the game, right down to todays showcase; all well before the game was announced. They leaked what exactly what enemies looked, exactly what the puzzles looked like, the rails, etc. all before the game was even officially seen. Sooooo
    Aside from the last bullet point, that's the overall structure of the game.
    In reality, it's just another Sonic Boost game, similar to Unleash, Colors, Generation and Forces. You just have a"Open World" that sandwiches the levels together

    There's also a new human companion in the story. If you look hard enough, Sega actually has been stealth dripfeeding images of her in some obscure places, like Tail's Vtubing channel, and the official Sonic Podcast.

    EDIT: Also, we get a combat trailer on Friday with the enemies. We get a story trailer next week. And most likely will see the actual traditional levels later this month

    if this is true.. why not showcase this? not saying it isn’t it just doesn’t make any sense to show off the least exciting aspect of the game.

  • Jun 2, 2022
    1 reply
    oat milk

    if this is true.. why not showcase this? not saying it isn’t it just doesn’t make any sense to show off the least exciting aspect of the game.

    This is part of IGN First. IGN's show where they dedicate an entire month to releasing reveals for a single game. Meaning they're gonna be dropping like 8 gameplay videos for the game throughout the entire month. So my guess is they're trying to space out the reveals(?)

    We get another trailer tomorrow; this one showcasing the combat.
    So I'm guessing they're dedicating each section of the game to its own trailer.

    One of the things I mentioned is clearly in the trailer released. When Sonic scales the tower and avoids stepping in the triangle pad at the top. He just slowly walks around it.

    I agree that this is a really poor marketing decision, but Sega and Sonic Team are known for poor marketing decisions
