  • Jun 2, 2022
    1 reply

    This is part of IGN First. IGN's show where they dedicate an entire month to releasing reveals for a single game. Meaning they're gonna be dropping like 8 gameplay videos for the game throughout the entire month. So my guess is they're trying to space out the reveals(?)

    We get another trailer tomorrow; this one showcasing the combat.
    So I'm guessing they're dedicating each section of the game to its own trailer.

    One of the things I mentioned is clearly in the trailer released. When Sonic scales the tower and avoids stepping in the triangle pad at the top. He just slowly walks around it.

    I agree that this is a really poor marketing decision, but Sega and Sonic Team are known for poor marketing decisions


    im not too worried on certain aspects like the forces model/physics. i know pc modders will clean that up week 1.
    just hope the level design is up to par this time around. not too keen on them placing rails and dash pads everywhere to avoid writing an actual momentum system.

  • Jun 2, 2022
    1 reply

    I would be more impressed with the gameplay reveal if we hadn't seen the Sonic Community do this, but better already.

    That and the pop in is just

    Damn, haterisms aside, yea I am kinda hyped to see where this goes and I really want to give these niggas the benefit of the doubt. I got Sonic Forces first day it dropped and it was so bad it was actually kinda good, so idk what to expect from Sega anymore.

  • Jun 2, 2022
    1 reply
    oat milk


    im not too worried on certain aspects like the forces model/physics. i know pc modders will clean that up week 1.
    just hope the level design is up to par this time around. not too keen on them placing rails and dash pads everywhere to avoid writing an actual momentum system.

    One thing I never understood is why Sega doesn't just slide a modded a few thousand bucks to just let them use their momentum mods in the actual games and call it a day

  • Jun 2, 2022
    kenni nixon

    I would be more impressed with the gameplay reveal if we hadn't seen the Sonic Community do this, but better already.

    That and the pop in is just

    Damn, haterisms aside, yea I am kinda hyped to see where this goes and I really want to give these niggas the benefit of the doubt. I got Sonic Forces first day it dropped and it was so bad it was actually kinda good, so idk what to expect from Sega anymore.

    “So bad it’s kinda good” is exactly how I’d describe Forces. Put more time into that game than I’d care to admit..

  • Jun 2, 2022
    1 reply

    One thing I never understood is why Sega doesn't just slide a modded a few thousand bucks to just let them use their momentum mods in the actual games and call it a day

    honestly yuji naka or whatever his name is needs to give up.

    hand sonic off to a new developer

  • Jun 2, 2022
    3 replies
    oat milk

    honestly yuji naka or whatever his name is needs to give up.

    hand sonic off to a new developer

    Yuji Naka is no longer at Sonic Team.
    His most recent project was Balan Wonderland; which was awful. But he's currently suing Square Enix or something because they didn't give him the full development time that was promised. Idk. Something like that

    The current director of the Sonic games is a guy name Kishimoto, who directories Colors, Lost World, Forces, and now Frontiers.

    The guy in charge of Sonic Team is currently Iizuka, which tbh, I think we won't see any major change until he retires.
    Like, I get allowing him to retire and not firing him. He was the game designer and director of the best games in the franchise(lead game designer for the Genesis games. Director of SA1 and SA2)
    But he's extremely out of touch now with modern game development.
    His mindset is making the games as easy possible and wants to offer as little challenge possible because he believes that's what modern kids want.
    And wants to model the games after mobiles games since he views mobile games as being more popular now

  • Jun 2, 2022
    1 reply

    Yuji Naka is no longer at Sonic Team.
    His most recent project was Balan Wonderland; which was awful. But he's currently suing Square Enix or something because they didn't give him the full development time that was promised. Idk. Something like that

    The current director of the Sonic games is a guy name Kishimoto, who directories Colors, Lost World, Forces, and now Frontiers.

    The guy in charge of Sonic Team is currently Iizuka, which tbh, I think we won't see any major change until he retires.
    Like, I get allowing him to retire and not firing him. He was the game designer and director of the best games in the franchise(lead game designer for the Genesis games. Director of SA1 and SA2)
    But he's extremely out of touch now with modern game development.
    His mindset is making the games as easy possible and wants to offer as little challenge possible because he believes that's what modern kids want.
    And wants to model the games after mobiles games since he views mobile games as being more popular now

    yeah it seems like they respect him too much to make necessary structural changes to the studio. it feels like everyone has that ideal 3D sonic game in the back of their minds and its really not as complex as they seem to think it is.

    like colors had to be a fluke? i dont get how they go from that to dropping sonic into a warzone map.

  • Jun 2, 2022

    Combat trailer preload

  • Jun 2, 2022

    There a bunch of leaks that a boarder line confirmed at this point(I've been following this game heavy since before it was announced).

    The basic structure of the game is

    • they referred to the game as a "Open Zone" game. Not Open World. The "Open World" is most likely just a glorified Hub World, like what we see in Sonic Adventure, and Sonic 06. Just more stuff to do

    • there's a part in the gameplay showcase where we see the player get to the top of a tower. And he avoids stepping on the middle of the triangle at the top of the tower.

    • Stepping on the Triangle takes you to a traditional Sonic level. They'll be a mix of 3D Boost levels like we see in Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Color, Sonic Generations, and So ic Forces; and 2D levels like the Sonic Rush games.

    • Each "Open Zone" will have 7 Acts. Completing each Act will grant you a Chaos Emerald.

    • After collecting all 7 Emeralds a boss will appear on the map(most likely that big arena you see him run past).

    • The Bosses will be the giant titans we see in the Game Show Awards Trailer. You will go Super Sonic, and after beating the boss, Sonic losses the chaos emeralds.

    • you then move on to the next "Open Zone" aka Hub World, where you do the same thing over again. Transverse the hub, find the traditional Sonic levels, and then beat the boss as Super Sonic, then move on to the next world

    • Rumor is there are 4 worlds, + Chao Garden(the person that created the Chao Garden is the lead producer of the game, which is the 1st time she had said role). And supposedly the Final boss Sonic will get a new Super form. Rumored to be knockoff Ultra Instinct, the same way Super Sonic is a knockoff Super Saiyan

    • Other less likely rumors(which I personally think the chances are low on these) is that Tails, Knuckles and Amy will be playable, but only in certain sections of the hub world. Not the traditional levels. And New Game Plus is the same game but you play as a Sonic reskinned as Shadow.

    Take with a grain off salt, but pretty much everything listed here is 90% confirmed unless Sega changed things. The ppl that leaked all of this provided images, descriptions, titles, and perfectly described each and every trailer of the game, right down to todays showcase; all well before the game was announced. They leaked what exactly what enemies looked, exactly what the puzzles looked like, the rails, etc. all before the game was even officially seen. Sooooo
    Aside from the last bullet point, that's the overall structure of the game.
    In reality, it's just another Sonic Boost game, similar to Unleash, Colors, Generation and Forces. You just have a"Open World" that sandwiches the levels together

    There's also a new human companion in the story. If you look hard enough, Sega actually has been stealth dripfeeding images of her in some obscure places, like Tail's Vtubing channel, and the official Sonic Podcast.

    EDIT: Also, we get a combat trailer on Friday with the enemies. We get a story trailer next week. And most likely will see the actual traditional levels later this month

    horndogs gonna go crazy with that

  • Jun 3, 2022

    Yuji Naka is no longer at Sonic Team.
    His most recent project was Balan Wonderland; which was awful. But he's currently suing Square Enix or something because they didn't give him the full development time that was promised. Idk. Something like that

    The current director of the Sonic games is a guy name Kishimoto, who directories Colors, Lost World, Forces, and now Frontiers.

    The guy in charge of Sonic Team is currently Iizuka, which tbh, I think we won't see any major change until he retires.
    Like, I get allowing him to retire and not firing him. He was the game designer and director of the best games in the franchise(lead game designer for the Genesis games. Director of SA1 and SA2)
    But he's extremely out of touch now with modern game development.
    His mindset is making the games as easy possible and wants to offer as little challenge possible because he believes that's what modern kids want.
    And wants to model the games after mobiles games since he views mobile games as being more popular now

    I think masuda(pokemon) is the one you're thinking about with the mobile games thing, I dont remember iizuka saying stuff like that with mobile games unless you got an article for that

  • Jun 3, 2022

    Yuji Naka is no longer at Sonic Team.
    His most recent project was Balan Wonderland; which was awful. But he's currently suing Square Enix or something because they didn't give him the full development time that was promised. Idk. Something like that

    The current director of the Sonic games is a guy name Kishimoto, who directories Colors, Lost World, Forces, and now Frontiers.

    The guy in charge of Sonic Team is currently Iizuka, which tbh, I think we won't see any major change until he retires.
    Like, I get allowing him to retire and not firing him. He was the game designer and director of the best games in the franchise(lead game designer for the Genesis games. Director of SA1 and SA2)
    But he's extremely out of touch now with modern game development.
    His mindset is making the games as easy possible and wants to offer as little challenge possible because he believes that's what modern kids want.
    And wants to model the games after mobiles games since he views mobile games as being more popular now

    Bro played candy crush once and said “this is the one”

  • Jun 3, 2022
    oat milk

    yeah it seems like they respect him too much to make necessary structural changes to the studio. it feels like everyone has that ideal 3D sonic game in the back of their minds and its really not as complex as they seem to think it is.

    like colors had to be a fluke? i dont get how they go from that to dropping sonic into a warzone map.

    That reminds me of Shadow The Hedgehog

  • Vlonely 🦍
    Jun 3, 2022
    2 replies

    I wish they’d remake Sonic Adventure 1+2 and Sonic Heroes

  • Jun 3, 2022

    I wish they’d remake Sonic Adventure 1+2 and Sonic Heroes

    At the very least I'm sure we'll get a remaster for SA2 by the time movie 3 comes out, as a tie in to the movie basing its plot around SA2

  • Jun 3, 2022

    I’m optimistic, looks cool and looking forward to seeing more

    Yeah the more I rewatch the IGN first look the worst I feel about this Lmao

    Looks like a tech demo of a scraped game

    Like some Pokémon but PS5 graphics s*** lol

  • Jun 3, 2022
    1 reply

    I wish they’d remake Sonic Adventure 1+2 and Sonic Heroes

    Need a SA 1+2 & Heroes 3D Allstars collection immediately

  • Jun 3, 2022

    Will say, I do wish they made their open world designed more like something like Sonic Utopia. Really fun fan game btw; recommend downloading jt

  • I would be happy with a new age sonic battles in 2022

  • Vlonely 🦍
    Jun 3, 2022
    2 replies

    Need a SA 1+2 & Heroes 3D Allstars collection immediately

    I’m tired of them remastering the original 2D games

    Remaster the best 3D games and I’m sure it would sell great

  • Jun 3, 2022
    1 reply

    I’m tired of them remastering the original 2D games

    Remaster the best 3D games and I’m sure it would sell great

    Exactly. They should have been remade (not just remaster tbh) the sonic adventure games from the ground up. They must not be paying attention to how well recieved a lot of these remakes have been these days.

  • Lol this imo is gonna make or break the reception for this game, this combat video that's bout to drop in a few minutes. Most are already not feeling good about this game according to that last showing, so hopefully this new video is a better showcasing of the game and does some damage control

  • Jun 3, 2022
    4 replies
  • Jun 3, 2022
    1 reply
    Handsome Bachelor

    THIS S*** IS ASS! How does sonic adventure do so much better in looking alive compared to this s***?

  • Jun 3, 2022

    yep classic
