Ya. You know actual artist put their hard work into programming, coding, designing and animating this right? Get your head out of your ass and stop thinking only the intrinsic value you place on something arbitrarily is how the people who made it feels about it, weirdo. Not everything is about consumerism.
You think this damn production has anything to do with their vision? They’re slaves that are doing what they need to do to get by. No artistry is involved in this s***.
Those animators and artists who worked on this so quickly deserve a massive pay bonus
Your avi fire 🔥
You think this damn production has anything to do with their vision? They’re slaves that are doing what they need to do to get by. No artistry is involved in this s***.
Both sides explained the situation beautifully. The artists are on both ends of the spectrum. Unfortunately, there was a redesign but one can’t remove the artistry from their craft. Sometimes it’s apart of the gig. Unhappy customers and clients.
this the guy in charge of the redesign if any of you want to follow him on twitter
Those animators and artists who worked on this so quickly deserve a massive pay bonus
Ya. You know actual artist put their hard work into programming, coding, designing and animating this right? Get your head out of your ass and stop thinking only the intrinsic value you place on something arbitrarily is how the people who made it feels about it, weirdo. Not everything is about consumerism.
My fav KTT2 post so far
Yeah lets hope this doesn't become a trend
Imagine if Todd listened to all the crybaby b****es about Joker. Don't f*** with an artists' vision, even if you think it is bad.
if anything this should be the new standard now that we can react to s*** in real time
an artistic nonlinear story wise Joker film =/= trying to make Sonic the f***in hedgehog look realistic lmao two completely different situations
Ya. You know actual artist put their hard work into programming, coding, designing and animating this right? Get your head out of your ass and stop thinking only the intrinsic value you place on something arbitrarily is how the people who made it feels about it, weirdo. Not everything is about consumerism.
Your overall point is valid but why the f*** would some avant garde artsy mfer come in to work on Sonic and think we give a f*** about "his take" on it and not just the original character and look we love
Lmao at trying to make an artsy realistic Sonic instead of coming up with a whole new character for that and just letting us have regular Sonic
was this a marketing ploy or do you guys actually think they went and reanimated it? I find the latter really hard to believe
was this a marketing ploy or do you guys actually think they went and reanimated it? I find the latter really hard to believe
I think they had to take time to redesign it since Tyson had to come in and direct them to fix it
was this a marketing ploy or do you guys actually think they went and reanimated it? I find the latter really hard to believe
I'm usually the first nigga to call something a marketing ploy/PR stunt but idk man. I really feel like they thought that ugly ass 1st draft Sonic was gon bang.