Feel dumb for not preordering early. Didn’t know they’d be sent out this early
I wanted the orange one but this looks nice too. Have you listened yet?
vinyl came in on tuesday, my aoty so far
f*** me yo i waited till today to order it
fully expecting it to be my AOTY tho if not close
Little Dear really sounds like the opening to a classic album with the rest available now
Always is incredible man she's actually gonna do it
S*** feels like it should be on broadway man
this whole thing
nah this is ridiculous man. this is not fair. These outros on the second half are insane. TTW is def the one to beat for me this year
Commend her on just the whole evolution she was so unwilling to settle or be comfortable after Mazy Fly
The Future
that transition into the ending of the Legacy one of my favorite moments yo
"into the dayylighhhhtt"
P4K did a feature on her and some of the albums influences. What a list lol
I knew she graduated for her masters at Berkley in 2019 but i didn't even realize Mazy Fly was her thesis
She self-produced and orchestrated the album—a grand wonderland exploring reincarnation and eternal love. Though her previous work was primarily synth-based, Cabral opted for an array of acoustic instruments on The Turning Wheel. She gathered an ensemble of more than 30 musicians to craft the record, which is split into two halves: “Above” and “Below.” The former is gilded and lofty, embellished with harp and horns, while the back half feels sunken into the Earth, grounded by minor key piano and coarse percussion. It is a sonic representation of the life cycle: The sun must set, the flowers must wilt. The Turning Wheel is SPELLLING going full fairy tale—these songs are flamboyant and sad, sweet and foreboding, like Kate Bush reading you The Complete Brothers Grimm.
Not blowing me away on first listen like the previous album did, but I feel like it’s a grower
Video for Revolution out! Prob my favorite of the non-singles maybe even the whole thing
Gonna peep shortly, loved the singles.
Video for Revolution out! Prob my favorite of the non-singles maybe even the whole thing
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOd8WGCDu7E&ab_channel=SPELLLINGa movie
Gonna peep shortly, loved the singles.
I was gonna tag you for a sec lol
There’s been a lotta Kate Bush comparisons to the point I felt you needed to know if you didn’t already
I was gonna tag you for a sec lol
There’s been a lotta Kate Bush comparisons to the point I felt you needed to know if you didn’t already
Yeah I've seen the same comparisons. Her album prior was dope so I'm sure I'll enjoy this.