@YUNGRAVERPANTS @YoungNastyShawty @Misfit @Everest @Adam @sab @pneumonia @fiveprestos @Einfinet
i went ahead and just tagged mostly just in case but we got a live performance and interview
@YUNGRAVERPANTS @YoungNastyShawty @Misfit @Everest @Adam @sab @pneumonia @fiveprestos @Einfinet
i went ahead and just tagged mostly just in case but we got a live performance and interview
watching tonight
dont love it (yet) but she absolutely deserves all the love incredible talent. mazy fly is a masterpiece
Does anyone know if she’s black or Indian/south Asian?
She has an amazing look, amazing voice, amazing album. She’s gonna go far
Does anyone know if she’s black or Indian/south Asian?
She has an amazing look, amazing voice, amazing album. She’s gonna go far
She’s black and Mexican. Just learned that in a recent article
3 songs in this s*** sounds refreshingly great
wait till you get to the second half fam. Album split in 2 parts and the vibes go crazy as it progresses
whole s***s an experience
so glad more folks bout to listen to this
I was gonna peep this but I saw the fantano score so imma prolly skip this. no offence to spelling ofc
I was gonna peep this but I saw the fantano score so imma prolly skip this. no offence to spelling ofc
It’s a great album. Definitely don’t think it’s 10/10 worthy but I’m happy for her & hope she gets exposure from this.
It’s a great album. Definitely don’t think it’s 10/10 worthy but I’m happy for her & hope she gets exposure from this.
just one man's opinion
Can someone give me some comparisons of what this is like?
Its been getting a s*** ton of Kate Bush comparisons especially her voice
The album tho for the first half feels like a lot of broadway-like songs and ballads. Latter half is where she goes all in musically. Has amazing compositions
Great world building too