  • Dec 20, 2021
    6 replies

    I guess this is nothing specific about this movie but I think it fits because some users itt have said something similar.

    I really dislike the whole notion nowadays that something has to be RATED.
    I feel like a lot of people go into movies(same s*** applies to music) just so they can get off a rating on twitter or letterboxd or imdb or whatever.
    Like if your mindset about any movie is what should I rate this,you'd be better off without watching anything.
    And I myself am guilty of this sometimes,everyone is tbh.

    How about we sit with a movie instead of the classic or the worst movie ever.
    That instant gratification kicking our butts as a collective fr.

    Also,there is like 0 nuance when discussing something,its either a 10/10 or a 0/10 loool.
    Where the sixes,sevens at???

  • Dec 20, 2021
    Old Man Robin

    this girl on hinge is giving me a very detailed review of why she didn't like this lmfaoo

    our avis fit next to eachother

  • Dec 20, 2021

    just finished

  • that "peter... parker" ned does got the whole cinema crine

    that line is on the level of "ill do u one better.. why is gamora"

  • Dec 20, 2021

    HD GIF Gawd

  • Dec 20, 2021
    1 reply

    You didn't think the feast scene with Norman and Peter and the whole do the right thing was substantial?

    Absolutely not lol, that was basic as f***. I mean a scene like where she’s freaking out about Peter’s identity being revealed. Maybe she’s worried. Maybe she cheers up Peter with a bunch of jokes. Maybe Peter expresses his fears to her. Real emotion. Or just something that lasts longer than half a minute and isn’t “oh look, Aunt May is hot”.

  • Dec 20, 2021
    1 reply

    I guess this is nothing specific about this movie but I think it fits because some users itt have said something similar.

    I really dislike the whole notion nowadays that something has to be RATED.
    I feel like a lot of people go into movies(same s*** applies to music) just so they can get off a rating on twitter or letterboxd or imdb or whatever.
    Like if your mindset about any movie is what should I rate this,you'd be better off without watching anything.
    And I myself am guilty of this sometimes,everyone is tbh.

    How about we sit with a movie instead of the classic or the worst movie ever.
    That instant gratification kicking our butts as a collective fr.

    Also,there is like 0 nuance when discussing something,its either a 10/10 or a 0/10 loool.
    Where the sixes,sevens at???

    It's tribalism bro Lmaoo it's all it is.

    It's the reason why niggas b**** at any critique made no matter how valid it may be.

    Same reason why trolls bringing up Scorsese, Ridley & Denis itt even though they forget that they were asked by interviewers for their opinion on the MCU.

    Same reason why niggas will b**** if you have other Spider-Man movies rated higher than this or other superhero movies rated higher than this.

    And you absolutely right about the ratings s***. I got this and Nightmare Alley around the same rating 8/10, but I can't say it's for the same reason.

  • Dec 20, 2021
    1 reply
    Old Man Robin

    this girl on hinge is giving me a very detailed review of why she didn't like this lmfaoo

    most random s*** ever what lol

  • Dec 20, 2021
    1 reply

    Man I hope. This sxn easily my favorite on KTT and it always makes me sad when people just call things trash or mid without going into detail. Just cause it’s popular doesn’t mean it can’t be delved into. Can’t wait to type some paragraphs on Matrix

    I went into detail, @survival_horror & @Jonboi went into detail as well as others. Niggas b****ed at me about me and nostalgia even though I have my criticism about the older films too, and niggas straight up ignored the other two who had very well thought out critiques.

    This thread's outrage and discourse selective as hell.

    If it's not an echo chamber it's considered hate lol

    Crazy s*** is this is still one of my fave superhero movies of the year

  • Dec 20, 2021
    2 replies

    Brain damage tweets compilation

    For the most part, but this tweet kinda has some merit I think. i feel like there was an easier way to have Peter start from the bottom

  • Dec 20, 2021

    Shouldn't have tobeys spider sense go off when he got stabbed?

    He’s been stabbed before (by Harry) and he was too distracted I think. Happened a few times to the previous spiderman too. When they’re distracted they suddenly forget (doc ock fight too, he gets caught lacking a few times and loses him)

    Or it’s bad writing but I’ll pretend it isn’t lol

  • Dec 20, 2021
    1 reply

    I think imma bow out of the discourse now.
    It’s just a case where this movie is not for me.
    I’ve said my piece, now I’ll let the people who it is for enjoy it.

  • Dec 20, 2021
    2 replies

    It's tribalism bro Lmaoo it's all it is.

    It's the reason why niggas b**** at any critique made no matter how valid it may be.

    Same reason why trolls bringing up Scorsese, Ridley & Denis itt even though they forget that they were asked by interviewers for their opinion on the MCU.

    Same reason why niggas will b**** if you have other Spider-Man movies rated higher than this or other superhero movies rated higher than this.

    And you absolutely right about the ratings s***. I got this and Nightmare Alley around the same rating 8/10, but I can't say it's for the same reason.

    I think its the same on both sides.
    Like you can enjoy your capeshit and still support independent/smaller movies,I never understood people who clown either sides,at the end of the day its personal enjoyment.

    Your favourite movies can both be a 200 million MCU/DC movie and a 300k Sean Baker movie,its not a competition lool.

    Its absolutely tribalism.

    Also I definitely enjoy different movies for different stuff,I agree with you on that too.
    I'm not going into a Scorsese movie expecting some spectacle so I can cheer or whatever.
    Different types of movies bring out different emotions

    I really dislike how any good discussion has basically vaporized off the internet because EVERYTHING has to be better or worse than something else,and its even worse when people troll and compare totally different movies like Denis or RIdley or whatever with MCU.

    Also I despise journalists who ask those questions just so they can get a headline,fuck em

  • Dec 20, 2021
    1 reply

    Absolutely not lol, that was basic as f***. I mean a scene like where she’s freaking out about Peter’s identity being revealed. Maybe she’s worried. Maybe she cheers up Peter with a bunch of jokes. Maybe Peter expresses his fears to her. Real emotion. Or just something that lasts longer than half a minute and isn’t “oh look, Aunt May is hot”.

    I actually thought that scene was really sweet,it left a nice impression on me.

    And I agree with you on everything after that first sentence,those stuff should've been fleshed out in FFH,really weak writing there

  • Jonboi

    Thanks dude. This is just opinions, there’s no need for anyone to get tribal about this s***. I can safely say that this movie is not for me. I’m just not very effected by the nostalgia. I crave new experiences and this film felt like the zombie resurrections of old friends. The whole experience was very… uncanny valley. It’s just really easy to get emotions out of you by plugging in old characters and giving them winking in-jokes. Its a crossover episode. Crossover episodes give you a superficial buzz, but it’s almost impossible for them to feel organic. The stuff relating to THIS Spider-Man… Relationship with Dr Strange and MJ and Aunt May… That stuff doesn’t really hit that hard. So I’m left with a movie that leaves me cold. I dunno man. I just wasn’t very connected, and a lot of the comedy made things feel cheap and fake. To me.

    your point about the nostalgia is interesting. Cuz even though I personally enjoyed this aspect of the movie I wonder how it's gonna effect viewers whose only experience with live action Spider-Man is Tom.

  • Dec 20, 2021
    2 replies

    I think its the same on both sides.
    Like you can enjoy your capeshit and still support independent/smaller movies,I never understood people who clown either sides,at the end of the day its personal enjoyment.

    Your favourite movies can both be a 200 million MCU/DC movie and a 300k Sean Baker movie,its not a competition lool.

    Its absolutely tribalism.

    Also I definitely enjoy different movies for different stuff,I agree with you on that too.
    I'm not going into a Scorsese movie expecting some spectacle so I can cheer or whatever.
    Different types of movies bring out different emotions

    I really dislike how any good discussion has basically vaporized off the internet because EVERYTHING has to be better or worse than something else,and its even worse when people troll and compare totally different movies like Denis or RIdley or whatever with MCU.

    Also I despise journalists who ask those questions just so they can get a headline,fuck em

    We’re always just trying to express the way things make us feel. So if you just say, all superhero movies are the same, that’s actually anti-intellectual and close-minded. Everything exists on a scale. And part of the fun of seeing art, is unraveling how much love we give to something. Ethan Hawke said “I don’t think there’s a difference between high art and low art. There are movies that people put their heart into. And there are movies that people try to cash in on.” I think that sums it up right there.

  • Dec 20, 2021
    3 replies

    I think its the same on both sides.
    Like you can enjoy your capeshit and still support independent/smaller movies,I never understood people who clown either sides,at the end of the day its personal enjoyment.

    Your favourite movies can both be a 200 million MCU/DC movie and a 300k Sean Baker movie,its not a competition lool.

    Its absolutely tribalism.

    Also I definitely enjoy different movies for different stuff,I agree with you on that too.
    I'm not going into a Scorsese movie expecting some spectacle so I can cheer or whatever.
    Different types of movies bring out different emotions

    I really dislike how any good discussion has basically vaporized off the internet because EVERYTHING has to be better or worse than something else,and its even worse when people troll and compare totally different movies like Denis or RIdley or whatever with MCU.

    Also I despise journalists who ask those questions just so they can get a headline,fuck em

    bro you seen my letterboxd lol I enjoy both. But I hate when people try to frame the "indie" vs "blockbuster" debate as if it's an even bout.

    F*** which movie is better lemme give you an example, i live in NY so it's easier for me to catch big and small releases. I saw Titane, Many Saints of Newark & Venom 2 in the same week.

    But for my friend who lives in Georgia, he was not able to see Titane in theaters near him.

    That's the problem me & many others have with the industry today.

    The fact that Disney owns Searchlight Pictures, the distributor of Nightmare Alley & chose to release it the same day as f***ing SPIDER-MAN with little to no promo in comparison is d***head s***.

    Coming from a person who has those two movies sitting at the same rating, regardless of which movie you enjoy better, that's just mad ew.

  • Dec 20, 2021

    I actually thought that scene was really sweet,it left a nice impression on me.

    And I agree with you on everything after that first sentence,those stuff should've been fleshed out in FFH,really weak writing there

    I feel you, it wasn’t a bad scene, I just wanted more. Lot of stuff the movie had to accomplish tho.

  • Dec 20, 2021

    I think imma bow out of the discourse now.
    It’s just a case where this movie is not for me.
    I’ve said my piece, now I’ll let the people who it is for enjoy it.

    before you leave check my post above

  • Dec 20, 2021
    2 replies

    bro you seen my letterboxd lol I enjoy both. But I hate when people try to frame the "indie" vs "blockbuster" debate as if it's an even bout.

    F*** which movie is better lemme give you an example, i live in NY so it's easier for me to catch big and small releases. I saw Titane, Many Saints of Newark & Venom 2 in the same week.

    But for my friend who lives in Georgia, he was not able to see Titane in theaters near him.

    That's the problem me & many others have with the industry today.

    The fact that Disney owns Searchlight Pictures, the distributor of Nightmare Alley & chose to release it the same day as f***ing SPIDER-MAN with little to no promo in comparison is d***head s***.

    Coming from a person who has those two movies sitting at the same rating, regardless of which movie you enjoy better, that's just mad ew.

    Oh yeah I agree with that because im from Europe so most of the indie s*** barely makes it here,but I get every single Disney release a day early lol.

    Prime example for me is how much they botched the French Dispatch rollout man.
    Ive been waiting on that for the longest,they delayed it a bunch of times with no set date,and then they slapped it on a limited release the same weekend as Dune lmfaooooo.

    The industry sucks,and if you not from NY or LA,its more than likely that they wont distribute a movie near you.

    I really really hate that aspect of the industry fr

  • Dec 20, 2021

    We’re always just trying to express the way things make us feel. So if you just say, all superhero movies are the same, that’s actually anti-intellectual and close-minded. Everything exists on a scale. And part of the fun of seeing art, is unraveling how much love we give to something. Ethan Hawke said “I don’t think there’s a difference between high art and low art. There are movies that people put their heart into. And there are movies that people try to cash in on.” I think that sums it up right there.

    Damn I love that quote,really good post

  • Jonboi

    We’re always just trying to express the way things make us feel. So if you just say, all superhero movies are the same, that’s actually anti-intellectual and close-minded. Everything exists on a scale. And part of the fun of seeing art, is unraveling how much love we give to something. Ethan Hawke said “I don’t think there’s a difference between high art and low art. There are movies that people put their heart into. And there are movies that people try to cash in on.” I think that sums it up right there.

    That Ethan Hawke quote is a BANGER

  • Dec 20, 2021

    bro you seen my letterboxd lol I enjoy both. But I hate when people try to frame the "indie" vs "blockbuster" debate as if it's an even bout.

    F*** which movie is better lemme give you an example, i live in NY so it's easier for me to catch big and small releases. I saw Titane, Many Saints of Newark & Venom 2 in the same week.

    But for my friend who lives in Georgia, he was not able to see Titane in theaters near him.

    That's the problem me & many others have with the industry today.

    The fact that Disney owns Searchlight Pictures, the distributor of Nightmare Alley & chose to release it the same day as f***ing SPIDER-MAN with little to no promo in comparison is d***head s***.

    Coming from a person who has those two movies sitting at the same rating, regardless of which movie you enjoy better, that's just mad ew.

    Yeah dude, it’s not “fuck Superhero movies”, it’s “I really hope these other types of movies get a chance to get made, cause I love them so much.”

    And about nostalgia and fan-service. I’m not saying those things are inherently bad, it just didn’t connect that much with me in this case.

    ✌️ and ❤️