  • Updated Nov 28, 2022

    Knowing the troll like nature of KTT, i feel the need to say this: please be respectful to everybody and respect their beliefs as long as what they're practicing isn't harmful to anyone else. I want this to be a safe haven for all sorts of people to discuss, ask questions or share their experiences

    Contrary to popular belief and negative stigmas, OCCULT does not mean anything evil or wicked by default. Magickal practices, rituals, meditations etc can be practiced by people from ANY religion. Educate yourself on the topics you speak on before coming in this thread.. and if you haven't, then don't just assume things before confirming it... which is coincedently one of the first most important rules learned to a practicing (ceremonial) magician. So seems like a good note to end this disclaimer on

    Magickal rituals are everywhere and for everyone. Praying to god is one form of a ritual and could count as magick. So it's more around you then you'll probably realize if you're uninitiated. And even for the people that aren't spiritual and don't believe in either a higher power, astral beings like angels, or directing energy there is a lot to be gained from certain practices. As the writer and occult scholar Lon Milo Duquette coined: It's all inside your head, you just have no idea how big your head is!

    Someone had to do it, used to be a similar thread earlier but i don't think the OP or the thread is around anymore.

    • Connecting with the divine
    • Subconscious
    • Meditation
    • Book recs
    • Qabalah
    • Divination (Tarot etc)
    • Astrology
    • Rituals


  • Nov 28, 2022


  • Nov 28, 2022
    3 replies

    reading guenon rn

  • Nov 28, 2022

    reading guenon rn


  • Nov 28, 2022
    2 replies

    I’ve astral projected before

  • Nov 28, 2022
    1 reply
    my honest reaction

    I’ve astral projected before

    did it get you any b****es?

  • Nov 28, 2022
    1 reply
    my honest reaction

    I’ve astral projected before

    What was the experience like? Positive or negative? I've never done that, but i do have crazy ass dreams on the reguar

    Can't say i personally believe in going out of your body during sleep (going off my own experiences as always) because i belief to be connected with either a higher power or another realm you have to be awake and really focused on what you're doing

  • 8J6 🤴🏼
    Nov 28, 2022
  • Nov 28, 2022
    1 reply

    did it get you any b****es?

    yeah your mom

  • FlyHiii

    What was the experience like? Positive or negative? I've never done that, but i do have crazy ass dreams on the reguar

    Can't say i personally believe in going out of your body during sleep (going off my own experiences as always) because i belief to be connected with either a higher power or another realm you have to be awake and really focused on what you're doing

    idk I remember my body feeling really warm but maybe that explains why I woke up with a piss soaked bedsheets

  • Nov 28, 2022
    1 reply


  • Nov 28, 2022

    reading guenon rn

    He would not approve of this thread

  • Nov 28, 2022
    1 reply

    @op got anything on tarots card been interested them recently mainly due to the art style tbh

  • Nov 28, 2022


  • Nov 28, 2022
    1 reply

    Thelemite here, thank you for making this thread and including some introductory Kabbalah stuff. With Ye's christofash turn its nice to know their are still people in the fandom who are on that enlightened s***

  • Nov 28, 2022
    1 reply

    @op got anything on tarots card been interested them recently mainly due to the art style tbh

    Yeah just find a deck with imagery that attracts you, that's where it all started for me. There's one that i get mind blowing results with every time and it's called the Thoth Tarot deck which is done by Aleister Crowley, so depending on if you have a strong opinion on the man it might not be something for you

    Wouldn't recommend it if you're serious about reading them for yourself, because the symbolism requires knowledge of both Qabalah and Thelema... which takes some time to get used to

    But if you're only in it for the artstyle or reading intuitively i can def say this is one of the flyest out there. Colorful AF

    Another fav of mine is made by a painter called Sebastian Haines ''Tarot Of The Golden Serpent''

  • RICH 💸
    Nov 28, 2022
    1 reply

    @op been casting for i ching readings recently you fw that?

  • Nov 28, 2022
    5 replies

    I just wanna know who the one true god is

  • Nov 28, 2022

    Thelemite here, thank you for making this thread and including some introductory Kabbalah stuff. With Ye's christofash turn its nice to know their are still people in the fandom who are on that enlightened s***

    Hi and welcome fam! That's cool, how did you get into Thelema specifically and for how long have you been practicing?

    I'm not a Thelemite myself but Crowley's Thoth Tarot is what got me really jump started on my personal journey and i've been heavily influenced by Golden Dawn tradition in my meditations so there's some overlap there

  • Nov 28, 2022
    1 reply

    @op been casting for i ching readings recently you fw that?

    Not my field of expertise, so i can't comment on it. Is it working for you?

  • Nov 28, 2022
    1 reply

    Aka Witchcraft thread

  • RICH 💸
    Nov 28, 2022

    Not my field of expertise, so i can't comment on it. Is it working for you?

    very well. but it lends itself to that with its vagueness

  • Nov 28, 2022
    1 reply

    Same here, Qabalah & Tree Of Life is basically the same thing, although the way it's been used in the Western Mystical Tradition / Magickal practices is very different from where Cabalah originated in Jewish Mysticism. Orthodox jews would most likely look at me as a culture vulture for wearing it lol

    edit: damn vro @p_p whyd you delete now i look like im crazy talking to air

  • Nov 28, 2022
    1 reply

    Aka Witchcraft thread

    Not exclusively, and i feel like calling magick witchcraft always makes it sound like a specific direction

    It's for everyone of all background and religions and magick can just be as simple as saying a prayer to god everyday or doing a visualisation meditation

  • RICH 💸
    Nov 28, 2022

    Same here, Qabalah & Tree Of Life is basically the same thing, although the way it's been used in the Western Mystical Tradition / Magickal practices is very different from where Cabalah originated in Jewish Mysticism. Orthodox jews would most likely look at me as a culture vulture for wearing it lol

    edit: damn vro @p_p whyd you delete now i look like im crazy talking to air

    hmmm maybe, but kabbalah and orthodox judaism is separate enough that i think its a non issue tbh..could be wrong