remember when it was about music fr..
brokify is gonna walk back on this in a week after it gets mercilessly dragged on social media
it will be like when IG changed their layout for a whole 1 hour before going back to the old one
yeah i can’t believe they thought this was a good idea to begin with
This is irritating and unnecessary. Spotify’s UI is great and functional.
Dead off the ridiculous Silicon Valley idea that anything older than a year is automatically outdated and in need of fixing.
I can’t even put into words how frustrating this will be if it causes Spotify to lose market share and marketing music becomes even harder than it is now
the ui always been trash
ok and it gets worse every update
Im going back to downloading my music to an sd card
we should all get the colorful ipod nanos from back in the day
Holy cow this change absolutely changes nothing and is a cool discoverability feature.
This forum really full of bunch of boomers who hate change
Spotify home tab is already basically untouched for me bc of how garbage it is
When you have thousands of bored designers and managers you get useless experiences like this
Holy cow this change absolutely changes nothing and is a cool discoverability feature.
This forum really full of bunch of boomers who hate change
its a slow progression lol, u can clearly see the direction they are going for
oh s*** just saw the vid, this is literally nothing who the hell is using the home tab on spotify anyway
what do you like about it
swipe to queue feature
oh s*** just saw the vid, this is literally nothing who the hell is using the home tab on spotify anyway
well ya thats the problem in the first place
this is good
one of the few good parts left