  • Mar 21, 2020

    so peep this. i’m an apple guy but I’ve been digging the recommendations and UI of spotify recently this is where apple music falls flat on its face

    BUT tf this 10k song limit thing is a pain in the ass. as an ALBUM listener, I have to be conscious of adding stuff to my library cos I’ll be hitting the limit in no time

    so I wanna know how y’all get around that as album listeners or people that like to have an organised library? do you curate your own personal library through the playlist tab? let me know

    I want the balance of good recommendations as a constant music digger and being an album listener through and through. it’s giving me OCD

  • Mar 21, 2020
    1 reply

    I don't have a library lmao

  • OP
    Mar 21, 2020
    1 reply

    I don't have a library lmao

    so you just stream?

  • Mar 21, 2020
    1 reply

    i’m on apple but if i were you i’d just save the songs you like the best. can’t you just stream the rest of the album w/o it in your library? or is it an OCD thing about wanting everything in your library?

  • Mar 21, 2020
    1 reply

    Man I hated this s*** when I was using Spotify

  • OP
    Mar 21, 2020
    2 replies

    i’m on apple but if i were you i’d just save the songs you like the best. can’t you just stream the rest of the album w/o it in your library? or is it an OCD thing about wanting everything in your library?

    yeah man it’s a collection thing. just been engraved in me since young growing up in a music household. will have to adjust that mentality

  • Mar 21, 2020
    2 replies

    I dont. My s*** unorganized as hell. My only playlist is the liked song one lmfao

  • Mar 21, 2020
    1 reply

    after my library was full i made a playlist called library 2 to just continue adding albums. also u can save an album without saving the songs from it so u could have 10k albums saved if u don’t save any songs

  • Mar 21, 2020

    yeah man it’s a collection thing. just been engraved in me since young growing up in a music household. will have to adjust that mentality

    i feel you & i’m the same way which is why i stick with apple. imo it’s the best for customizing your library

  • OP
    Mar 21, 2020

    Man I hated this s*** when I was using Spotify

    it’s super woat.

    spotify would be the undeniable goat streaming service if they just removed the song/download cap makes no sense to restrict it that low

  • OP
    Mar 21, 2020

    I dont. My s*** unorganized as hell. My only playlist is the liked song one lmfao

    getting anxiety reading this lmao

  • Mar 21, 2020
    3 replies

    I save the albums and not the songs. Listen primarily thru album tab not through saved

  • OP
    Mar 21, 2020
    1 reply

    after my library was full i made a playlist called library 2 to just continue adding albums. also u can save an album without saving the songs from it so u could have 10k albums saved if u don’t save any songs

    i thought the songs were counted as part of the collection towards the limit even if you save an album as a whole rather than individually?

  • Mar 21, 2020

    Spotify has made it obvious they don’t care about that tho lol. They pretty much moved song library’s to a liked playlist there’s not even a “songs” section in their options

    If you care about that Apple prob the best for you considering you can also customize your library how you want and add your own songs on cloud to stream on any device you sign on

    There’s positives and negatives of each all of em have flaws

  • Mar 21, 2020

    I save the albums and like the best songs on those albums

  • Mar 21, 2020

    so you just stream?

    Yea pretty much, although I gotta build a library too

  • Mar 21, 2020

    I save the albums and not the songs. Listen primarily thru album tab not through saved

    Yeah this too. Im only in my playlist when im driving.

    Other than that i listen to albums front to back no need to DL every one

  • OP
    Mar 21, 2020
    1 reply

    I save the albums and not the songs. Listen primarily thru album tab not through saved

    so saving albums as a whole doesn’t count towards the limit? I thought it did this whole time

  • Mar 21, 2020
    2 replies

    I just have one huge playlist of songs that I like. And I just listen to albums when I want to

  • Mar 21, 2020
    1 reply

    so saving albums as a whole doesn’t count towards the limit? I thought it did this whole time

    they changed it recently. u can save an album straight up now

  • Mar 21, 2020

    i thought the songs were counted as part of the collection towards the limit even if you save an album as a whole rather than individually?

    i don’t think it does i might be wrong tho. the library limit is literally the only bad thing about spotify tbh and maybe the local files thing

  • Mar 21, 2020
    1 reply

    If you save an album it doesn’t save each individual song to your library, so you can save an album and go to your albums tab and it’ll be there

    That way you won’t use up your 10k limit

  • OP
    Mar 21, 2020
    · edited

    they changed it recently. u can save an album straight up now

    wow that’s a life saver I had no idea. i don’t even care about saving songs, just thought i had to be super conscious about saving albums. thanks dude that’s changed it all for me

  • OP
    Mar 21, 2020

    question, what about downloading the album to listen offline?

    does that count toward the limit as it’s technically an alternative way of saving songs on your device?

  • OP
    Mar 21, 2020

    If you save an album it doesn’t save each individual song to your library, so you can save an album and go to your albums tab and it’ll be there

    That way you won’t use up your 10k limit

    thanks g