Think he was beefin with snitches in a politics thread
ffs, my f***ing avatar gone now too. Can’t even find it online it was something Rosalia posted years ago
headphones type game
s***ting myself when I hear a monster behind me in the dark
Yo is this out on gamepass I just downloaded the day 1 patch and it’s still saying it’s too early
Yo is this out on gamepass I just downloaded the day 1 patch and it’s still saying it’s too early
comes out in 5 minutes
ffs, my f***ing avatar gone now too. Can’t even find it online it was something Rosalia posted years ago
Freed just in time had to lose Rosalia for freedom though F***
Hope this game hits outside of performance/glitches. Not like the original stalkers were technical masterpieces
Is it in slavic?
nah it’s just lights up completely light when you over over a setting and the text on the setting is also white so you legit can’t read it from far
they’re adding multiplayer after launch as a free update btw
hope it’s co op really want to play this with my friend only way he said he’ll play
hope it’s co op really want to play this with my friend only way he said he’ll play
the OG multiplayer was extremely pointless so hopefully itll be coop
Oh no another s***ty optimized UE5 game
the game running pretty great on xbox
Performance mode is rough but quality seems alright with medium motion blur
Going to try it on pc later and see if it feels any better
i almost died already wtf was that thing
Those invisible monsters are ridiculous, made me paranoid af yesterday hearing noises and not seeing anything.