its def CTMN but i think Bring Me Down encapsulated him very well too.
But it also doesn't define him fully because there's no singing on it. It's only the braggadocio rap ye
Maybe Blood on the Leaves then
its famous.
I have a theory that it's ye perfecting the song structure he uses on new slaves and ghost town. It's not entirely without influence or predecessors but the transformative use of samples (the purity and ecstatic energy of the chop carries the entire b section without the need for lyrics) in the technique allows him to do one of these every album and reduce the world into an emotional wreck. its extremely powerful stuff and in my opinion it's the thing he can most claim as his own invention
That's not yet even getting to the thematic concerns of the song, which is about the zeitgeist compelling him to action and him compelling the zeitgeist in turn. the samples add texture and textual depth: Italian prog rock inspired by bach (the march of history), on top of a female dancehall dj (meta-commentary on his dynamic with women), nina (elemental love, the divine)
Not a bad pick at ALL
Great a***ysis