Sequel era begins next month and they’ve hinted at bringing OT to CS and Co-Op in 2020 sometime.
i had no idea. That’s awesome. Good looks
should i get the celebration edition upgrade?
If you’re looking to buy skins then yes, especially if you’re going to buy one single legendary skin. Almost all the skins, emotes, victory poses and voice lines for $25 when one legendary skin could cost up to $20.
is it just me or does this have the best graphics of all time?
is it just me or does this have the best graphics of all time?
its just you
its just you
what’s got better graphics
what’s got better graphics
red dead 2
uncharted 4
horizon zero dawn
battlefront is nice though for sure
what’s got better graphics
Battlefront 1 had much better textures blaster bolts and explosions
red dead 2
uncharted 4
horizon zero dawn
battlefront is nice though for sure
i disagree about red dead, i’m on xbox though so idk about the other two
is it just me or does this have the best graphics of all time?
it's up there, especially the fact that it's 60 FPS on consoles
I’m an old man so bear with me
Got this game yesterday from my brother. Do I need to have online in order to be other characters or is the campaign enough?
I’m an old man so bear with me
Got this game yesterday from my brother. Do I need to have online in order to be other characters or is the campaign enough?
Pretty sure you do. I think they got another offline mode where you just kill ai and you can play as different characters
Pretty sure you do. I think they got another offline mode where you just kill ai and you can play as different characters
Well damn
This worth copping for the first time now? S***s $12 on PSN. Don’t have much to lose, looks pretty fun
This worth copping for the first time now? S***s $12 on PSN. Don’t have much to lose, looks pretty fun
Yes definitely worth it at 12 bucks if you're a star wars fan
I wouldnt pay more than 20 unless you're a big fan
Swear I just saw a clone trooper in co-op use force push. I almost turned the game off
Swear I just saw a clone trooper in co-op use force push. I almost turned the game off
Commandos have a push thing
I know ppl bash this game (and usually for good reason) but I still have a hell of time playing
Swear I just saw a clone trooper in co-op use force push. I almost turned the game off
Like @midd said, there is a commando that can use some sort of push attack. That’s what you saw.